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Topic: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming (Read 6400 times)
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First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
March 27, 2013, 10:16:26 pm »
So... Everything has a beginning.
My story:
One day, I was tired of playing Block Dude, and I decided to google games for the TI-84 (I figured TI-Connect had to be useful SOMEhow). Anyways, I found TICalc, did some stuff, started programming Axe, and a year later came here for help with a year-long project of mine (AxeChess).
That's my beginning, what's yours?
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #1 on:
March 27, 2013, 10:28:13 pm »
My beginning is my brother making very simple progs on his casio calc.
Then i couldn't wait to get my calc because iw anted to program, the day i got it i wrote my first hello world programming (only i didn't know hello world programs yet so the text was other text).
Pretty soon i googled for games on my calc and got like day 2 of having my calc mirageos on it with some games, i didn't know how to use archive yet, thought, i eeventually found out grouping. I remember having pacman, mario, tetris and greytunnel (greyscale fast tunnel).
So yeah, then i started making my first basic games that had some value: a program that gave you random claculations and you had to awnser them! Well, as it was only home-screen based you could enter the equasion itself, but it had tons of stuff like difficulties and highscore and everything.
So, then eventually I learned about graphscreen programming, man was I happy!
I wrote my first version of mino, a never published one, it was crappy, but still i was so happy!
Then after some more googeling I came suddenly to xLib and I started re-making mino with xlib, that is the version on my website already. (I didn't really know about the community yet, keep that in mind!)
So yeah, pretty soon after I started making mino I found DCS and I replaced my xLib app with DCS and I joined cemetech! During my cemetech carreer I finished programming mino. I made so many programs that i became on cemetech busiest author #3 (and still am, lol), some time i made hten also a ticalc.org acc and started uploading progs there. Back in those days I still thought that omnimaga was wierd ^^
So, what did get me to omnimaga? Axe did! It bugged me taht on cemetech there wasn't so much support for that, compared to omni, so i joined omni! yay.
Then I programmed a bit more in axe. Then I did computer programming. And IRC bots. Then I took over OmnomIRC, and tomorrow I'll take over the world!
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #2 on:
March 28, 2013, 02:06:12 am »
An older sibling of mine was moving out of their apartment to out-of-state. A bunch of stuff that nobody cared about was dumped in the hallway. In an old backpack's front pocket was a certain calculator.
I think that was August '09.
Lots of messing around with CabriJr, thinking I was awesome.
[2nd]>About. Ti's site used to have a student zone that linked to calcg, I found ticalc from there.
I remember first finding omni when Shift got featured, but thinking it was just another flash games site or something b/c of the theme
Following was about ~6 months of tinycarz, ztris and such in geometry class.
happened. Spread Sam Heald's Mario like the plague, or at least tried to. Messed around with basic a bit (discovered stat-plot drawing independently, woot?). Eventually Axe got featured.
Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 03:40:00 am by Darl181
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #3 on:
March 28, 2013, 03:54:58 am »
... wow he threw away his graphing calc?
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #4 on:
March 28, 2013, 10:10:14 am »
Quote from: aeTIos on March 28, 2013, 03:54:58 am
... wow he threw away his graphing calc?
Thinking the same thing here...
I introduce a few people at my schools to calc games, but they don't program...
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #5 on:
March 28, 2013, 10:47:06 am »
Well, the college education was finished so I guess it wasn't needed anymore
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #6 on:
March 28, 2013, 03:26:05 pm »
I began as a kid who thrived as a social butterfly who wanted to learn about his Dad's career. Dad works for fedEx and is a brilliant computer programmer. I never could quite get anywhere, I didn't understand it well at all until a friend, Garrett (backstory involved with him. He lies a lot but if it werent for his lies, I'd never program. He said he wrote some of MOS, and that it was easy for me to learn enough to get that good. So I went with it.) showed me some BASIC. Within a week, I'd come back with some staggering results, and became a BASIC master, er, rather, good enough that BASIC comes naturally to me and I'm confident I can tackle challenges
I learned Axe, and got into that a little with no real contributions. I am learning ASM, and now C.
been a year and a half since I began!
