Author Topic: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended  (Read 54442 times)

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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #120 on: December 11, 2010, 12:20:21 pm »
hey..That's my line
Sig wipe!


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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #121 on: December 11, 2010, 12:43:35 pm »
I get mediocre grades, for the record.  I just don't care enough to do homework.  I ace all my tests, though.

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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #122 on: December 11, 2010, 12:45:05 pm »
I get mediocre grades, for the record.  I just don't care enough to do homework.  I ace all my tests, though.

Ace? 100%? Well, Sir, do you think that by Christmas you'll have your calc.?


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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #123 on: December 11, 2010, 12:47:13 pm »
Ace as in usually 95% and above.  And no, I don't think I'll have it back by Christmas unless I order a new one soon.

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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #124 on: December 11, 2010, 12:47:46 pm »
Ace as in usually 95% and above.  And no, I don't think I'll have it back by Christmas unless I order a new one soon.

Wouldn't your parents find out?

Offline Yeong

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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #125 on: December 11, 2010, 12:49:33 pm »
not unless he hides it in the closet
Sig wipe!

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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #126 on: December 11, 2010, 12:50:44 pm »
some parents hate it when their children are not enough time busy with their homework, maybe its because of this that his parents won't give his calc back. btw, it sucks, they bought you a calc and they take it, so you cant use it any more, but they paid for it. understand?
I'm not a nerd but I pretend:

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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #127 on: December 11, 2010, 12:51:37 pm »
some parents hate it when their children are not enough time busy with their homework, maybe its because of this that his parents won't give his calc back. btw, it sucks, they bought you a calc and they take it, so you cant use it any more, but they paid for it. understand?

I bought most of my stuff and I think it is fair for parents to take us things we bought.


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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #128 on: December 11, 2010, 12:54:54 pm »
No, if I buy it, they will let me keep it, unless I get into more trouble.

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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #129 on: December 11, 2010, 01:17:24 pm »
If Sir's parents were to take away a calculator bought entirely with his own, legitimately earned money, that's petty larceny (presuming the price of the calc was under whatever the specified amount for grand larceny in his state's criminal codes), and Sir could press charges against his parents for stealing the calculator. Since Sir is carefully documenting his paychecks, they could prove in a court of law that his parents have no claim to possession of the calculator.
Yes, but why would he go that far? If he did that, his parents would be even stricter to him!
I'm not saying that he should do that, Scout. I'm just saying that if he does buy a new calc between now and when he moves out in May, and his parents take it away from him, he does have the option of calling the police on them for taking that particular calc away from him--particularly if they refuse to return it to him when he moves out in May.

Maybe we kidnap Sir?
You do realize that kidnapping is a crime, right?

Maybe you should check this.
Maybe you should check this.
I know what a joke is, I'm just the stiff who takes everything literally.

Okay. But yeah, 80% of Omnimaga Users are criminal, I bet that almost nobody uses their calculator's ROM in Wabbitemu. I also bet most of use have at least one illegal song, film or program.

So, you'd better get used.
Yeah, but it's not an excuse to do illegal things.  Besides, this is a storm we'll just have to wait out.
Maybe you should check this.
I know what a joke is, I'm just the stiff who takes everything literally.

Okay. But yeah, 80% of Omnimaga Users are criminal, I bet that almost nobody uses their calculator's ROM in Wabbitemu. I also bet most of use have at least one illegal song, film or program.

So, you'd better get used.
Yeah, but it's not an excuse to do illegal things.  Besides, this is a storm we'll just have to wait out.

Yes, that was not an excuse, it was a way to convince holmes to get used to jokes and reference to illegal activities in the forums.
Okay. But yeah, 80% of Omnimaga Users are criminal, I bet that almost nobody uses their calculator's ROM in Wabbitemu. I also bet most of use have at least one illegal song, film or program.
So, you'd better get used.
All of those crimes are misdemenors or infractions--there's usually no jail time involved. Kidnapping is a felony that will involve jail time.

And I am used to jokes. I just wanted to be sure that my FBI shadows know it was a joke too.

I'm not paranoid--I just know the government is out there keeping an eye on my activities.

You are so american. Cops in Portugal are the kind of cops that sleep 25hours a day. Excuse me if there is a portuguese cop reading this and is not like that (which I doubt).
ScoutDavid has been banned for one week for being a jerk to another forum member, being extremly closed-minded (assuming everyone will get jokes as easily as him and who doesn't is apparently inferior or stupid), being bigot towards americans and that despite being warned several times before for similar things. In the past, there were often episodes of bashing people hard work in the community, episodes of complaining about negative post ratings and episodes of lack of respect towards certain forum members. He was warned about 4 times for it and it still continues, so we will not see him around for a while.

Posts above were quoted to state where Omnimaga policies were violated this time.

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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #130 on: December 11, 2010, 01:24:31 pm »
I get mediocre grades, for the record.  I just don't care enough to do homework.  I ace all my tests, though.
I'm like that too - I understand almost all of the material from the start, and don't want to do the homework as it is just extra work, rather than something that helps me. For the past month or so, I have gotten below 50% on my homework, and aced (100%) all my tests and quizzes.

Well said. One week seems a bit harsh, but you did warn him four times
« Last Edit: December 11, 2010, 01:27:25 pm by fb39ca4 »

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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #131 on: December 11, 2010, 01:31:14 pm »
Ace as in usually 95% and above.  And no, I don't think I'll have it back by Christmas unless I order a new one soon.

Wouldn't your parents find out?
Just if they decide to search in his closet and all his personal stuff thoroughly and find another calc. Otherwise I guess Sir could simply code while they're away, but if they installed hidden cameras inside the house (we never know with them), that won't work. In my case, I think it took months before my month discover I had a 89 Titanium in addition to my other two calcs.

On a side note, over here they have been debatting about banning homeworks altogether, because many parents and specialists thinks they're more a nuisance than being helpful. The reason why they are a nuisance is because kids are left with almost no free time to enjoy life or work on their projects, they already practice what they learned at school in classes and they're a source of stress for parents if their kid has learning troubles and parents must help them despite not being able to help much either. I still think they can be useful, though, as you can practice more what you understand less, but I think they shouldn't be in large quantities.


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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #132 on: December 11, 2010, 01:34:07 pm »
That is a great idea.  Homework has never provided any help to me.

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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #133 on: December 11, 2010, 01:43:00 pm »
I second that.

Offline holmes221b

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Re: SirCmpwn's Projects Suspended
« Reply #134 on: December 11, 2010, 01:44:20 pm »
Personally, I think homework shouldn't be required, however it should still be provided--maybe as extra credit?
* holmes221b has found that she did better in chemistry when she actually turned in her homework...

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