Calculator Community => Other Calculators => Topic started by: CDI on March 21, 2006, 08:30:00 am
Okay, after many people asking me what is on my calc, what I'm working on ect... [slap]people[/slap] I have made a backup of my calc for all to download, the txt file in it is the documentation on what's in there... have fun
lol, people have been bothering you with it? WTF? I am rarely bothered about what I am doing... I could probably dissappear and not too many people would notice...
People used to ask me what games I had, then I had the big reset and didn't put any on (except the ones I wrote)
Same here... for the most part... the only things on there that arn't mine are the 3 N files, xLIB and the LCBHAA group
@tifreak8x - I would notice
At school I remember everyone was asking me for Illusiat 11 and the Reign of Legends 1 X_X
uh I can
Copy and paste the url, it seems that invisionfree forums hate zip :D
i doubt its invisionfree or the whole omnimaga archives would be down atm
still the same... server error on freewebs
right click, save target as ^^ thas what I always do, seemed to work here
I managed to download it, but winrar says it
paste the url in your address bar, that's what I did to get it working!
it,s not corrupt :P
I've done it with 4 diffrent comps now... if you're running WinXP try opening it as a folder (WinRAR + Built in Zipping of XP = :dang:
Just saving as didn't work for me, but when I pasted the url in the address bar it worked fine.
I use Firefox and Download Accelerator Plus...
ukay, to sum it up:
1. using "save as" results in corrupted archive
2. pasting it into the url bar triggers DAP, which then says "server has internal error", though it shows a ping of about 100ms
3. downloading it with FF (download basket) doesn
Well that's wierd, but to save myself from figuring it out you can download it Hope you don't mind Fred! :D

Edit: Idk why my link doesn't work either..Well I use firefox (v1.5) and I just copy the link location then paste it in the address bar, and it works fine.
Well I just uploaded it to savefile and hope works..
thx! :bow:

Lol, I am not sure why freewebs is messed up with that? Hotlinking maybe? Idk, but w/e works works!
freewebs sucks for hotlinking

I LUUV THOOOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111
moved to Calc discussion