Author Topic: How did your program or game get its name?  (Read 33187 times)

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How did your program or game get its name?
« on: February 17, 2011, 03:41:46 am »
Here's my story for Correlation:

Around 9th grade I was trying to create a program that would run 3d games using 2d mechanics--that is, without DirectX or OpenGL or the like.  For no apparent reason the word "Correlation" ran through my head, and I didn't even know what the word meant!  (I thought I had made it up.)  My dad explained the meaning, and my program seemed to fit the definition: a correlation with other 3d software stuff

That program never saw the light of day, but I figured that the Ti-83+ lib now called Correlation has correlations of its own

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2011, 03:43:47 am »
Black: It got its name from the way I wanted the game to feel while you were playing it.
Antenora: Named after the ninth circle of hell because the language is so difficult.  >:D
Legend: My correlation project. Named after a joke called "Legend of Zeda: Riemann's Hypothesis" There's no other relation.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 03:47:20 am by Qwerty.55 »
∂²Ψ    -(2m(V(x)-E)Ψ
---  = -------------
∂x²        ℏ²Ψ

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2011, 03:59:10 am »
Illusiat: The original name for Illusiat 1 (back when battles were menu based (although custom menus) and even memory leaks) was Labyrinthe des Illusions (Labyrinth/Maze of Illusions). I still remember the program was called LABYPROG. After battles became what they are now, the game was renamed Labyrinth of Illusions 2. Immediately afterward, an intro was added and the game was renamed to Illusiat, a word I made up that looks like Illusion, which indicates that Illusiat is a place/world/land/planet.

Mana Force: I was just inspired by Secret of Mana series, although the game was unrelated. You could learn abilities that changed your character class, although some got obsoleted by others. The 2nd game of the serie was more related to Mana power, though.

The Reign of Legends: I wanted to start a FF-style named serie, so I tried to choose a similar but different name. The Reign of Legends had no indication on what a game is about, but gave an idea that it was a RPG or adventure game that features magic and the like.

xLIB xLIB Revolution: Since it was a Dance Dance Revolution like game, but had no sound, I replaced Dance with the name of the ASM lib the game used. :P

Illusiat 7: La Légende de Taef/The Legend of Gwaf:
-In French, T=Terre (Earth), A=Air, E=Eau (Water) and F=Feu (Fire)
-In English, there are 2 possible scenarios:
  *G=Ground, W=Water, A=Air, F=Fire
  *G=Ground, W=Wind, A=Aqua, F=Fire
Since the 2nd chapter of the game is elemental crystal-related, I decided to make up a location name using the four element initials or derivatives.

Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter/The Last Chapter/The Final Chapter
-Initially the game was called The Lost Chapter, because it started being worked on so late after the rest of the serie, which ironically saw one new game every 2-4 week back in 2002. However it became clear it would be the last game of the serie, so I renamed it to the Last Chapter, but Final sounded cooler.

Technically, the real final Illusiat was supposed to be Illusiat 2002: La Quête Ultime/The Ultimate Quest, in Early 2002, but I lost the entire game in a mem clear, and I didn't felt like re-doing such massive project again for a year, so the serie continued on with smaller games. The sub-title of that game was re-used in a point and click Illusiat 5 game.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 04:01:37 am by DJ_O »

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2011, 04:30:19 am »
Yumé series: Very literally named, as "yume" is Japanese for "dream". The accent on the 'e' was added to stress proper pronunciation ([you-meh]). The game was also somewhat inspired by the PC game Yume Nikki.

In the originally planned game series, the third game was oddly called Yumé 3 Finality. This was to emphasize that it was the final act of the story arc that spanned the first 3 games. The 4th game, Prélude de Rêve (Prelude of Dreams), was aptly named as it was a prequel. The 5th game, Nightmare Under the Nightmare, was intended to foreshadow the ultimate climax and truth of the game.

The PC game, Yumé: The Eternal Dreams, was originally to be called The Endless Dreams. I kept shifting back and forth between them before finally settling on "eternal". Either way, the intent is to emphasize the fact that if you do not escape, you will never wake up.
IRC EFNet | Nick Su-Hime | Chan #omnimaga, #unss, #cemetech
Yumé - 100% Complete!
Yumé 2: Rika's Story - 10%
 - Hiatus until summertime
Yumé: The Eternal Dreams - 50%
 - World and events
TIBiC/GO C Library - N%

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2011, 05:06:34 am »
The names I give to my programs are rather descriptive... Here's a non-exaustive list.

