Calculator Community => Other Calculators => Topic started by: Netham45 on December 25, 2006, 02:33:00 pm
Ok, I am getting/got:one Ti-84 Plus Silver edition, one Ti-86, one Ti-89, and I would like it if someone could reccomend some games.
Also, I have had a Ti-83 BE for some time.
Those are practically the same calculators I have. I have a TI-84+ Silver Edition (which I got fairly recently), a TI-86, and a Voyage 200. My sister also has a TI-89 Titanium, which I use more than her.
Besides the POTY programs, I recommend Ice Hockey 68K (which I heard was buggy, though, but I never really had any problems with it) and, of course, Pheonix Platimum Edition ( for your TI-89. There are many other good games though, some of which I haven't even tried.
Games I have on my 89T (in no particular order):
1. Ice Hockey 68k
2. Chrono Fantasy
3. F-Zero
4. Corridor 99
5. BomberDude
6. XiaoXiao Show
7. Grand Theft Auto
8. Kirby's TiLand
9. Kirby's Quest
10. Texas Fighters
11. Super Mario 68k
12. Othello II
13. Sumo Wrestling
14. S.M.A.
15. Tankers
16. TI Gameboy
17. TI Chess
18. Venus
oh yeah atromash and international karate 68k made by our dear good ol' dude %)
You can also try Arena 3D and other classic games. There are lots at
If you have an 89T, remember to do the whole HW patch and PreOS thing...
...and to avoid double posting within extremly small amount of time between both posts %)
oh yea you should get Space Dementia too