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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2010, 01:54:41 pm »
Woops I meant 9860G, not 9850G. With the 9850G you can link your calc, but good luck getting it detected. I never managed to succeed. With the 9860G it's easier.
Tiny correction: most Casio calcs are PITA to link with the PC, but we are talking 9860G SD here. The last two letters make it very different affair...

P.S. I really hate that all calculator-producing firms like to confuse everyone with suffixes. Think TI-83 vs TI-83+SE and TI-84+SE. TI-83 is quite different from TI-83 Plus (no flash and so no apps) but TI-83+SE and TI-84+SE are almost identical (the faceplate is cool but mostly useless addition, USB is also not very useful unless you own a PS3). The same with HP: compare HP-48G, HP-48gII, HP-49G, HP-49G+ and HP-50. HP-48G and HP-49G are very close to each other and the same is true for HP-48gII, HP-49G+ and HP-50, but HP-48G and HP-48gII are quite different and HP-49G and HP49-G+ are totally different too!

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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #31 on: November 28, 2010, 01:59:00 pm »
True, it took me a while to figure out fa-124, and that with the help of the tutorials on casiokingdom :P
Then again, TI-connect is really hard to use as well (not to mention unreliable) but there's TiLP...
Personally, I'd go with the 84PSE for long term, unless...
Does the 84 have the extra RAM pages?  With the extra RAM pages you can do a lot more.

If not, it might be better to go with the Casio, they seem a lot less common...
There are probably 84 silvers all over ebay, for even cheaper than $53 anyway :P
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 02:01:39 pm by Darl181 »
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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #32 on: November 28, 2010, 02:53:49 pm »
There are probably 84 silvers all over ebay, for even cheaper than $53 anyway :P
There are lots of them, but they are expensive even on eBay. If you are lucky you can buy one for less then $53: I've bough TI-89 (non-titanium) new in a box for less, but "buy it now" offers starts at $60-$65...

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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #33 on: November 28, 2010, 02:55:43 pm »
Tr1p1ea got a 84+ for $20 a few years ago, but the LCD was broken. The only calcs I can get from Canada under $40 shipping included (most sellers won't ship outside USA because they think USA is the only existing part of the world :P) are TI-81s, TI-82s, TI-85s and Casio FX-7000G
Woops I meant 9860G, not 9850G. With the 9850G you can link your calc, but good luck getting it detected. I never managed to succeed. With the 9860G it's easier.
Tiny correction: most Casio calcs are PITA to link with the PC, but we are talking 9860G SD here. The last two letters make it very different affair...

P.S. I really hate that all calculator-producing firms like to confuse everyone with suffixes. Think TI-83 vs TI-83+SE and TI-84+SE. TI-83 is quite different from TI-83 Plus (no flash and so no apps) but TI-83+SE and TI-84+SE are almost identical (the faceplate is cool but mostly useless addition, USB is also not very useful unless you own a PS3). The same with HP: compare HP-48G, HP-48gII, HP-49G, HP-49G+ and HP-50. HP-48G and HP-49G are very close to each other and the same is true for HP-48gII, HP-49G+ and HP-50, but HP-48G and HP-48gII are quite different and HP-49G and HP49-G+ are totally different too!
Ogh right I didn't spot the SD part. However, I got no problems linking my 9860G. I just installed FA-124, then connected the calc via USB and it immediately worked perfectly, even more than TI-Connect with TI calcs. It's with older calc models that I got troubles. With a SD calc it must be much easier.
4. 2 Nspires (since the nspire doesn't really worth a lot)

The nspire IS worth a lot (compared to the 83+ series). It's TI-OS that's not worth much.
The TI-83+ hardware is worth about $0.10 I am pretty sure.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 02:58:51 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #34 on: November 28, 2010, 06:56:46 pm »
Tr1p1ea got a 84+ for $20 a few years ago, but the LCD was broken. The only calcs I can get from Canada under $40 shipping included (most sellers won't ship outside USA because they think USA is the only existing part of the world :P) are TI-81s, TI-82s, TI-85s and Casio FX-7000G
It's the same story everywhere: people don't like to ship abroad. Makes small amount of sense for USA: it's large country and there are lots of domestic sellers and buyers. Makes less sense for UK - but at least it's an island. But when someone from France don't like to ship to Shitzerland... it's just ridiculous. But here we've talked about France - and there are lots of sellers. Most will not ship outside of France :)
The TI-83+ hardware is worth about $0.10 I am pretty sure.
That's what indians thought when they invented their crazy plans. But no, real world does not work this way. Electronic components will cost you almost nothing, that's true, but you still need LCD (about 2 square inches to at least $1.5-$2), plastic parts (about $2-$3 minimum), some soldering work, some connectors... I doubt it's below $5, more likely $10... and that's because of orders measured in millions! If you'll try to order the same parts by hundreds you'll get 10x the price (and don't even think to build one single calculator - it'll cost more then $1000 easily).

