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the apology you have all been waiting for
« on: October 06, 2010, 06:56:11 am »
not sure where to put this so putting it here.

Official Apology to by jhgenius01

Old version under here:
Spoiler For Spoiler:
Here is my apology – the one many of you have been waiting for. Throughout the process I have tried to make it as clear as possible by splitting it into distinct sections as seen below. Also, since the whole apology is long, I have hid the unnecessary parts under a spoiler because some of you probably won’t have enough time to read the entire apology. If you only have time to read a bit, read the Overall Apology and The Future paragraphs. Some people may regard the whole matter with scepticism, some accepting it, but I invite you to read this apology with an open mind. I hope laying out all my mistakes out in plain view isn’t too dramatic.

   Opening Statement:
Thank you to all.
I start with this sentence because now I realise just how friendly and vibrant a community is, but more so, just how ruthlessly I tried to eradicate the integrity of the whole community. The effect that my actions had on Omnimaga, however were not at all what I had originally intended.
I have now reread the forum rules many times and have realised my actions have violated quite a few of those rules.

   How I became a member:
I had watched Omnimaga as a guest for a while and found I quite liked it so I joined on 03 September 2010, 10:50:11 am (+10 GMT). I admired DJ Omnimaga’s ability to continually inform and help the fellow members of his site and with his phenomenal number of posts and respect; I could see that he really was passionate about Omnimaga. I hoped that I could also follow his example to help other people.

   Overall Effect:
The way I approached the forum during the month of September backfired and instead of achieving what I had originally intended to do, I unintentionally achieved the opposite effect – hurting everyone and the site as a whole, but most of all hurting DJ Omnimaga, the creator of all this.

I won’t say it was all unintentional, however. That would be the wrong thing to do. I would say that I wasn’t thinking about how different talking on an online forum is to talking to real life. So my intention was expressed in a way that was offensive to Omnimaga which is not what I wanted to do.

For consequences, read the section below titled: Overall Consequences.

   The mistakes:
Firstly, a few of my posts brushed some of the forum rules. I have tried my best to track them all down, if I have missed any, notify me.
Spoiler For Spoiler:
      Part 1 – Minor mistakes
About: On my 7th /8th post (I double posted but fixed it up), I criticised the Wacky Fun Random Numbar Generator, however after DJ Omni explained the situation I apologised on my next post.
Result: -1 respect for the first post, +1 for the second.
Violation: Rule 2 – negative criticism on someone’s work
Rule 3 – Double posting
About: When DJ Omnimaga announced the possible hosting move I replied too strongly, more than I originally intended.
Result: Warning from DJ Omnimaga in IRC. (see the Part 1 – Consequences section)
Violation: No specific rule but the way I said it was borderline, and challenging the authority of the website.
About: RPG Style Health bars for the TI-nspire (full section detailed in Part 2)
About: I came upon a post by verdant in the topic Post your Nspire routines here! It had fuck in it lots of times and other stuff. I responded to it too strongly. I also commented on another of his posts which had the same type of spamming. I also vigorously and repeatedly told the moderators to ban verdant. Now that I look back on my comments I know that the way I said this was far too enforcing. On IRC I made DJ Omni angry about the whole verdant issue by expressing the wrong meaning, and again going against the authority and forum rules.
Result: Warning from DJ Omnimaga in IRC. (see the Part 1 – Consequences section and the links below)
Violation: No specific rule but the forum rules do state that swearing is allowed, and I opposed this rule by using high modality to unknowingly give the effect that I was stating forum rules, which of course, I now realise my mistake in making my own rules. D’oh!
OmnomIRC log from September 11:
It starts at [00:52:53]. Now I reread it I get more of what DJ Omnimaga was trying to say, not just about this issue but about all the previous issues. When I returned to IRC at [01:19:08], DJ gave me a stern warning. (More in Part 1 consequences)
Part 1 – Consequences
As I am now reflecting on these events, I have realised the overall effect that I have given and it has been one where I thought I was the authority and could tell people what to do. Telling people how to run their site was a big mistake on my part and I was given a stern warning by DJ Omni on OmnomIRC. However at this time I continued with my ruthless actions which were to set me up for further trouble.
Spoiler For Spoiler:
      Part 2 – Leading up to the major mistakes – copyright issues.
About: At one point I discovered how to make health bars for the TI-nspire graphing calculator. Immediately I was reluctant to publish this as no one had done the exact thing before. I started getting obnoxious and arrogant about the whole subject and post 4 useless posts about ways people can look at source code.
Result: All 4 posts were rated down by DJ Omnimaga (-4 in total)
Violation: Borderline on Rule 1
About: When I was about to do a good thing by releasing my health bars program, the evil side of me took over and instead postponed the release of the program, but then I went too far and called SnakeX a kind of code stealer. I went even further by employing a method people could ‘use’ the health bars program through a complicated process.
Result: -8 respect for that post and a weeklong ban
Violation: Rule 1 – provocative comments towards SnakeX and Omnimaga as a whole.
Weeklong Ban
Overall Consequences (Part 2 – Consequences)

