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:ClrHome:For(A,1,20):Repeat Ans=45:getKey:If Ans:Disp "BORED, SO BORED!":End
*Sigh*can we keep this on topic? The topic is about what the big thing might be, NOT SEX
Code: ("prgmFIDGETY") [Select]:ClrHome:For(A,1,20):Repeat Ans=45:getKey:If Ans:Disp "BORED, SO BORED!":End
:ClrHome:Repeat getKey=45:Disp "BORED, SO BORED!":End
For the record, said program has some errors. You need an End to balance the For statement and the Repeat Statement, so you need to Ends at the end. Also, if you added the two ends, then you would have to press clear 20 times for your program to exit. So, I would remove the For(A,1,20) line.
Also, your code will only display if some key is pressed. Otherwise it won't.
I haven't made much boredom programs in a long while. Before I started coding I simply remember typing large strings of ASCII art on my calc home screen then pressing enter to scroll down through it.
There are some boredom programs at the following, but be warned that most of them can crash your calculator and clear your RAM!
:ClrHome:While 27:Input "",Y:Disp 27:End
27 is a local meme at my school. If you're wondering why I used While 27, try typing the program into your calc while using a one-letter name, then look at the size