--> Colibri on Android ! --> -->

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Offline Loulou 54

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Colibri on Android !
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:58:13 pm »
Hi people!

Three years ago I created a game called Colibri (which means Hummingbird) for TI z80.
It was in the context of the TI-Concours 2011, the first edition, which allowed me to win the - brand new at that time - TI-Nspire CX CAS . ;)

Colibri is an original thinking game in which you embody a hummingbird in a field full of menhirs in Brittany where you must eat all the flowers. You can only fly straight and change direction when you are in front of an obstacle (menhir or fence). Beware! There are also magical flowers which transform into menhirs when they get picked up!
Check the capture below. The game is still available on ti-planet.org (click the picture).

Well this year, during a school project, I took the opportunity to develop an Android version of the game with enhanced features! This is the same concept with flowers, magical flowers and menhirs but new elements were added to enhance the gameplay. Along the 36 levels of the Campaign, discover the role of cows, dynamites, cats or rainbows!  :D

There is a Campaign mode with "handmade" levels with a growing difficulty, a random mode where you can play unlimited random generated maps of different difficulty, and there is a multiplayer mode to challenge friends.
Read the description on the Play Store for more details! :)

So here is the link !

The app is totally free and ad-free (incredible!).

Now here are some screenshots !  :hyper:

Dear Android users, I invite you to test the game on your devices and do not hesitate to let some feedback.

Thanks ! ;)

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Re: Colibri on Android !
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2014, 08:41:29 pm »
Pretty nice game here, I think I found another game to lose my time on on my Android device. I like how the music is not fitting at all xD Also the music does not stop when you press the home button on the main menu, and I think you don't explain the controls enough. Otherwise, good job, you and your friends at Télécom Bretagne.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 08:44:37 pm by Juju »

Remember the day the walrus started to fly...

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Re: Colibri on Android !
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2014, 11:15:34 pm »
Heya nice to see you again. :) I will check this out on Google Play when I have some time. Thanks for sharing :)

Offline Loulou 54

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Re: Colibri on Android !
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2014, 10:12:58 am »
Thank you for the support. :)

Also the music does not stop when you press the home button on the main menu

Mmh normally it should.. Actually whenever the app isn't in the foreground, the game switch on Pause and the music stops. If the visibility comes back, the music starts again and you can choose to continue your game.
Oh actually yes, this happens only when you're playing, if you are in the main menu or in the level selection screen and you press the Home button, maybe the music doesn't stop you're right. Try again when you're playing, I think it will work.

I like how the music is not fitting at all xD

Haha yes, the music is a troll at the origin ! The girl in my project group liked how cute and nice the game was and we talked about the music and I said I would make a sweet music. But with another member of my group we laughed about making a hard core music instead to surprise her - and moreover, our tutor was kind of a metalhead so, he was likely to appreciate the joke.. :P And so I created this music by myself (guitar and drums), which I'm quite satisfied of ! :)
The name of the song is "Tendresse". :P

On the same idea, the blood when you get killed by a cat (or crushed by a cow against a menhir) is also in rupture with the kawai aspect of the game. :P Try to complete the levels to be able to play with cats and cows ! ;)
Some of my program available here.. :)



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