When I realised I had been banned, the implications of my actions dawned on me. I hung my head in shame for being so stupid, so protruding, so oblivious of the effects my comments had on others and to the consequences that could occur. I was also leaving for China the next day but before I left, DJ Omnimaga and I had a private chat about the whole situation and it was settled. This apology is a result of clarifying it to the whole of the Omnimaga community.
I could have been banned forever due to my attacks on the site itself, but the only reason I wasn’t put on the blacklist was that I was a new member. This made me realise how close
Respect: I lost 12 respect in total from that one topic. It dropped from +3 to -9

Overall Apology

I have seriously been shocked at my actions on the Omnimaga forum. I never knew I could wreak such havoc in such a short amount of time. I admit that when joined Omnimaga; I did not read the forum rules properly. After I joined, the effect that my actions had on Omnimaga, however were not at all what I had originally intended. I was an outsider trying to stubbornly barge my way in, instead of respecting the authority. My stupidity cost me the respect that I had earned and more.

After I had been banned, I decided to look at the forum rules. As I read each rule, I realised that I had unknowingly plunged into the forum without any regard whatsoever to the rules. As I read each rule, I realised the true reasons why DJ Omnimaga and the rest of the admin had given me warnings about. There was so much I didn’t know at that time, and the wrong thing I did was to assume that I knew all the rules and could just command blindlessly without knowing the circumstances. I was like plunging into the ocean without first putting on scuba gear.

I say a deep apology to everyone who is a part of Omnimaga for my actions and I hope that you will all forgive me. I should also say a deeper apology to the founder of this great community, DJ Omnimaga, who I so admire and respect, for my terrible actions that have given you such a bad first impression of me.

Throughout this apology, I have tried to show my sincerity as much as possible by laying out my every action that has been offensive. All I hope is that you all accept that.

The Future
Now that I have a clearer picture of the forum conditions, I will try and take care of my words and make sure that:
1.   They don’t challenge authority
2.   They don’t criticise other people in a negative/destructive/rude way.

Advice to others
My advice to others is to go back to the forum rules from time to time and make sure that you attitude towards Omnimaga isn’t violating any of those rules.
I may add some more to this apology later when the circumstances arises.

Yours Sincerely,

2nd edition

Official Apology (2nd Edition) to by jhgenius01

First attempts aren’t always perfect and so I am creating a new version of my apology. (Sorry, I’m a kind of perfectionist)

Here is my apology – the one many of you have been waiting for. Throughout the process I have tried to make it as clear as possible by splitting it into distinct sections as seen below. If you only have time to read a bit, read the Overall Apology and The Future paragraphs. I invite you to read this apology with an open mind.

   Opening Statement:
Thank you to all.
I start with this sentence because now I realise just how friendly and vibrant a community is, but more so, just how ruthlessly I tried to eradicate the integrity of the whole community in my most recent actions. I had made many minor mistakes previously but the way I handled the copyright program issue was unacceptable of me. The effect that these actions had on Omnimaga, however were not at all what I had originally intended.
I have now reread the forum rules many times and have realised my actions have violated quite a few of those rules, but the way I handled the most recent issue that gave me a weeklong ban is the issue that matters most.

   How I became a member:
I had watched Omnimaga as a guest for a while and found I quite liked it so I joined on 03 September 2010, 10:50:11 am (+10 GMT). I admired DJ Omnimaga’s ability to continually inform and help the fellow members of his site and with his phenomenal number of posts and respect; I could see that he really was passionate about Omnimaga. I hoped that I could also follow his example to help other people.