I'm writing a C compiler to be run oncalc on the Nspire.
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Re: Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #7 on:
March 28, 2013, 03:56:26 pm »
I've always had a fascination with computers, but I often found setting things up for dev was time consuming and tedious. I got my first calc - an 84+SE - and saw the prgm key. Oh, cool! I can program this thing easily! I got into TI-BASIC and I'm now trying to learn Axe. I also have come into possession of 2 Nspires, which I think are fun because of their raw power.
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #8 on:
March 28, 2013, 04:02:48 pm »
I was first introduced into the calculator world by a post on reddit. It was a post showing "Skyrim"(I know you guys don't like the popularity of that). I loved the idea of portable programming. So I got my Nspire-CX. After a month of having no idea how to program anything for the Nspire-CX. I found you guys! And so I made a post asking how to being programming on my CX. You guys showed me LUA.
@TheNlightenedOne You should try that Z80 emulator
Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 04:03:50 pm by Augs
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #9 on:
March 28, 2013, 04:51:20 pm »
I was in 6th grade when my friend Tristan who I sat next to on the bus showed me his TI-BASIC game called Choose. I was fascinated and I started learning TI-BASIC from him and his tutorials. After that school year ended, I didn't have a calculator of my own, so I had to wait for 8th grade to come around, when they give out TI-83+'s. That's when I started my Choose game called Decide. That year, for Christmas, I got my TI-84+SE and I transferred all of my programs from my school calc to it. I was skeptical about the calc websites at first, but in January 2012 I joined Cemetech. Around a month later, I joined Omnimaga. I've been learning C for the Prizm, Axe, and more BASIC ever since.
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #10 on:
March 28, 2013, 07:38:15 pm »
It's funny to hear you all talk about your first calc being an 84/Nspire, my first calc was an 82, the 83+ hadn't even been released yet
That was in 6th grade, i traded a kid on the bus a Pokémon game for his 82. This must've been in 1999. Later i bought another kid on the bus's 83 for maybe $10 or $15. The first year or so i spent playing with TI-BASIC making a little menu-based RPG based off Drug Wars. Once i found out about assembly games i bought a GraphLink and abandoned BASIC for assembly, working through all the "guru" tutorials (like AsmGuru and IonGuru). That was sometime in 7th grade. I spent the rest of middle school learning assembly, though once i entered high school and started worrying more what people think about me i sorta stopped programming altogether. I work on little projects every now and again, when nostalgia kicks in.
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #11 on:
March 28, 2013, 07:50:36 pm »
I was bored in biology one day and just started pressing random buttons. I found the programming menu and just put a bunch of random stuff in a program, and when I ran it, it got stuck in a loop, and I didn't know about the 'press on to break' thing, so I cleared my RAM, as it was an NSpire. I became interested in what the menu was actually for, found a tutorial on making a number guessing game, and here I am today, 3 years later.
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #12 on:
March 28, 2013, 09:14:39 pm »
I started in 7th grade getting a calc for Alg I. Then I got games from friends and got addicted, especially MEMPIE. I wanted to make games like those. So I found Boris Cherney's TIBASIC tutorial. I started making games, found TIBASICDEV while searching for getKey values, learned some more, and then found Omnimaga a year ago.
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #13 on:
March 28, 2013, 09:53:43 pm »
The first time I saw calc games was in late 2000 when I saw someone play Tetris and Nibbles on his TI-83+ in English class. Then it convinced me to buy a calc in July 2001 for school, but also to code. My first programming experience was some sort of dice-pen RPG monsters database meant to be used with the choose your own adventure comic book I planned to create. Eventually I tried to make a text based RPG battle then slowly got into making RPGs.
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Re: First Experience With Calc Programs/Programming
Reply #14 on:
March 28, 2013, 10:19:48 pm »
Well, Grade 10 and 11 maths features graph calcs, so naturally I got one and as soon I saw a PRGM button, I started trying to figure out how to program it...
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