I had a thought regarding that, actually.
The Nspire has code somewhere in its OS that runs the emu. That code only does one thing for keypads while running: it check if they're in. It only checks for which one is in on bootup. So, if you could find that code and execute it from ndless, it should run the Emu just fine with the touchpad, the only issue being the keymap.
On a side note, I would love the free keypad. I've been dying to mess with the connector, but my parents won't let me, because they think I'll ruin my calc.
Also, the CAS touch in a 1.4 nonCAS boots it into 84+ mode....weird.
I've always thought the nspire would best run a 92+/V200 emu, especially since the clickpad is only short 2 buttons for it, and most are direct maps

and it has enough screen res, or at least close enough.