I'm a big fan of StarCraft (PC) myself and I would like to know if any of you tried it, and what's your opinion on it.
- Alex
OMG I saw this yesterday, i think it only support multiplayer mode, kinda a way to not have to program AI <_<

sound cool though
looked at it... multiplayer only is... nah not good >_<
and starcraft rockz! Protos, chaaaarge!
It isn't bad, though I couldn't try it multiplayer (too lazy). It has nice sprites and he put some time into it.
He said he'll implement a Protoss AI in the next release, I look forward to that. I still have my eyes out on that StarCraft 89 over at CalcGames.org. That will be the KILLER game for the 68k's, provided it will ever be completed. :)

- Alex
QuoteBegin-Alex+Apr 26 2006, 08:05 PM-->
QUOTE (Alex @ Apr 26 2006, 08:05 PM) |
He said he'll implement a Protoss AI in the next release, I look forward to that. I still have my eyes out on that StarCraft 89 over at CalcGames.org. That will be the KILLER game for the 68k's, provided it will ever be completed. :)
- Alex |
Basic or C?
Digital on calcgames i believe already has sprites and everything ready. I believe he is looking for a TIGCC programmer to actually start coding. But that's what I heard like 2 months ago. I haven't checked how its progressing.
Oh, so you are just organizing?
huh? no not me. I once talked to some of the guys working on the project and that's about all they mentioned really. I've never played starcraft before, but I assume it must resemble warcraft. I liked warcraft so starcraft must be good :thumb:
moved to calc discussion
Has anyone contacted him and pointed him here?
SC 68k was made by digital on CG, but last time I checked DIgital retired from CG admin position and I dunno if he also dropped the project as well
StarCraft 68k is a C program. I truly look forward to it. Consistent effort was already put into that project, and they made some spectacular grayscale conversions of game sprites, it would be a pity to see it go to waste.
Anywho a search on ticalc.org indicated that there are quite a few StarCraft ASM games for the 83+. Are those any good?
- Alex
QuoteBegin-Alex+Apr 27 2006, 07:24 PM-->
QUOTE (Alex @ Apr 27 2006, 07:24 PM) |
StarCraft 68k is a C program. I truly look forward to it. Consistent effort was already put into that project, and they made some spectacular grayscale conversions of game sprites, it would be a pity to see it go to waste.
Anywho a search on ticalc.org indicated that there are quite a few StarCraft ASM games for the 83+. Are those any good?
- Alex |
Those are in spanish and discontinued, also this xlib SC has just been updated..
only 72 downloads though :(

Real time must be kind of difficult. One of these days I got to try it on comp.
QuoteBegin-Liazon+Apr 27 2006, 08:10 PM-->
QUOTE (Liazon @ Apr 27 2006, 08:10 PM) |
Real time must be kind of difficult. One of these days I got to try it on comp. |
The game or make one?
Go download it then! I think it is a great start for a basic version of the game...
I meant the original computer game.
The original computer game is as good as strategy games can get. Besides, BattleNet and all those scripted fan-made maps keep the game fun even 8 years after its original release!
- Alex
I hope ppl still play starcraft, I should check on battlenet sometimes and play with random ppl ^^
QuoteBegin-xlibman+Apr 28 2006, 07:10 AM-->
QUOTE (xlibman @ Apr 28 2006, 07:10 AM) |
I hope ppl still play starcraft, I should check on battlenet sometimes and play with random ppl ^^ |
Haha, yeah a good bit of people still do. I never played it, but my friends have.
Ive never played it :(
You can pick up the complete set with both the original gameand the expansion, and two 'strategy guides' for ~$20.
- Alex
My bro got the battle chest for $25 I think 2 years ago and I got warcraft II+expansion for $12 last year and warcraft III+expansion for $30
pretty cheap but still incredibly awesome classics
I never got into WarCraft, I played some pirated WC2 but it just couldn't hold water to StarCraft. WarCraft III pissed me off, as did World of WarCraft, because they marked the days when Blizzard gave the StarCraft franchise the boot. :(
I did however get into Dune II for the Sega Genesis - now that's a classic!
- Alex
I wish there was a new starcraft like the old one with revamped graphics
I used to play Warcraft III. The custom games on Bnet were awsome too. anyone remember ninja vs samuri or any tower defender game??
Diablo and Diablo 2 = best game from blizzard!
I got a copy of Starcraft for a $1.50 at Value Village. My favorite RTS right now is Rise Of Nations.
QuoteBegin-g28401+Apr 28 2006, 10:28 PM-->
QUOTE (g28401 @ Apr 28 2006, 10:28 PM) |
Rise Of Nations. |
Great game!