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Can it let us make entire games by the way?
@Darl, MichaelWhy not give me the logo code, I'll try it on my calculator
from turtle import *from math import *def main(): # Setting up a screen 1000 by 1000 pixels setup(1000, 1000) hideturtle() penup() # This code is designed so that you simply call the functions # you want to use down below to draw the appropriate figure. setheading(270) drawStellarFigure(5, 5, write_total=False) returndef drawTriNum(side_length, tilt=60, distance=10, dot_size=5, write_total=True): """Draws a triangular number (1, 3, 6, 10, etc...) side_length = the length of a single side. 1 -> Triangle with area of 1 2 -> Triangle with area of 3 3 -> Triangle with area of 6 tilt = The way the triangle is angled. distance = The distance (in pixels) between each dot dot_size = The size of each dot (in pixels) write_total = Disregard this, don't bother translating. """ start_position = position() start_heading = heading() penup() tracer(False) total_dots = 0 for i in range(side_length): setheading(tilt) for j in range(i): forward(distance) setheading(0) for k in range(side_length - i): dot(dot_size, "black") total_dots += 1 forward(distance) goto(start_position) # Don't bother translating anything from here to the Return. if write_total: goto(start_position) setheading(0) forward((side_length - 1) * distance / 2 + 1) setheading(270) forward(30) write(str(total_dots), move=False, align="center", font=("Times New Roman", 12, "normal")) goto(start_position) setheading(start_heading) tracer(True) return total_dotsdef drawStellarFigure(vertex_num, shell_num, warp=1, distance=10, dot_size=5, write_total=True): """Draws a stellar figure (like a star). vertex_num = the number of vertexes shell_num = how many layers there are warp = The higher the warp, the more angular the figure. distance = Sort of like the distance between dots dot_size = The size of each dot (in pixels) """ shell_num -= 1 start_position = position() start_heading = heading() penup() tracer(False) dot(dot_size, "black") total_dots = 1 shell = [] for i in range(shell_num): for j in range(vertex_num): for k in range(2): if k: forward(distance * (i + 1) * warp) else: forward(distance * (i + 1)) dot(dot_size, "black") temp1 = radians(180/vertex_num) temp2 = acos(sin(temp1/warp)) right(90 - degrees(temp2) + 180/vertex_num) total_dots += 1 shell.append(position()) goto(start_position) setheading(start_heading - 360/vertex_num*(j+1)) goto(shell[-1]) pendown() for pos in shell: goto(pos) penup() goto(start_position) setheading(start_heading) shell = [] # Don't translate this 'if' statement if write_total: forward(distance * (shell_num + 3)) setheading(0) forward(1) write(str(total_dots), move=False, align="center", font=("Times New Roman", 12, "normal")) goto(start_position) setheading(start_heading) tracer(True) return total_dotsif __name__ == "__main__": main() mainloop() # This runs the actual program