Author Topic: Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion  (Read 21314 times)

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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« on: September 14, 2010, 01:53:24 am »
EDIT: This post below is my biggest mistake... (that's why it's highlighted in blue...)
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"well ive posted it to but im not sure it is the right decision. i was actually thinking about putting this into an RPG, i could work with superbany. EDIT: Wait a minute... Snake X said that... (I just realised...) Hmm.......maybe i should quickly remove it. SnakeX looks too eager to my liking...

too bad, i felt like i made a sense of achievement when i posted but when i look at SnakeX's post (no offence) i feel uncomfortable. the Hold 'em poker is ok to be on but health bars? no one's ever done it before...

ah ha i have a solution... i can post it somewhere more privately... [hint: globe icon]

well ive uploaded to a place far away from here... good luck finding it and opening it properly!!!! [check hint for help]
so yeah if you do find it just say you did ONLY. BUT don't expose the contents  or reveal location to this topic or forum. Let others find it for themselves
EDITTING::BIG BIG mistake...
« Last Edit: October 08, 2010, 06:34:46 am by jhgenius01 »
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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 03:12:03 am »
Sorry but I find those false accusations against a forum member uncalled for and rated down your post. It's not the first time you do this. I know Snake X and he is not a person that will steal code maliciously. Just tell him to not use your code and even if he did I know his account anyway.

I already found your unfounded accusations towards all of Omnimaga community for being code thefts uncalled for in your first topic post. Why would anyone here steal your code, knowing their reputation will be ruined by doing so (everyone will know)? In fact, such accusations simply backfires on you.

Sorry but you're walking on thin ice right here, and as a way to protest, I am not going to try this program when it comes out.

Offline meishe91

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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2010, 03:54:10 am »
I agree with DJ on this.

You accusing Snake X of being a thief or someone who just wants your code and won't credit you or something, which is NOT ok by any means. He only asked if you would show him the code. He wants to learn something new. That's all. He doesn't want to steal your code or anything. So, honestly, I think you owe him an apology.

Here at Omnimaga we care about each other and help one another when someone is stuck or when we want to learn something new. But that doesn't mean you are obligated to share your code. Nobody ever said that. We all understand if you don't want to share your code. Everyone has those moments where we create something and kind of just want to show it off and wants to make sure that nobody else takes it or something. But accusing us all as thieves or bad people, which is what it sounded like, is crossing the line. No one here wants to steal your code. If anything we just want to learn from it. Those of us who do want to use your code WILL give you credit.

Also, just because you think your the first person to create this type of thing doesn't mean you are. Yes, there might not be anything on or Cemetech but there are a lot of people in the world and quite frankly I would be willing to place money on that there are people here who could create one. Instead of us waiting to see yours in action or the code to it, it might just be easier for someone else to create one and share their code for us to learn.

I hope this doesn't sound too mean but you have been quite rude to this community and need to learn.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 03:54:57 am by meishe91 »
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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2010, 04:05:27 am »
Well said Meishe. Also in the past I had this moment where I achieved something thought to be impossible with lib-assisted TI-BASIC (Omnicalc/xLIB, etc): nearly flickerless grayscale inside games. I was so happy but when I released my game, all I did was telling ppl in the readme to give me credits if they would use my code. I did not jump of all of MaxCoderz members and staff accusing them of being potential code thieves. I even wrote a tutorial on how to do grayscale with Omnicalc. Not saying you have to help ppl use your code but not put the thief label on everyone you see around forums. Snake X was just curious how it worked. It doesn't mean he would have stolen the code. He simply wanted to learn and looking at people source code is the best way to learn besides the manual and tutorials anyway. When you return I hope you apologise for this post above. (and the others)

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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2010, 07:15:31 am »
aww thanks guys! :)
edit: yeah i just wanted to see how it works and all. I have a feeling there is more graphical stuffs where that bar came from!  ;D
« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 07:18:30 am by Snake X »
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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2010, 08:05:09 am »
I like 'em. Surprising, seeing that it is a giant brick of a calc that still kinda fails...

