Author Topic: Petition against KermMartian bashing on MC forums  (Read 2616 times)

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Petition against KermMartian bashing on MC forums
« on: December 09, 2005, 10:51:00 am »
This wasnt a reason why I left MC in the first place, but this is one reason why I will not come back. Most info should be in the petition intro. Not much purpose though, except that it let people say what they think about this crap

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Petition against KermMartian bashing on MC forums
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2005, 08:28:00 am »
The "bashing" word might be a too strong word, but unfortunately I couldnt find another less strong equivalent in my english vocabulary, I wouldnt not use the word flaming either, but anyway there is disrespect for kerm on MC forums and I'm sure there is on other forums but on other forums they chosen to ignore Kerm and his projects instead, which I think that the MC members involved should do the same.

Apparently Arcane Wizard from UTI posted the petition on MC and I saw it and I knew in advance that the thread would be locked by staff. The worst thing is that they even said there was no Kerm bashing at all in the link I provided. I agree that "bashing" might be a too strong word and practically every posts in the GCN Calcnet2 thread were constructive but I disagree that there is no disrespect for him on the forums and that we are overreacting and when providing criticism people should be nicer. I think they said that so they can continue picking up on him as much as they wish. I know he's not wanted at MC and that a few people here want him to leave the forums. When I saw this I was tempted to post the petition on Omnimaga front page and the community article section of the website but I might wait and see what happen or maybe not even post it or i might just put it in my sig on every forums I visit regulary if admins wont mind.

The petition will continue saying "some people at MC" because I found no other place where he got lack of respect recently and he wont post at CG anymore.

Personally I like kerm because hes nice with people. Back when I signed up on his forum in 2004 he practically had none playable or decent programs (imho), but after posting for a while I realised he was a nice person to talk with, I just didnt cared at all about his program on his forum. Now I think he improved a lot in his skills, he might only need to test his programs more before releasing them and find more realistic projects, like Source Coder

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Petition against KermMartian bashing on MC forums
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2005, 05:17:00 pm »
Yay for Kerm!  Boo for flaming!

Ok, that said...there are some true jackasses in the ti community.  That is true of every community...nintendo,play station, xbox, G4tv (actualy, everyone there is an ass), and every other forum/community.  Statisticaly, a possion distribution says the more a community grows, the chance of no nasty people goes down into the .0000001s within a few dozen people.  Anyways, I support just need to put a little more revision into the process (or get some one to revise your program ideas and help you conglomerate them into perfection)
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