Author Topic: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates  (Read 27210 times)

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #45 on: November 16, 2011, 12:47:28 am »
ASM is not good for writing floating-point math programs
If by floating-point you happen to mean binary floating-point, and not that awkward base 10 format, then coincidentally I happen to be doing that right now. :)

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #46 on: November 16, 2011, 01:22:33 am »
You are right in a lot of points:
-I didn't know about the different cultures
-My post was a lot more violent than yours, and aimed you a lot, instead of being non specific
-My post was hurtful, but NOT a bashing post

My post was not really meant to be hurt you but a little bit ;). I wanted you to feel what people felt when you criticized Axe. That is all. I already told you that I am using DoorsCS, so I don't think it is that bad. It was not meant to be an insult or a true hurtful post, more like a "now you know how they feel".

And you really want me to do that topic on Cemetech ;)
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #47 on: November 16, 2011, 02:10:50 am »
Yes, I really do.  I want to know which part of the user experience feel sluggish to you so I can either help you figure out how all the key shortcuts might help, discover that it's nothing I can fix, or find it's something I can optimize.  And I'd enjoy the opportunity to enumerate the different pieces that fit together to make up that 48KB and why I believe it's packed to the bursting point, with not an ounce of fluff.  Thanks for your response, Hayleia, and I'm glad you see my points.  I'm also happy to have educated you about the differences between the people who spend more time at Cemetech and those that spend more time here.  I hope we'll continue to see you around.  I'm glad to hear that your post was meant to not be bashing (but was meant a little hurtful?).  Anyway, as we agreed, with few exceptions the posts in the original thread were opinions, even criticisms (and complements), but criticisms and compliments that are all opinions, and thus valid as opinions.  Thanks for clarifying your motives.

Jacobly: I mean sign-exponent-mantissa, like the TI floating-point format and IEEE754.

Darl: Aye, I believe it took them >1KB to replicate the basic functionality of a DCS-style mouse, at which point they decided to instead make an Axiom wrapping the DCS GUI functions.  Unfortunately, it seems to have stalled.

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #48 on: November 16, 2011, 03:07:38 am »
Axe is not good for trying to make a shell or GUI API.
Now I wanna make an Axe GUI.


Axe makes GUIs relatively easy. However, APIs become exceedingly difficult once you start dealing with the relative of low level access Axe gives you. I've tried and failed at making a half decent GUI API before :P

EDIT: On second thought, my current project would make it far easier...
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 03:08:41 am by Qwerty.55 »
∂²Ψ    -(2m(V(x)-E)Ψ
---  = -------------
∂x²        ℏ²Ψ

Offline jacobly

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #49 on: November 16, 2011, 03:12:41 am »
Jacobly: I mean sign-exponent-mantissa, like the TI floating-point format and IEEE754.
Sorry, I wasn't very clear in my post. I actually was talking about sign-exponent-mantissa floating point numbers.
What I was referring to in my post was that TI floating-point numbers are base 10 and IEEE754 are base 2.
I'm not exactly using one of the IEEE754 specifications atm, but a 24 bit version split up into 1-7-16 bits.

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« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 03:29:49 am by jacobly »

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #50 on: November 16, 2011, 03:16:34 am »
You know, that mouse talk almost makes me want to go on with that DCS Illusiat 5 idea at one point. :P

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #51 on: November 16, 2011, 05:00:26 am »
...The only people who lose are those that see attacks in intellectual debate, which based on the later posts in this thread, it seems no one is doing anymore...
Is my post one of them? I probably did feel attacked in some way, because I have become an Axe programmer and I don't like it that I wouldn't get credit for the programming in my games, which I think I deserve. I still haven't changed my mind about posting that post. Just so you know that.

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #52 on: November 16, 2011, 08:03:13 am »
Ti should just make another language.  We really need a common enimy here.  (no spell check as you can see :/.... I am a math person :P)
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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #53 on: November 16, 2011, 08:11:51 am »
agreed ^_^

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #54 on: November 16, 2011, 12:13:04 pm »
Personally I think the biggest disadvantage Axe and to a lesser extent hybrid/on-calc ASM has over other languages right now is that if your program contains errors and you didn't backup, you can lose your entire progress. However I think that it's up to the user to do the effort of learning to backup his progress often on a computer while programming. When people use some judgement, the on-calc programming becomes an advantage in some ways (being able to code anywhere, for example).