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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #35 on: November 28, 2010, 07:14:21 pm »
4. 2 Nspires (since the nspire doesn't really worth a lot)

The nspire IS worth a lot (compared to the 83+ series). It's TI-OS that's not worth much.
The TI-83+ hardware is worth about $0.10 I am pretty sure.

That's a lot compared to TI-OS ;)
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 07:14:32 pm by Qwerty.55 »
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---  = -------------
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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #36 on: November 28, 2010, 07:15:33 pm »
4. 2 Nspires (since the nspire doesn't really worth a lot)

The nspire IS worth a lot (compared to the 83+ series). It's TI-OS that's not worth much.
The TI-83+ hardware is worth about $0.10 I am pretty sure.

That's a lot compared to TI-OS ;)

So, we can assume Texas makes a lot of profit :)

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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #37 on: November 29, 2010, 04:44:36 pm »
Yeah $0.10 was a bit of an exageration, though. It was in reference to how you can get a 1.7 GHz computer for cheaper than a TI-83+ over here now. Granted, it is used, but there's a huge difference between 1.7 GHz and 6 Mhz. It was also in reference to how greedy Texas Instrument is and the monopoly they have and the fact they could put better hardware in their calcs for not much higher in money. XKCD comic #768 is so right about that:

 If Casio Prizm ever becomes popular and that Casio FX-9860GII sales pick up, I am sure TI may need to reduce their prices and they would still make profits.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2010, 04:45:05 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #38 on: December 01, 2010, 11:27:31 am »
geez I found this on the INternet

only 70€ for a TI-Nspire!!!!!!!! :o

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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #39 on: December 01, 2010, 11:55:11 am »
Granted, it is used, but there's a huge difference between 1.7 GHz and 6 Mhz.
Quite a difference I'd say: 6MHz calculator will work for weeks on four AAA batteries, 1.7 GHz computer will not work at all. Even 90MHz TI-Nspire is battery hog.

It was also in reference to how greedy Texas Instrument is and the monopoly they have and the fact they could put better hardware in their calcs for not much higher in money.
Well, they did - but as compensation they crippled OS.

If Casio Prizm ever becomes popular and that Casio FX-9860GII sales pick up, I am sure TI may need to reduce their prices and they would still make profits.
Doubt it. They have a virtual monopoly. If schools have textbooks which can onl be used with TI calcs then what choice do you have?

HP calcs were always better then TI (but were and are quite hard to master), Casio's offers are slightly better - but it does not really matter because TI sells teacher packs and so you can getting you fix in any case.

And TI-Nspire all said and done is nice and powerful calculator. If you don't want to run tetris on it, that is.

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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #40 on: December 01, 2010, 02:33:29 pm »
Well I personally found the Nspire to be pretty hard to use. I don't find the OS to be very user-friendly. On the 83+ it was so much easier to access stuff.

I also didn't realize school books were written purposely to be used with TI calcs. ???

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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #41 on: December 03, 2010, 09:23:59 am »
Well I personally found the Nspire to be pretty hard to use. I don't find the OS to be very user-friendly. On the 83+ it was so much easier to access stuff.

I also didn't realize school books were written purposely to be used with TI calcs. ???

my maths book is made to be used with TI calcs... they have a very small chapter on how to use Casios, but it is just how to turn it on/off xD ::) ._.

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« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 09:24:57 am by rayquaza59 »

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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #42 on: December 03, 2010, 10:14:49 am »
i wonder if this TI-ops opinion will change when Casio Prizm comes out officialliy...
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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #43 on: December 03, 2010, 05:47:18 pm »
Well I personally found the Nspire to be pretty hard to use. I don't find the OS to be very user-friendly. On the 83+ it was so much easier to access stuff.

I also didn't realize school books were written purposely to be used with TI calcs. ???

my maths book is made to be used with TI calcs... they have a very small chapter on how to use Casios, but it is just how to turn it on/off xD ::) ._.

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I see. I guess the books we had over here didn't really take in account calculators, although i remember one screenshot of a 82 once. Teachers still recommended us a 82/83 family calc, though, or 80 for lower level maths. I guess Casios could have done but they sometimes explained how to graph stuff in front of the class with the TI-Viewscreen projector thing.

And yeah there are some new smilies.

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Re: A choice to make between a Casio and a TI
« Reply #44 on: December 03, 2010, 05:48:53 pm »
I also didn't realize school books were written purposely to be used with TI calcs. ???

Yep, I had one that was written for TI calculators with screenshots and activities.
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---  = -------------
∂x²        ℏ²Ψ