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Topic: Settlement (Read 5970 times)
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May 23, 2006, 01:20:00 pm »
I have a proposition for me and xlibman settling the argument:
1. I apologize for flaming.
2. Xlibman apologizes for spamming.
3. Allynfolksjr apologizes for instigating the argument.
4. I unban xlibman from TICALCS2.
5. Xlibman unbans me from this forum and changes my e-mail address to "
[email protected]
6. After I am unbanned, this account is deleted.
7. After apologizing, allynfolksjr either leaves my forum peacefully and does not complain about TICALCS2 or he stops posting rudely.
8. The "Overclocking" thread in TICALCS2 is locked.
9. The "First Member Banned" thread in my forum is locked.
10. The "Yay finally got banned from TICALCS2" is locked.
11. There will be no anti-TICALCS2 threads on Omnimaga.
12. There will be no anti-Omnimaga threads on TICALCS2.
In order for this Settlement to go into action, it must be signed by allynfolksjr, xlibman, and me.
I sign the Settlement.
Comment here.
Reply #1 on:
May 23, 2006, 01:25:00 pm »
or, how about...
1. Vlad apologizes for flaming.
2. Xlibman apologizes for spamming.
3. Allynfolksjr apologizes for spam/flames
4. Vlad apologizes for retorton (sp? retorting, retalitation)
5. Vlad unbans xlibman from TICALCS2.
6. Xlibman unbans Vlad's other account from this forum and changes the e-mail address to "
[email protected]
7. After Vlad am unbanned, his account is deleted.
8. After apologizing, allynfolksjr either leaves my forum peacefully and does not complain about TICALCS2 or he stops posting rudely.
9. Same goes for Xlibman and Vlad
10. The "Overclocking" thread in TICALCS2 is locked.
11. The "First Member Banned" thread in my forum is locked.
12. The "Yay finally got banned from TICALCS2" is locked.
13. There will be no anti-TICALCS2 threads on Omnimaga started by Xlibman or Vlad
14. There will be no anti-Omnimaga threads on TICALCS2 started by Vlad or Xlibman
Reply #2 on:
May 23, 2006, 01:26:00 pm »
sounds like an even and fair settlement for all sides. Too bad I can't sign. Ah, well. This actually makes some sense to me.
Reply #3 on:
May 23, 2006, 01:28:00 pm »
Okay, I signed the new one.
Reply #4 on:
May 23, 2006, 01:35:00 pm »
There are smart people left in this world!
Good show!
Reply #5 on:
May 23, 2006, 01:37:00 pm »
I'm just the innocent bystandard looking onto a nice little situation and lending a helping hand
Reply #6 on:
May 23, 2006, 01:47:00 pm »
removed: uneccesary remark about spelling.
Besides that, I am the innocent TICALCS2 Staff member/retired programmer looking onto a nice little situation and lending a helping hand.
Try this:
Resolution 1.1
Sponsors: CDI, Vladik, Pure
Signatories: Vladik
Understanding that Vladik can overreact to things sometimes
Aware that xlibman's spamming was unacceptable
Further aware that the arguments between Vladik, allynfolksjr and xlibman has extended beyond a reasonable magnitude,
The selected members of TICALCS2/Omnimaga:
Urge Vladik and xlibman to apologize for flaming and spamming,
Implores Vladik and xlibman and allynfolksjr to end this argument by:
agreeing not to create hate threads about Omnimaga or TICALCS2 in either forum
have allynfolksjr leave peacefully if he wishes to
along with others such as:
1. Unbanning Vladik and restoring his e-mail address
2. Unbanning Kevin from TICALCS2
3. Locking the "Overclocking" and 'First member banned" threads in TICALCS2
4. Locking the "Yay I finally got banned from TICALCS2" thread from Omnimaga
What is it? A UN-style resolution to a conflict or dispute. I drafted it. (yes, I went to a UN conference recently)
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Reply #7 on:
May 23, 2006, 01:48:00 pm »
good job CDI. I agree that these terms are nice.
Reply #8 on:
May 23, 2006, 01:48:00 pm »
what about my resolution?
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Reply #9 on:
May 23, 2006, 01:49:00 pm »
you posted as I was, you did good also
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Reply #10 on:
May 23, 2006, 02:02:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-pure+May 23 2006, 07:47 PM-->
(pure @ May 23 2006, 07:47 PM)
removed: uneccesary remark about spelling.
I tried to stay back and watch as long as I could, but why do you need to be telling people they misspelled words? Is it really necessary? I am so upset with people wanting to point out peoples errors all the time, if it was a big deal for him to post with the correct spelling for that post then he would've...