Also, I agree with Meishe and DJ. Snake X is not a thief and I refuse to let him be accused without cause.
This is, after all, an environment to learn from good code and friendly people. Don't smear the names of people you don't know because you're some "pioneer". As Meishe said before, while you are not obliged to release code, your doing so allows other people to learn. Please take that into consideration before making an attack. Voted down.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 08:13:58 am by Raylin »
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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2010, 04:06:14 pm »
so.. how did you do the health bar anyways? ive been trying to figure that out all day long and dang i still cant figure it out
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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2010, 04:08:50 pm »
He will probably be away for a few more days. I think his trip ends in October. I am curious too, though.

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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2010, 06:07:53 pm »
I agree with DJ on this.

You accusing Snake X of being a thief or someone who just wants your code and won't credit you or something, which is NOT ok by any means. He only asked if you would show him the code. He wants to learn something new. That's all. He doesn't want to steal your code or anything. So, honestly, I think you owe him an apology.

Here at Omnimaga we care about each other and help one another when someone is stuck or when we want to learn something new. But that doesn't mean you are obligated to share your code. Nobody ever said that. We all understand if you don't want to share your code. Everyone has those moments where we create something and kind of just want to show it off and wants to make sure that nobody else takes it or something. But accusing us all as thieves or bad people, which is what it sounded like, is crossing the line. No one here wants to steal your code. If anything we just want to learn from it. Those of us who do want to use your code WILL give you credit.

Also, just because you think your the first person to create this type of thing doesn't mean you are. Yes, there might not be anything on or Cemetech but there are a lot of people in the world and quite frankly I would be willing to place money on that there are people here who could create one. Instead of us waiting to see yours in action or the code to it, it might just be easier for someone else to create one and share their code for us to learn.

I hope this doesn't sound too mean but you have been quite rude to this community and need to learn.

Well said mate, could not have said it better myself

Offline meishe91

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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2010, 06:14:58 pm »
Ya, he should be back within the end of this week I think, early next week maybe. But that also doesn't mean he will be able to get on here right away.
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Offline Michael_Lee

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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2010, 06:18:44 pm »
well ive posted it to but im not sure it is the right decision. i was actually thinking about putting this into an RPG, i could work with superbany. EDIT: Wait a minute... Snake X said that... (I just realised...) Hmm.......maybe i should quickly remove it. SnakeX looks too eager to my liking...

too bad, i felt like i made a sense of achievement when i posted but when i look at SnakeX's post (no offence) i feel uncomfortable. the Hold 'em poker is ok to be on but health bars? no one's ever done it before...

ah ha i have a solution... i can post it somewhere more privately... [hint: globe icon]

well ive uploaded to a place far away from here... good luck finding it and opening it properly!!!! [check hint for help]
so yeah if you do find it just say you did ONLY. BUT don't expose the contents  or reveal location to this topic or forum. Let others find it for themselves

Just a friendly tip, you sound kinda obnoxious when you get all protective like that.  I understand perfectly that you might want to keep the code secret for now, and you think it's awesome, but that's no reason to go around being so pretentious about it.  Just, you know, relax.  The TI community is pretty good about self-monitoring - thieves tend not to flourish, so no need to worry so much...
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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2010, 06:22:07 pm »
I.. think this has been settled by now o_O hence its been like 15 days since the post. Btw, he said that he put it on ticalc then quickly removed it.. did anyone happen to get a copy?
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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2010, 06:55:07 pm »
I was trying to look at this to see how it is done.  I would assume he is using a somewhat similar method to Elliot Way's TI-BASIC games for the Nspire as the health bars exist in a graph/geometry app, not a calculator app. 

In Elliot Way's Solitaire, the functions in the calculator app "move" the cards in the calculator app.  In his "draw" functions, he makes heavy use of the built in Nspire function augment(.  I think that these health bars must use a pretty similar method to this.  I would suggest analyzing his code to figure out how this is done.

Offline Michael_Lee

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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2010, 07:46:19 pm »
I.. think this has been settled by now o_O hence its been like 15 days since the post.

Really?  Crap.  That's what I get for not looking at the dates.
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Split from RPG bar discussion: solved code theft discussion
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2010, 07:47:53 pm »
Ya, what DJ and I said was like right after he left. No worries though :) Doesn't hurt anything.
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For the 51st time, that is not my card! (Magic Joke)