Author Topic: Papa's Painter 1.0  (Read 4100 times)

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Papa's Painter 1.0
« on: December 24, 2011, 11:02:32 am »
Papa's Painter 1.0;sa=view;down=765

This is version 1.0 of Papa's Painter for the Casio Prizm.
It's version 1.0, because there can definitely be some improvements made.
This is the first release version, because it's basically, fully functional.
There's still plenty of room for improvement though.


Press the buttons 1 to 9 to change the shape of your paintbrush.
1 is the eraser, use it to clear up spaces.

Only useable while in eraser mode. Clears the whole screen.

Use the buttons F1-F6 to change colors.
Not useable in eraser mode, cause, no point to it.

You'll only use this button to get pass the home screen.
Press it to continue, from the home screen.

Arrow Keys:
Use this to move around the paintbrush.

That's pretty much it. Have fun using the program, and you can also look at the code to learn from it.
It's pretty basic stuff though, the only things that are worth noting to look at, is everything up leading
up to While T=3. Everything before "While T=3" is original. The point "While T=3" and after, it's all just
copies of the whole "While T=2" section, so if you look at that section, you'll understand it all.

Also, another thing worth noting; it's laggy on the calculator if your code goes above like 3000 bytes. This
program is 5000 bytes, so it's really laggy to browse the code on the calculator.
There are a lot of<a href=""> Things you didn't know </a>about until you clicked that link.