Besides that, he was leaving the library (which he has access to the Internet). So he was most likely in a rush when he posted.
I can't stand people trying to be perfect, even if they think they are. I wish you would just let it be, and if you want to point out spelling errors or so you could just let the person know via pm/email/irc etc...
I can't stand by and watch people be unruly rude or inconsiderate. I am a horrible speller and I am not afraid to admit it. I misspell a lot of words on IRC and I never get people telling me I spelled such and such wrong, and I am happy that there are still some nice people left in the community...
@Mods: go ahead and edit my post if you want, but I would really love to see this stay as is.
DJ Omnimaga
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Reply #11 on:
May 23, 2006, 02:20:00 pm »
I thruthfully agree with you kalan_vod. This is one of the main reason why I left TICALCS2 and why I went so upset. I would like to see pure for apologising for his remark (which I edited)
I think it's time for me to post in here, as I need to clarify some stuff, and apologise for some things I did, before I can lock this thread.
Vladik: first of all before apologising I would like to comment about TICALCS2 closing because I feel there is still something that was not understood when I posted about what pissed me off on ticalcs2 on the forums, and since I got banned I assume all my post are gone, so that post as well I will restate it and I hope you take time to read it
First of all my spamming was a bad thing to do, so is that thread, but first let me tell why I went mad enough to do that. Why closing TICALCS2 while it could be made better? I mean you even have put money into this forum and from what I seen so far its much better than the other ticalcs1 forum in term of features. You got a download section, if I remember you have an arcade and your forum got twice as much posts than the first one in the same period of time. However on the respect side I see no improvement. I left the first forums because you were always starting arguments with the other members. I'm not feeling like spending all my evening to search all those posts on the old forum and since I got banned from the new forums and the proxy wont let me view the forum index at all I cant find the topics anymore, but I will say it again you need to be more nice with members, be less strict on forum rules like double posting and grammar, as it will only start more arguments if they are too strict. Does it matter if ppl double post after 24 hours if the posts are constructive? Plus no caps lock posting to put emphasis on words when angry at someone. I will just sum this it in a short sentence: Just try to be as nice as possible with members of the forum. An admin being rude or trying to make others feel bad and badmouth them for any reason isn't a good example to show to members and it's just gonna drive them away. We don't have enough nice places in the TI community and we are lucky to have at least 3 or 4 nice forums out there. Just take this as an advice, I personally think this is the thing that TICALCS2 lacks and if you were more nice with members (and staff) you would have another Tifreakware like forum right now, and maybe your forum would become bigger than Unitedti with more members and over 70000 posts.
To both allynfolksjr and vladik: when arguments starts like this sometimes its better to stop replying in that thread and being sarcastic in those circumstances just doesn't help things out.
Now about my spamming and my angry posts as well as this topic I apologise for them. I have taken this out of hand and it is mostly my fault. It should never have reached the point where vladik feels like killing himself I wish it didnt happens. Vladik dont do anything rash, and please do not close your forum. It's me who is too sensitive so when I saw those arguments with allynfolksjr I wasnt in a good mood and it just made me feel very bad about allynfolks (and you'll find it quite ironic considering we didnt always got along very well) and I lost control of myself, spammed your forums, posted a rant here, which went out of hand now. I am very sorry for this.
And I know I have ruined my reputation with that topic and I understand how, if I have to leave, give Omnimaga to tenniskid and tifreak8x tell me I'll do it, if it would be a better idea for me to quit the community I will do it. I just caused something that could have costed the community and some members a place to hang out and a friend and it should never have happened.
I hope things get fine again between ticalcs2 and Omnimaga, me and vladik (maybe it would be better to talk in private about all this?), vladik and allynfolksjr, me vs TIcalcs, etc. Before hitting reply I would like to let you know I am very protective to people and I have very serious self control problems and I am sorry for the trouble it causes sometimes. Vladik felt like killing himself because of this, however he's not alone. I don't like the way I am, I have to deal with this regulary.
Reply #12 on:
May 23, 2006, 02:30:00 pm »
this is way out of hand.
no offense, but if I know anything about nikky, chances are he will not apologize, unless
feels that he was out of line.
second, I am now registering an account on TICALCS2 in order to show my support. I probably wont visit a whole lot since I have my hands full between omnimaga, uti, and cemetech, but I will add it to my occasional visit list, next to calchaven, ds, revsoft, and maxcoderz.
of all people kevin, I never though I would see you flaming.
Nikky: you know how I feel about this sorta thing after our late night discussion over the JPez/BPC incident.
CDI, kalan_vod, and everyone else who helped keep this from going out of control: thank you for helping keep this community a friendly place in which I enjoy spending my free time.
