Author Topic: Sound for calculators with bad ram  (Read 37973 times)

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Offline z80man

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Re: Sound for calculators with bad ram
« Reply #120 on: February 24, 2011, 11:24:48 pm »
Even with a ton of changes I still get the error. I think I will just try a different song, but I will miss Still Alive on my calc.  :(

List of stuff I need to do before September:
1. Finish the Emulator of the Casio Prizm (in active development)
2. Finish the the SH3 asm IDE/assembler/linker program (in active development)
3. Create a partial Java virtual machine  for the Prizm (not started)
4. Create Axe for the Prizm with an Axe legacy mode (in planning phase)
5. Develop a large set of C and asm libraries for the Prizm (some progress)
6. Create an emulator of the 83+ for the Prizm (not started)
7. Create a well polished game that showcases the ability of the Casio Prizm (not started)

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Re: Sound for calculators with bad ram
« Reply #121 on: February 28, 2011, 01:46:38 am »
The 84+'s are supposed to be 15MHz. But the careful technique I use in that program shows that they are much faster than that. I know it works because if wabbitemu had the proper clock cycles for adc a, imm8, it would show exactly 15,000,000Hz, which is exactly what it's clocked to. (I forget the math, but if you adjust the number, it comes out right.)

And if you're still not a believer, take a song clocked for your calculator and run it in wabbitemu or vice versa. In wabbitemu it will crawl and on your calculator it will go way too fast.

With RealSound songs they seem to play a bit faster than the original in WabbitEmu, though. ???
(Old video btw. I no longer have this file)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2011, 01:47:13 am by DJ_O »