3Danmaku: An attempt of a danmaku in 3D in DirectX.
Wacky Fun Random Number Generator Wii: Port of the game of the same name to the Wii.
The Quest: Attempt of a Menu(-based RPG in TI-BASIC I made long ago.
RPCO(d): Roche Papier Ciseaux Online. Comes with a client (rpco) and a server (rpcod) (d for daemon, almost all the *nix-based servers have d suffixed to their names)

Trollian for XChat: Named after the trolls' chat client in Homestuck, lets you talk like them on IRC.
ShadowBot: IRC bot written in C#, Named after one of 57o9's administrators.
Teirusu: Another IRC bot written in PHP named after Sonic the Hedgehog's sidekick and handyman, Tails.
Yuki: Fork of Teirusu, means "snow" in Japanese, named after the snow we got here in Québec. Also named after Yuki Nagato, the nearly emotionless intelligence in the anime The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
MeteoMedia: An IRC bot (Seems that I love to make bots...) written in Bash, fetches the temperature from, the local weather TV channel.

And lots of other utilities named after what they actually do.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 11:20:16 am by juju2143 »

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2011, 08:33:44 am »
tiDE: Texas Instruments Integrated Development Environment
KnightOS: Well, I am a coding knight, after all.

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2011, 09:14:55 am »
Contra: Won't bother explaining that.
XDE: The Ax Development Environment.
Absolute Insanity: Well, I thought the last few levels looked insanely hard.

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2011, 10:17:45 am »
Multitab 83+ = Multiplication Tables for the TI 83+
Chemitab 83+ = The Periodic Table of the Elements for the TI 83+, for anyone who wants to memorize the atomic numbers, names, and symbols for all elements used by chemists.
QFIBCODE = Q23 Fibonacci Encode/Decode Program for the TI 83+

Any other programs I've come up with thus far aren't worth explaining their names, since I can't remember their names (excluding the RPG I'm "working" on, of course).

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2011, 10:19:22 am »
Assemblex: Assembly+Hex
uPong: you+Pong (original name)
Racer 3D: Replay: Racer3D (original name) + Replay

I really want to know where 'Axe Parser' comes from.

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2011, 10:20:41 am »
I really want to know where 'Axe Parser' comes from.
Me too...I wonder if it's the same way I came up with "Axe Files"...

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2011, 10:37:56 am »
Okay, these are my programs:

TI-83 Plus Games
BOP-IT: No need to explain
DIE, FIEND: A long time ago in my older brother's Health class, he learned about defending yourself from a bully, and shared what he learned with me. Since he likes to joke around a lot, he said: "Be assertive. DIE, FIEND!" He doesn't remember doing that, but I did when I created this battle RPG (which is really fun, BTW, you should try it.)
RELOAD: The name of the rhythmic hand game that I was recreating. It derives from the dynamic of using a gun.
MORALE: This turn-based strategy game made with xLib relies on army morale, which determines the number of reinforcements that you get every turn.
Axe Zombie: A top-down zombie shooter. Need I say more?
Eitrix: This game is a port of my dad's game, Eitrix, which is a remake of a game he made called Eittris, which in turn is a revamp of Tetris.

PC/XBox Games
SPIN: A remake of another game my dad made, which was called SPIN because the ship SPUN around.
Furball: This is a military term for a really bad dogfight.
7Larn: This game is a port of an open-source PC game called Larn for Windows 7 Phone.
The Slime: On Hold, preparing to add dynamic tiles

Axe Eitrix: DONE

Betafreak Games: Fun filled games for XBox and PC. Check it out at

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2011, 02:30:41 pm » many...
For Tio, I originally had a game in which you try to turn all the lights off, so i abbrevieated Turn It Off and called it Tio.  I kind of liked the sound of that, so I named the platformer i had just started to Tio and the light game to LightOff.
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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2011, 02:58:30 pm »
I really want to know where 'Axe Parser' comes from.
Me too...I wonder if it's the same way I came up with "Axe Files"...

X Files to Axe Files... I hope that's not it :P

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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2011, 03:02:22 pm »
Cadan:CD Calculator Danmaku : Cherry Dragon   <-- named after our lovely cherry dragon ^_^

Tix = Ti Cross


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Re: How did your program or game get its name?
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2011, 03:10:10 pm »
Wallball -- somewhat explanitory
BiMbAlL! -- kind of like basket ball, with a stupid name twist (since it's sorta kinda like basketball)
TIE -- it's a TIE fighter.  lol.
SOLDAT -- unreleased first axe game of mine, a sidescrolling 3 level gray shooter.  I'm keeping it unreleased until I become a famous dude one day.
Trio and Niko: Falling -- Too long of a story for here.  Maybe if I have an hour I'll type it out one day.
Pyyrix's Most Excellent Adventure -- It's a thief named pyyrix.  Also I just watch "Bill and Ted's most excellent Adventure" right before coding this, and since it was an excellent adventure bill and ted had, I named that aspect of this title after this.
Retrix -- a somewhat retro version of puyo puyo mixed with elements of tetris and Dr. Robotnik's Mean bean machine (though most like that last one).  I just made up a tetris-like name that probably hasn't been used yet.
Rule and Conquer -- somewhat explanitory
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 03:10:36 pm by Ashbad »