   Overall Effect:
The way I approached the forum during the month of September backfired and instead of achieving what I had originally intended to do, I unintentionally achieved the opposite effect – hurting everyone and the site as a whole, but most of all hurting DJ Omnimaga, the creator of all this. I should also say a big apology to SnakeX, since it is he that I was directing my anger most during the events that occurred at the end of September.

I won’t say it was all unintentional, however. That would be the wrong thing to do. I would say that I wasn’t thinking about how different talking on an online forum is to talking to people in real life. So my intention was expressed in a way that was offensive to Omnimaga which is not what I wanted to do.

For consequences, read the section below titled: Overall Consequences.

   The mistakes:
Firstly, a few of my posts brushed some of the forum rules. I have tried my best to track them all down, if I have missed any, notify me.

Part 1 – minor mistakes – I was an outsider in a new forum.
The first few mistakes that I made were minor in comparison with what was to come.
Ignorance of the rules was a part of these but because I was still a new member, I was let off with a warning. As I am now reflecting on these events, I have realised the overall effect that I have given has been one where I thought I was the authority and could tell people what to do. Telling people how to run their site was a big mistake on my part and I was given a stern warning by DJ Omni on OmnomIRC. (from [00:52:53]). However at this time I kind of didn’t realise what implications that would occur if I continued.

Part 2 – major mistake – Health Bars for the TI-nspire copyright issues

At one point I discovered how to make health bars for the TI-nspire graphing calculator. Immediately I was reluctant to publish the actual source code for the program this as no one had done the exact thing before. I started getting obnoxious and arrogant about the whole subject and posted 4 useless posts about ways people can look at source code.
All 4 posts were rated down by DJ Omnimaga (-4 in total)
The posts were borderline on Rule 1

When I was about to do a good thing by releasing my health bars program on, the evil side of me took over and instead postponed the release of the program, but then I went too far and called SnakeX a kind of code stealer. I went even further by employing a method people could ‘use’ the health bars program through a complicated process.
-8 respect for that post and a weeklong ban
Rule 1 – provocative comments towards SnakeX and Omnimaga as a whole.


When I realised I had been banned, the implications of my actions dawned on me. I hung my head in shame for being so stupid, so protruding, so oblivious of the effects my comments had on others and to the consequences that could occur. I was also leaving for China the next day but before I left, DJ Omnimaga and I had a private chat about the whole situation and it was settled. This apology is a result of clarifying it to the whole of the Omnimaga community.
I could have been banned forever due to my attacks on the site itself, but the only reason I wasn’t put on the blacklist was that I was a new member. This made me realise how close
Respect: I lost 12 respect in total from that one topic. It dropped from +3 to -9

Overall Apology

I have seriously been shocked at my actions on the Omnimaga forum. I never knew I could wreak such havoc in such a short amount of time. I admit that when joined Omnimaga; I did not read the forum rules properly. After I joined, the effect that my most recent actions had on Omnimaga and on SnakeX, and everyone else’s reaction were not at all what I had originally intended. My selfishness prevented me from releasing my program and caused me to lose control. My stupidity cost me the respect that I had earned and more.

After I had been banned, I decided to look at the forum rules. As I read each rule, I realised that I had unknowingly plunged into the forum without any regard whatsoever to the rules. As I read each rule, I realised the true reasons why DJ Omnimaga and the rest of the admin had given me warnings about. There was so much I didn’t know at that time, and the wrong thing I did was to assume that I knew all the rules and could just command blindlessly without knowing the circumstances. I was like jumping from an aeroplane 10000m up without putting on a parachute and other safety gear first.

I say a deep apology to everyone who is a part of Omnimaga for my actions, but most especially my attitude towards SnakeX and I hope that you will all forgive me. I should also say a deeper apology to the founder of this great community, DJ Omnimaga, who I so admire and respect, for my terrible actions that have given you such a bad first impression of me.

Throughout this apology, I have tried to show my sincerity as much as possible by laying out my every action that has been offensive. All I hope is that you all accept that.

[A few more things that I’ve run out of space to tell]
The whole situation made me feel like I was verdant. I felt really terrible.

Personal Apology to Snake X
It is you who I should say a deep apology to for my recent actions. My most shocking actions on the forum were directed at you and must have had some effect, classifying you as a code stealer. What a silly thing to say. I was so selfish that I forgot that I actually told the forum that looking at other people’s code was the way to learn! (This was in the topic where I commented about verdant, btw) Your eagerness to learn is a good thing and this is the aim of Omnimaga, which I violated in my actions towards you. For your eagerness you will be rewarded and one of the first to receive a copy of my program.

