Well, I don't want to make a new thread for every little new TI-83+ TI-BASIC program I make, so I'll just post this in this thread (besides, it is part of it is related to Text Tools). Anyway, I made a horizontal scrollbar program (although I still like my vertical scrollbar program better) and an ellipse-type effect thingy
(there has got to be a better way to express what I mean). Here are some screenshots of the "ellipse-type effect thingy":
I don't have any screenshots of my horizontal scrollbar program, yet. I'll try to put them both up to download sometime.
I also made two tile-mapping engines which were both pretty fast but not very sophisticated. My TI-84 Plus Silver Edition reset yesterday. (I was the one who reset it actually. I was testing Text Tools, and accidentally used the tool that displays part of Str1
and beyond to display the whole Str1 and the next few thousand characters or something because the amount of characters to be displayed is stored in the variable A, and I accidentally put a very large number in A. So, being a TI-84 Plus Silver Edition n00b, I thought that the silver oxide battery in it would retain the calculator's RAM while I took out one AAA battery to stop the program, but it reset the RAM)