Calculator Community => Other Calculators => Topic started by: elfprince13 on February 21, 2006, 03:20:00 pm
I dont know if you've seen it, but lolje on UTI created color without frying your lcd or in any way damaging or frying it through the use of xLib.
Very nice indeed. I tried it out and you can change the effect of Blue by changing the waiting period between runs.
Yeah someone already made a Pong game in asm with that effect.
Well I never tried it on my SE, but on the 83+ it would look ok. Btw Michael of ticalc was the one who made it :D
wow I just tried it and its amazing, I think it would be cool for thunder animation in magics. I always noticed the screen flash when turning contrast down on the SE, but it is so fast that you dont even notice the blue effect, and it only happpens when the contrast goes from very dark to light
well I did notice that when you turn the calculators contrast way up it looks blue. where can I find a program that uses this blue line thing? and assuming that it is harmless is it possible to up the contrast on some pixels and not others?
The blue line program is harmful but not the new blue screen one. I'll post the code later
Wow are you sure? I've heard that all blue screenness was bad especially on calculators as it damages the lcd. That would be nifty if there was a non-damaging way to do that.
well that xlib one doesnt seems to make the Liquid crystal going out of the screen like the one at ticalc (which got deleted)
With just changing contrast from the highest to the lowest (which this does) it will not damage the calc. But the other way is to overload the LCD (driver?) which can be harmfull.
yeah...the usual way just sends to much power to the lcd. this way rapidly adjusts the contrast
For the xLib blue method, would it be possible to make one area blue without changing the shade of the pixels around it? It would be cool to make an RPG char with blue eyes...
(btw, this gives a whole new meaning to "blue screen of death")
No, single pixel rendering isn't possible with the calcs (unless diff. software/hardware was added).
...or you change the way TIOS percieves contrast...
it's probably more a hardware thing. Isn't LCD uniform contrast? in other words, the same electric current runs through all the pixels, and the only way to adjust contrast is by weakening/strengthing the current?
split from the CDI NES sprite topic
Good, sorry we cluttered your color sprite thread Fred :(
naw, it's okay :)
btw... I found that depending on what's going on on the screen you can get some SWEET effects from this (say my screen had very little on it? then a almost pure blue effect. If I have very convientally placed lines/bands of pixels then I can get a water effect, if I turn on/off certan lines at the right times I can get a auora effect around a column over an enemy, thus creating whatever cool effect I wanted (with testing))
Sounds cool, just like the asm program :D
You get some awesome blue shades AND white AND grey with big circles.
I even made the screen fade from royale blue to dark blue with several for loops and delay
Hehe me too, made it looks like an eye blinking.