Reply #13 on:
May 23, 2006, 02:39:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-xlibman+May 23 2006, 08:20 PM-->
(xlibman @ May 23 2006, 08:20 PM)
I thruthfully agree with you kalan_vod. This is one of the main reason why I left TICALCS2 and why I went so upset. I would like to see pure for apologising for his remark (which I edited)
I think it's time for me to post in here, as I need to clarify some stuff, and apologise for some things I did, before I can lock this thread.
Vladik: first of all before apologising I would like to comment about TICALCS2 closing because I feel there is still something that was not understood when I posted about what pissed me off on ticalcs2 on the forums, and since I got banned I assume all my post are gone, so that post as well I will restate it and I hope you take time to read it
First of all my spamming was a bad thing to do, so is that thread, but first let me tell why I went mad enough to do that. Why closing TICALCS2 while it could be made better? I mean you even have put money into this forum and from what I seen so far its much better than the other ticalcs1 forum in term of features. You got a download section, if I remember you have an arcade and your forum got twice as much posts than the first one in the same period of time. However on the respect side I see no improvement. I left the first forums because you were always starting arguments with the other members. I'm not feeling like spending all my evening to search all those posts on the old forum and since I got banned from the new forums and the proxy wont let me view the forum index at all I cant find the topics anymore, but I will say it again you need to be more nice with members, be less strict on forum rules like double posting and grammar, as it will only start more arguments if they are too strict. Does it matter if ppl double post after 24 hours if the posts are constructive? Plus no caps lock posting to put emphasis on words when angry at someone. I will just sum this it in a short sentence: Just try to be as nice as possible with members of the forum. An admin being rude or trying to make others feel bad and badmouth them for any reason isn't a good example to show to members and it's just gonna drive them away. We don't have enough nice places in the TI community and we are lucky to have at least 3 or 4 nice forums out there. Just take this as an advice, I personally think this is the thing that TICALCS2 lacks and if you were more nice with members (and staff) you would have another Tifreakware like forum right now, and maybe your forum would become bigger than Unitedti with more members and over 70000 posts.
To both allynfolksjr and vladik: when arguments starts like this sometimes its better to stop replying in that thread and being sarcastic in those circumstances just doesn't help things out.
Now about my spamming and my angry posts as well as this topic I apologise for them. I have taken this out of hand and it is mostly my fault. It should never have reached the point where vladik feels like killing himself I wish it didnt happens. Vladik dont do anything rash, and please do not close your forum. It's me who is too sensitive so when I saw those arguments with allynfolksjr I wasnt in a good mood and it just made me feel very bad about allynfolks (and you'll find it quite ironic considering we didnt always got along very well) and I lost control of myself, spammed your forums, posted a rant here, which went out of hand now. I am very sorry for this.
And I know I have ruined my reputation with that topic and I understand how, if I have to leave, give Omnimaga to tenniskid and tifreak8x tell me I'll do it, if it would be a better idea for me to quit the community I will do it. I just caused something that could have costed the community and some members a place to hang out and a friend and it should never have happened.
I hope things get fine again between ticalcs2 and Omnimaga, me and vladik (maybe it would be better to talk in private about all this?), vladik and allynfolksjr, me vs TIcalcs, etc. Before hitting reply I would like to let you know I am very protective to people and I have very serious self control problems and I am sorry for the trouble it causes sometimes. Vladik felt like killing himself because of this, however he's not alone. I don't like the way I am, I have to deal with this regulary.
OK. Sorry. You shouldn't leave your forum. I've realized that I was wrong when I said that I should close
forum. I'll try not to flame on my forum.
I didn't mean to insult you or allynfolksjr; it just came out the wrong way.
Oh yeah, sorry to everyone about getting upset at the thread xlibman made and planning to close my forum; This was in part because I felt pressured by the term papers due.
Okay, I'll unban you at the old forum, lock the topics, etc.
We shall see what allynfolksjr will reply to this.
PS: Xlibman, I'm going to email you by Thursday. It's just that I don't have a lot of time right now.
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Reply #14 on:
May 23, 2006, 02:39:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-elfprince13+May 23 2006, 08:30 PM-->
(elfprince13 @ May 23 2006, 08:30 PM)
CDI, kalan_vod, and everyone else who helped keep this from going out of control: thank you for helping keep this community a friendly place in which I enjoy spending my free time.
Thank you, and I hope all realize this is the main goal that everyone tries to set.
QuoteBegin-"kalan_vod in the old thread which will be deleted+ and I think is important"
("kalan_vod in the old thread which will be deleted @ and I think is important")
Could we just stop with the personal attacks here? Nikky saying "It's called an emulator" is in no way rude, but I guess one must preserve things differently.
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