I was bored and started experimenting with my TI-86. So I created to programs: ab, and bc. The program "ab" ran the program "bc" and "bc" ran "ad". Here's the code for them to make it clearer:
The code for "ab":
The code for "bc":
So, when I ran "ab", it just kept on going, like I expected, but I couldn't abort the program when I pressed on. Probably something to do with the programs switching to quickly. Then, after a while, I got "Error 15 Memory". I had a few guesses why that happenned.
I just thought that was kind of neat.
Now, I found out the grayscale background thing a while ago. It involves using the
http://dysfunction.earthforge.com/?p=mlc.php sprite editor. Do make the background, here's what you must do:
1. Type "Asm(spredit)" and press ENTER
2. Select a size - 8x8 or 18x16
3. Draw an image
4. Press 2nd, then press ON, which turns the calculator off.
5. When you turn you calculator back on (press ON

), you'll be back at the homescreen, except it will have a background. The background will be the same as your image except, any light gray will become dark gray, dark gray will become white, and the "clear" places will become light gray except they will have two black spots.
Then, if you choose to go to the graph screen, the graph screen will be messed up, and if you go back to the homescreen from there, your new background will be what was on the graph screen. While you have your background, you can run programs, perform math, etc. Just run the spredit again to get rid of the background (except don't turn off the calculator while it's running).
Unfortunately, I can't take a screenshot of this because if I take a screenshot with TI Connect, it doesn't show the background and Virtual TI won't let me do this (it won't let me turn off my calculator while spredit is running).
EDIT: I got TiLem working. Here are some screenshots: