Author Topic: Been inactive for a while, can someone please help me upgrade?  (Read 5430 times)

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Offline jackhaal

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Okay, so I installed ndless on OS 3.1 quite a while ago, and haven't kept up to date for a long time now.
So, my question is, should I update to OS 3.6 and 'ndless' it? I'm terribly excited - I just couldn't believe it when I saw right now that it came out!
Is there any way to downgrade, or is the anti-downgrade protection still implemented? (I think I'll upgrade anyhow :D)
Should I back up all of my files before I upgrade? Should I delete them then? Is there any place where I can see which apps are compatible with 3.6? Sorry for the heap of questions - I really can't wait!
Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Offline Hayleia

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Re: Been inactive for a while, can someone please help me upgrade?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2014, 09:31:52 am »
You can upgrade, but it is not a good idea to upgrade the "normal" way. You can use nlaunch(y) to upgrade your calculator in a safe way that will most of all give Ndless the reboot-proof property. Using nlaunch(y), you can even have some sort of dual-boot and keep both OSes on your calc, in case you sometimes want to go back to 3.1 (or the contrary, in case you are still using 3.1 but sometimes want to use 3.6).

If you already updated the normal way, don't worr, there's a way to downgrade (with nsNandMgr iirc), to go back to 3.1 and do what I said about nlaunch(y) afterwards.

And you should backup your files, upgrade or not, accidents come fast ;)
No need to delete them though.
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: Been inactive for a while, can someone please help me upgrade?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2014, 10:29:32 am »
Thanks for the reply!
I did some looking into nLaunchy, but being me, I didn't understand too much. So I understand that it b is a utility that allows you to dual boot OS's, but I don't see the why one would do that. What is the reboot-proof property that you are talking about?  Is it something that I should be wary of? And if you don't mind me asking, are there any advantages in having OS 3.1 as well installed?
Will having it and being able to dual boot take up a lot of space on my calculator? I would like to do it,  but I do have wrote a lot of things on my 3.1 that I still haven't gotten rid of yet.
And is there any guide for nLaunch for 3.6? If there was a link, that'd be great. I'm scared of doing something wrong :o
Thank you very much for the help though!  I appreciate it!

Offline Hayleia

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Re: Been inactive for a while, can someone please help me upgrade?
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2014, 11:12:23 am »
So I understand that it b is a utility that allows you to dual boot OS's, but I don't see the why one would do that. [...] And if you don't mind me asking, are there any advantages in having OS 3.1 as well installed?
Well, first of all, you can run 3.1/3.6, but also 3.1/Linux if you want, and then it's really interesting ;)
But if you don't want Linux on your calc, you still have advantages having 3.1 and 3.6 because 3.6 has more bugs than 3.1 and 3.1 supports ThemeEditor. But you still want 3.6 because it has faster Lua.

What is the reboot-proof property that you are talking about?  Is it something that I should be wary of?
After you reboot your calc,
- on OS 3.1, Ndless is still installed
- on OS 3.6 without nlaunch(y), Ndless ins uninstalled and you have to reinstall it (you can do it directly on calc without a computer but you still have to do it)
- on OS 3.6 with nlaunch(y), Ndless is still installed

Will having it and being able to dual boot take up a lot of space on my calculator?
Depends on what you call "a lot" I guess, but you need to have both OSes in your memory.

And is there any guide for nLaunch for 3.6?
Here is a tutorial about that. If it appears in French, click on the flag on the top right corner.
I own: 83+ ; 84+SE ; ; CX CAS ; Prizm ; 84+CSE
Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Offline jackhaal

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Re: Been inactive for a while, can someone please help me upgrade?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2014, 04:14:27 pm »
All right, thank you so much for explaining all that to me! I'll look into Linux and the other things after I've dealt with my calculator. And thanks again for the helpful help! :D