Granted, on a computer you should backup too, but I mean in Axe or lib-enhanced BASIC games you are at higher risk of data loss, since most programming errors will lead to a RAM clear or corruption during testing, while on the computer the data losses are generally caused by laptop failures.

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #55 on: November 16, 2011, 12:30:51 pm »
Personally I think the biggest disadvantage Axe and to a lesser extent hybrid/on-calc ASM has over other languages right now is that if your program contains errors and you didn't backup, you can lose your entire progress. However I think that it's up to the user to do the effort of learning to backup his progress often on a computer while programming. When people use some judgement, the on-calc programming becomes an advantage in some ways (being able to code anywhere, for example).

Granted, on a computer you should backup too, but I mean in Axe or lib-enhanced BASIC games you are at higher risk of data loss, since most programming errors will lead to a RAM clear or corruption during testing, while on the computer the data losses are generally caused by laptop failures.
Not if you set the safety in Axe Parser to 'Auto Backup' :)
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 12:30:58 pm by Stefan Bauwens »

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #56 on: November 16, 2011, 01:07:20 pm »
This feature doesn't work 100% of the time. Sometimes the backup gets corrupted.

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #57 on: November 16, 2011, 01:35:06 pm »
This feature doesn't work 100% of the time. Sometimes the backup gets corrupted.

That never happened to me - there were some bugs with that backup, but in V1.0.5 they are fixed I think.

The most important feature (for me) of Axe is, that the executable is only one program. You do not need Doors, xLib, Celtic or Grammar.
And, because I usually program for people who don't know much about the TI-83+, so if anything currupts, you don't need to set all these up / install them again.

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #58 on: November 16, 2011, 02:41:11 pm »
Yeah they were supposedly fixed, but recently somebody reported that his backups were corrupted again. He might have used an old version, but I doubt it, considering he submitted a bug report.

Also yeah I guess the compiled language nature of Axe can help on the amount of sub-programs, although a lot of people play Super Mario and stuff, so in the end they already have Doors or Mirage and in the cases where they got Doors, then they can also run BASIC games that requires it.

Not that games with multiple files are a bad thing, though, because IMHO we shouldn't judge a program quality solely based on the language/tools it was made in, on its file size (unless the size:features ratio is too high) and the amount of sub-programs. I remember 2 years ago somebody joined Omni and started insulting the work some BASIC coders like myself and ASM coders like tr1p1ea because their games were not just one single file or used pictures. To him, no matter the amount of features a game had, the minute it had 2 files or more or used a picture, that game was not worth existing. That person got banned quick, too. Axe for example limits games to 1 flash page or 24 KB, so inevitably, complex games like an RPG are gonna be split into multiple files.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 02:46:52 pm by DJ_O »

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Re: Anti-Axe/BASIC mentality/debates
« Reply #59 on: March 06, 2012, 04:18:48 pm »
Honestly, I do think they have some good points. However, just because a language is easy (and for many, including myself, it's not) doesn't mean worthless things come out of it. (Case and point, PortalX, Graviter) Actually, in my experience with games, high quality Axe games totally beat all but the highest quality ASM games. (Again, from my experience)

Each language has its uses. Axe is designed for speedy development of games. It was made for programmers to make as high quality games as ASM, in a fifth of the time. (However, as with every language, there is no such thing as a perfect design or programmer)

Something I find personally funny to the Axe/ASM debate, is that I actually find ASM easier than Axe! ;D

So I agree, each language is capable of great things. It's not about what you're given before hand or how you go about it (though the experience of it is important) It's about the product. It's the same in professional development as well. 1. Make it work, 2. Make it fast, 3. Make it small. if one and two are taken care of in one fell swoop, then all the better. :P And if that's not your style, then just make something even awesomer in ASM! But don't bash the Axe programmer because of it.

As a side note, but I wonder how OPIA will influence this. O.O

The hope is that OPIA will be to z80 what C/++ is to everything bigger! I'm quite certain that there will be nothing closer to assembly (for TI z80) that provides all the high-level stuff in place of it (or along with it). OPIA will not be what Axe or Grammer is; but also, nothing will be what OPIA is either :) Thanks, Homer-16, for including my project!! :D
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 04:20:10 pm by shkaboinka »