Calculator Community => Other Calculators => Topic started by: bfr on October 09, 2006, 09:25:00 am
Here are screenshots of two programs I made in TI-BASIC for the TI-83+:
*bfr takes screenshots
Hmm...the program that flips the area of the screen 90 degrees clockwise isn't working on my emulator for some reason. The emulator emulates a TI-83+, and I programed this on a TI-84+ Silver Edition, and it worked on there. That might have something to do with it.... I guess I can only show you the screenshot of the 3-D realm thing in TI-BASIC. The character, or the "H", can move left, right, forwards, backwards, and can jump.

I might make another 3-D thing later that uses a different technique.
That's preety cool. What do you mean by flip the area by 90 degrees?
For example, let's say that a "0" represents an off pixel and a "1" represents an on pixel. If there were:
On the screen (a smiley face), I could use my program to turn that into:
or a side-ways smiley face.
hmmm..what emulator are you using?
I'm using TiLem .972 for Windows to emulate the TI-83+.
The 3-D one is nice. Will you be expanding it into a game? possible 3D fighter?...
And a screen rotator, hmm. *Radical Pi
Hey wow that is cool! I wonder why no-one has made a Double Dragon type fighter for calcs ... or have they?
hmm double dragon, wow that would rule, It's sad that beat them up games arent popular anymore :(
it was fun sometimes back in the late 80s/90s :D
sound cool bfr!
wasn't chipmaster working on Double Dragon over at cemetech?
no clue, never heard of projects from him. Maybe an old topic somewhere
Aww man, I love the Streets of Rage series on the Genesis! And Battletoads & Double Dragon, and the Goldenaxe series...
- Alex
I only played the NES titles mostly,, ooh yeah and that small game that came with Benryves CHIP-8/SCHIP emu that was called Dragon
*offtopic* I just realized Kevin's member no.1 and I'm member no.10!
- Alex
lol randomness XD

did u noticed the new members ID versus the amount of members registered on the forums tho? O_O