Calculator Community => Other Calculators => Topic started by: Aspiring on March 11, 2014, 03:32:18 pm
Hello everyone!
I was thinking of buying a used cx (non-cas) and then putting the cas os on it using ndless and nlaunch. I do need the cas os but I also want to have a ordinary cx so that I could still take a class from teachers who prohibit cas's (I have a sense of pride so I won't use it to cheat on a test. ;) ). So my question is is this a good idea? I do not want to have to have two nspire calculators (one cas and one non-cas). Has anyone done this kind of thing before?
I hope my question makes sense. :/
Buying a cx cas wouldn't make a lot of sense as you couldn't use it at school.
I'd say go for dual boot with nlaunch, but put OS 3.6 non-cas on it so your teacher can see that you're not cheating.
Be sure to get a compatible hardware revision though when buying.
Although doing that with a brand new calc will be impossible since you are not allowed to open the package in the store and you don't know what you are buying until you open it.
Yeah, that could be hard in stores :P
But if you buy it second hand, then you can check. You can check the OS too (3.6 is more annoying to downgrade).
Thanks for your advice! I will get a non cas cx then and make sure it is between hardware revisions A-I. (I have an arduino so I can reflash boot 2 if the calc comes with os 3.6).
One more question. If the calc has os 3.2 or lower I can also assume that it is between hardware revisions A-I right?
If it has 3.1 on it it will work out-of-the-box. 3.2 runs on HW J and K as well, so that's not a reliable indicator.
Thanks! :D
From what I understood, it also depends on which 3.2 you are talking about. 3.2.3 is more friendly (you can downgrade from it) but 3.2.4 is not (more friendly than 3.6, so with a good HW revision, you can still manage, but not as easily as with 3.1 or 3.2.3).
I think I understand. If a cx is after hardware revision "I" then it is capable of running the boot 2 that is required for ndless. So if a calc has an os below 3.2.4 it can for sure run ndless (but boot 2 may need to be reflashed). I wonder what hackish thing TI had to pull off to make ndless boot2 not run but later boot2's run. ??? <_< Anyway... thanks again!