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The infamous 83+ OS 1.17
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Topic: The infamous 83+ OS 1.17 (Read 3622 times)
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DJ Omnimaga
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The infamous 83+ OS 1.17
March 02, 2013, 05:22:01 am »
I have some questions about the infamous 83+ OS 1.17 that came out during Summer 2004 for a short-lived period of time on calcs sold in some stores (I think it never got available for download anywhere and the rumors about it being buggy is probably why it's so hard to find anywhere):
What was so bad in particular about it? I remember hearing things such as how it was unstable, but other people were saying that it didn't run ASM programs or apps. Apparently it seemed even worse than OS 1.13 and 2.5xMP (and perhaps the fake 2.71MP prank). Was it true and if it's unstable, then what bugs in particular were introduced? WikiTI lacks information on what bugs were present in specific OSes.
I would have tried in WabbitEmu, but WabbitEmu just displays the Waiting OS screen when I try to drag the 8xu file on the screen, and I am kinda scared of trying it on a real calc.
Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 05:24:45 am by DJ_O
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Re: The infamous 83+ OS 1.17
Reply #1 on:
March 02, 2013, 02:10:52 pm »
I don't recall anything in particular about 1.17. According to WikiTI, there are no known differences between 1.16, 1.17, and 1.18; but the Wiki might just be out of date. Regardless, 1.17 won't prevent you from downgrading or upgrading. I do recall having it on my TI-83+SE for a while without causing any unique issues.
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James Oldiges
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Re: The infamous 83+ OS 1.17
Reply #2 on:
March 02, 2013, 04:05:12 pm »
I have a couple friends with it.
One of them won't receive anything but lists it seems.
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Re: The infamous 83+ OS 1.17
Reply #3 on:
March 02, 2013, 10:47:02 pm »
As far as I can remember there wasn't anything wrong with OS 1.17. I think, however (and this might be what you're thinking of) that OS 1.17 was released at around the same time as TI switched to a different LCD driver, which runs slightly slower than the LCD drivers used in earlier calculators, and therefore broke a lot of existing programs. So any calc that had OS 1.17 on it (especially since it was never released on the Web) was likely to have problems with some assembly programs, even though those problems had nothing to do with the OS.
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DJ Omnimaga
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Re: The infamous 83+ OS 1.17
Reply #4 on:
March 02, 2013, 11:16:07 pm »
Ah that might explain it. I only remembered that it never came out on TI website and it was really short-lived. By the time it was noticed on MaxCoderz (the old board), it was already gone and no one seemed to want to stick with it. The LCD issues might explain it.
By the way didn't TI switch a 2nd time to different LCD drivers later? I think I remember a lot of 2004 TI-83+ calcs that couldn't run old ASM games properly, but older and newer ones could run them fine. Or could it have been the user not reporting his OS version and that 1.17 was at cause like you say?
Also WikiTI only reported some OS changes, not bug fixes nor the bugs themselves. It's mainly French sites that reported problems about OS bugs (most notably 1.13, which was very unstable). I think 1.13 was even worse than 2.53 and 2.55MP. In OS 1.13, if you went in the PRGM editor then scrolled the PRGM list when it had over 50-60 programs in it, it crashed halfway through then caused a RAM clear (or worse). I think 1.13 was when they changed the way the PRGM menu scrolls so that it's much faster, but it was totally butchered.
Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 11:18:10 pm by DJ_O
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Re: The infamous 83+ OS 1.17
Reply #5 on:
March 03, 2013, 12:35:31 am »
You're probably right about the LCD drivers; I know they've switched chips several times. I haven't really been following the issue, though (in fact I haven't heard much discussion about it for years, so I guess it must be fixed for most people.)
If you have any detailed info about OS bugs, it'd be wonderful if you could add that info to WikiTI.
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Re: The infamous 83+ OS 1.17
Reply #6 on:
March 03, 2013, 12:56:38 am »
TI buys the LCD driver from commercial manufacturers. The calcs get whatever chip compatible with the same command set happens to be cheapest on the market. It's the same way with flash chips. TI has bought them from half-a-dozen different companies. I'm the only person who's ever noticed because I'm the only person who reads the datasheets, and there are no assembly programs that will break if the flash chips are different. (Although, IIRC, either TI-boy or zStart will use the fast write command if it's available.)
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DJ Omnimaga
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Re: The infamous 83+ OS 1.17
Reply #7 on:
March 03, 2013, 01:09:48 am »
I mostly remember the horde of new help threads popping up on MaxCoderz and especially CalcGames about Mario being messed up and MirageOS not showing it. It mostly lasted through the school restart rush of 2004, then the only time that issue ever got brought back up was with the TI-84 Plus (thankfully, unlike the 83+, ALCDFix can solve the problem).
It reminds me of the TI-82 days, where the Parcus model didn't run old games until CrASH 19.006 came out and newer games not running on older ROMs. The TI-92 and 84+ had similar issues as well.
As for bugs, you can find some here:
. That list is incomplete, though, so make sure to check the rest of the thread in case new ones were posted (I didn't have time to add them)
Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 01:10:47 am by DJ_O
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