The Future
Now that I have a clearer picture of the forum conditions, I will try and take care of my words and make sure that:
1.   They don’t challenge authority
2.   They don’t criticise other people in a negative/destructive/rude way.
I will also try and help people as much as possible but also keeping in mind at the same time not to get arrogant and selfish along the way.

Advice to others
My advice to others is to go back to the forum rules from time to time and make sure that you attitude towards Omnimaga isn’t violating any of those rules.
The 2nd Edition of this apology should now clear some things up and address more about the Health Bars issue.

Yours Sincerely,

« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 06:31:29 am by jhgenius01 »
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Offline meishe91

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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2010, 09:51:04 am »
Thanks for writing this. I, hopefully, speak for Omni and say that we know it can be hard. Everyone makes mistakes and it is really hard to own up to them and apologize. So thanks for that.

Couple things though. I know that there were a few things you did but the really big thing that ticked people off was your victimizing of Snake X, and I only saw that mentioned once. Though I do like how you apologize to us and, especially, DJ I think you owe Snake X and even bigger, personal, apology since you openly victimized him in front of everyone. Now, I don't know if you've settled things with him in private (in which case forget this) but I really think an apology to him is due.

Thanks again though for writing this, I know it'll mean a lot to some people.
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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2010, 10:04:17 am »
i've only seen you two or three times around the forums and honestly hadn't noticed any of the posts listed here(although that's probably because i spend less time around nspire threads). i'm not quite sure how you could have broken so many rules in such a short time, even without having looked at the rules page, because for the most part it's all basic netiquette. however, it does look like you spent a great deal of time preparing this apology and are actually sorry about recent events, so personally i would be willing to overlook any past events. just be sure to make plenty of positive contributions in the future.

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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2010, 10:25:40 am »
I admire you for openly apologizing instead of continuing your actions (although they really did not affect me to much of a degree).
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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2010, 03:46:43 pm »
Apology accepted. IMHO if you do not repeat all the mistakes again there should not be any grudges against you. I've watched your forum posts since the start and the vast majority was perfectly fine. Only some in the RPG health bar topic and a few others were borderline or negative. However, you have acknowledged you did wrong and I appreciate that. I have been myself kinda rude when warning, though, so I apologise for that too. Do not worry too much about the double-posting part, though, as this is not a very bad rule violation. Generally we warn but people stop anyway.

I hope you stick around for a while on the forums :)

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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2010, 04:06:06 pm »
I think this is a well written, heartfelt apology.  You've cleared the slate (my view; not every slate) and it's time to begin fresh.  :)
Welcome (back) to Omnimaga! ;D

Is this the first forum you've ever joined?  I know the first one can be hard for some people, as there is no inflection in words. :)

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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2010, 05:03:55 pm »
I remember being in a similar situation once... upon... wow, that seems so long ago, but it was only like 2 years ago!  Anyways, don't worry, as long as your apology's sincere, and you really make an effort to change, which it seems you have, you'll easily become accepted as a part of the community.  Especially if this forum is one of your first places though, I can remember, it can be hard getting used to the way you need to say things to get them better understood online... I'm sure everyone appreciates this apology very much though.  ;)
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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2010, 09:00:00 pm »
accepted :)
Loved this place, still the best producers of power metal, and sparked my dreams of coding.

Offline Jonius7

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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2010, 09:50:56 pm »
Wow i go to sleep and when i wake up, it's been read 88 times! (recheck: 103 times). I am deeply grateful for all your responses and will try and answer them. Here we go...

First for meishe91
i knew the moment that i posted my apology that it would be too complicated and could be expressed in a simpler way that addressed the more serious issues. It is really hard writing a good apology though. i am planning for an edit sometime but thanks for the response.
For shmibs
Hi shmibs, pretty much the same as for meishe91, i was planning to possibly edit my apology to incorporate the more serious issues more. Thanks for your response
For Michael Lee
Thanks for replying, and i appreciate your forgiveness
For DJ Omnimaga
once again i admire your authority and appreciate your response greatly
For ztrumpet
thanks for your response. i am slightly confused by your statemenet (not every slate). does this mean that my apology didn't address everything? if it did then please tell me? as i said before i am going to do an edit sometime. Also I have been on some other forums, but not that many, mainly calc forums such as UCF, UnitedTI etc. but none that I have been involved in nearly as much as
For cooliojazz
Thank you for your encouragement and your own experience in a situation like mine. I appreciate it greatly
For SnakeX
As other people say i owe you a separate apology. I shall write this up in a new section in my apology which should be coming soon

