Well. This is most unfortunate. Today I turned on my Nspire and it decided to reboot. It has done this a few times since I installed ndless, but I thought nothing too much about it. Today it turned out to be different. It got about halfway through when it said it needed to install a new OS. I have no idea where the OS went, but I sent a copy of OS to my calculator through my newly configured TiLP. Then I check the documents, and everything's gone!

I lost
*A Pokemon save with 43 hours of play time, I beat the Elite four on the calculator :'(
*Completed games of Super Mario Bros DX, Super Mario Land, and Super Mario Land 2
*The game
*Save files for Donkey Kong, Legend of Zelda, and Mario's Picross which I had gotten very far along
*Lots of mini projects in Nspire Lua
*Bunch of crap I forgot about.
Any ideas about why this happened or if I could recover anything?