Calculator Community => Other Calculators => Topic started by: kalan_vod on March 22, 2006, 06:09:00 pm
Today I was bored and decided it would be cool to take my 83+SE and put it inside my 83+...WOW!!!jk..
Here are some CRAPPY pics, as my cam. sucks and the lighting was worse...
Post any types of "Mods" you have done on anything! :P

my regular 83+ (the one that can't send/receive prgms anymore) :)
Hehe I seen that before,have you tried pressing down onto the link port when sending files? Or tightning the screws?
i tried the first thing but since I dont know how to open the calc case (not the proper screwdriver to do it atm) I didnt tried the second one
Well you could do a few different things. Like taking a toothpick and dab a little superglue on it, then stick is into the hole with the screw. Wait a few mins and then try to turn it while pressing the case down. If you can't manage to tighten it then get a pair of plyers and try that with the pick. If it works just try to take the pick out, but if you can't then break it off with a little stickin in the hole.
You could by the torx 6, for like 3-4 dollars :P
lol....I traded my 84+SE slidecase for a normal 84+ slidecase and covered it with stickers :D
Nice Mod! :P
haha. I traded my 83+BE case for someones new 83+BE case!
- check all those topics some ppl made pretty cool stuff for their calcs (its a tuning forum in french ) ^^