For All
Thank you to all
My respect has now been restored and i am deeply grateful to the Omnimaga community as a whole for helping me return back to Omnimaga.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 05:37:30 am by jhgenius01 »
Programmed some CASIO Basic in the past
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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2010, 11:26:53 pm »
About what Z was saying. He was saying you cleared the slate of bad things, wrong things, etc. and are starting new again. It's just an expression to say everything is cool and that you're starting over basically.
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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2010, 11:31:17 pm »
Especially if this forum is one of your first places though
Yeah true. IMHO when someone joins somewhere he needs to be given a chance to improve/learn and correct his mistakes. In the case above many were done in a short period of time so it sadly lead to a temp punishment but I've seen some members getting banned for a week before, then they never did anything wrong again afterward. When arriving somewhere you doN't really know how things works and when you join a forum for the first time ever you don't know about netiquette in general. Example: you may ask questions without searching first, because you think the forums is here for that, but someone needs to point you in the right direction if you do it too much (and not in a harsh way like I saw happening elsewhere on new members)

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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2010, 05:31:52 am »
meishe91, i know about the slate saying, what i don't get is You've cleared the slate (my view; not every slate) what slates haven't been cleared by me?
Programmed some CASIO Basic in the past
DJ Omnimaga Music Discographist ;)
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My Released Projects (Updated 2015/05/08)
TI-nspire BASIC
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Scissors Paper Rock
TI-nspire Lua
TI-nspire Hold 'em Lua
Transport Chooser
Secret Project (at v0.08.2 - 2015/05/08)
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TI-nspire BASIC
Battle of 16s (stalled) | sTIck RPG (stalled) | Monopoly (stalled) | Cosmic Legions (stalled)
Axe Parser
Doodle God (stalled while I go and learn some Axe)

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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2010, 05:36:38 am »
Oh, ok. Sorry, I thought you meant just that part. By that I think he means to him everything is cool but maybe not with everyone. But I would wait for Z to clarify that one, but I think that's it.
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For the 51st time, that is not my card! (Magic Joke)

Offline Jonius7

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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2010, 06:24:30 am »
a big thanks for that, you are one of my favourite members, and the one who gave a really good response to my terrible post.
2nd edition of apology is up, (sorry, im a kind of perfectionist) it addresses the health bar issue more i think. I tried to shorten it down, but half failed. However the personal apology to SnakeX is short and sweet.
Programmed some CASIO Basic in the past
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My Released Projects (Updated 2015/05/08)
TI-nspire BASIC
TI-nspire Hold 'em
Health Bar
Scissors Paper Rock
TI-nspire Lua
TI-nspire Hold 'em Lua
Transport Chooser
Secret Project (at v0.08.2 - 2015/05/08)
Spoiler For Extra To-Be-Sorted Clutter:

Spoiler For Relegated Projects:
TI-nspire BASIC
Battle of 16s (stalled) | sTIck RPG (stalled) | Monopoly (stalled) | Cosmic Legions (stalled)
Axe Parser
Doodle God (stalled while I go and learn some Axe)

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Re: the apology you have all been waiting for
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2010, 08:24:34 am »
I find it interesting, in general, how it is easy to make a mistake, but hard to apologize for it. You've earned some respect from me for managing it. And, an apology doesn't need to be perfect. It just needs to be sincere. The rest will fall into place.

To jhgenius only, but anyone interested can click.
Spoiler For Spoiler:
As for the health bar, that was a really good achievement, one you should be proud of. I managed to achieve some sort of a health bar in my Pokemon Battle Simulator program, but it took me 4 releases to get it right. Do you plan on including a textual meter as well? In version 4.0 of my Pokemon battle game, the visual health meter scrolls down AS the text meter decreases (screenie below). If you haven't achieved this, I can help you with it.


The important thing about a community like omnimaga is that we are all here to support one another. That means we don't try to hide our source code. Instead we provide parts of our own code to assist others. Its about teaching. Perhaps you might want to think about releasing your health meter as a subroutine, so that others may include it in their own code. In any event, welcome back.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 08:31:54 am by ACagliano »