Author Topic: TI-Cares response to lack of ASM support & limited BASIC programming [MERGED THREADS]  (Read 54713 times)

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Offline qazz42

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Thank you for the reply.

As far as I am aware and as far as what is noted on all our TI-84 Plus family graphing calculators all of them have about 24KB of RAM not 128 KB RAM. We are not responsible for third party software which may alter the calculator. Due to the risks involved, Texas Instruments does not support or recommend modifications to the hardware. Modifications of this type will void the calculator's original warranty, and could result in damage to your calculator or personal injury.

I hope that you find this information helpful. If you have further questions or comments, please feel free to send me an email.

Warmest Regards,

César López

personal injury? D: I didnt realize that ndless was that dangerous!

Offline fb39ca4

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Thank you for the reply.

As far as I am aware and as far as what is noted on all our TI-84 Plus family graphing calculators all of them have about 24KB of RAM not 128 KB RAM. We are not responsible for third party software which may alter the calculator. Due to the risks involved, Texas Instruments does not support or recommend modifications to the hardware. Modifications of this type will void the calculator's original warranty, and could result in damage to your calculator or personal injury.

I hope that you find this information helpful. If you have further questions or comments, please feel free to send me an email.

Warmest Regards,

César López

personal injury? D: I didnt realize that ndless was that dangerous!


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In regards to your query about more information about documentation for Ports 4C and above. I can only refer you to the sdk documentation on our website:


Bill Anderson

Hi Bill,
Unfortunately, I'm looking for information about ports 4C and above on the TI-84+, not the TI-89.

Drew "Sir Cmpwn" DeVault

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Wow.  That's sad.  It's too bad they don't know the difference between calcs... </sarcasm> :(

Offline qazz42

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Ow! Remote8x just broke my arm!

Offline Hot_Dog

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In regards to your query about more information about documentation for Ports 4C and above. I can only refer you to the sdk documentation on our website:


Bill Anderson

Hi Bill,
Unfortunately, I'm looking for information about ports 4C and above on the TI-84+, not the TI-89.

Drew "Sir Cmpwn" DeVault

That may be one factor in whether people will buy our graphing calculator or not :)  TI support is really lacking


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* SirCmpwn sighs


Sorry. Try:


Thanks Bill,
This one covers the TI-83+, which does not have ports 4C and above in the first place.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Drew "Sir Cmpwn" DeVault

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You're wasting your time...

They can only give you links to the official web site, and to my knowledge, no technical information specific to the TI-84+ was ever published by them.
TI-Planet co-admin.


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I shall push and prod them until I get what I need :)
I'm pretty good with people, I may have a chance.

Offline apcalc

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I remember in one email that I got they gave me a link to a non TI website.

The question was something regarding a math function on the TI-89 (piecewise functions, I believe), and they gave me a link to an external website that described how to graph one on the TI-89.

Offline critor

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I remember in one email that I got they gave me a link to a non TI website.

The question was something regarding a math function on the TI-89 (piecewise functions, I believe), and they gave me a link to an external website that described how to graph one on the TI-89.

I suppose he/she must have been fired since... :p
TI-Planet co-admin.

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Darn, some of those responses from TI are pathetic x.x

Especially the one Qazz got about personal injuries x.x

And a late reply to a post I missed on the last page:
I remember that, he just said all of them have 24 kb. It's kinda sad TI-82s have 4 more kb of ram over the 83/84+
And if you use OS 2.53MP/2.54MP, the available TI-84+ RAM size is decreased even more.........
Wow really? Pathetic :/


With all TI-83+ OSes and TI-84+ OSes 0.46 to 2.48, you've got the same number of free bytes in RAM (24285).

With OSes 2.53MP/2.54MP, you've got a little less (23720).

You may say it's not a big loss.
But the problem is the available RAM on TI-83+/84+ was allready not a big thing in itself...
Yeah, the size mattered a lot actually. There are 83 games that didn't ran on the 83+ because of that. I got ERR:MEMORY

Offline qazz42

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Thank you for the reply.

I apologize for the delay in response, I had to do further research on your question. What I was able to find is that in response to the changing supply of materials, Texas Instruments constantly adjusts product designs to maintain the level of performance and reliability to which our customers are accustomed.

I hope that you find this information helpful. If you have further questions or comments, please feel free to send me an email.

Warmest Regards,

César López
Texas Instruments
Email: [email protected]
General Information: (800) 842-2737
Technical Support: (972) 917-8324
Let me know how I'm doing. Fill out our customer survey at:

Check out our FREE interactive tutorials!

---- Original Message ----
To clear some things up

1. I don't believe that third party programs would cause me a personal injury

2. Yes, it is sadly true, the TI-84+ line has 128 KB RAM (only 24 is user
accessible though) the rest is used for the TI-OS. There used to be extra
leftover RAM that did nothing in particular, it was there for us third party
developers. I am only wondering what has happened to that RAM in newer models,
because it is reported that most of the extra RAM is missing. Only a tiny bit
was not removed, and that was just because of the MathPrint OS. I am only
asking, why was this RAM removed?

From: TI Cares Customer Support <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thu, August 26, 2010 10:32:40 AM
Subject: Re: US, CalcOrProcedure, TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Plus Silver Edition


Thank you for the reply.

As far as I am aware and as far as what is noted on all our TI-84 Plus family
graphing calculators all of them have about 24KB of RAM not 128 KB RAM. We are
not responsible for third party software which may alter the calculator. Due to
the risks involved, Texas Instruments does not support or recommend
modifications to the hardware. Modifications of this type will void the
calculator's original warranty, and could result in damage to your calculator or
personal injury.

I hope that you find this information helpful. If you have further questions or
comments, please feel free to send me an email.

Warmest Regards,

César López
Texas Instruments
Email: [email protected]
General Information: (800) 842-2737
Technical Support: (972) 917-8324
Let me know how I'm doing. Fill out our customer survey at:

Check out our FREE interactive tutorials!

---- Original Message ----;wap2

perhaps that will help in understanding the question, it is where I got my
information about missing RAM pages from.

From: TI Cares Customer Support <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, August 24, 2010 8:48:47 PM
Subject: Re: US, CalcOrProcedure, TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Plus Silver Edition


Thank you for the reply.

I am not sure what you referring to. All TI-84 Plus Silver Edition calculators
have the exact same amount of RAM and Flash ROM.

I hope that you find this information helpful. If you have further questions or
comments, please feel free to send me an email.

Warmest Regards,

César López
Texas Instruments
Email: [email protected]
General Information: (800) 842-2737
Technical Support: (972) 917-8324
Let me know how I'm doing. Fill out our customer survey at:

Check out our FREE interactive tutorials!

---- Original Message ----
This does not help, what I mean to ask is why older TI-84+SE had more "extra RAM
pages" but newer ones are missing a lot. These RAM pages are required for some
apps, some of which are Texas Instrument's apps.

From: TI Cares Customer Support <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Mon, August 23, 2010 5:24:05 PM
Subject: Re: US, CalcOrProcedure, TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Plus Silver Edition


Thank you for contacting Texas Instruments.

I will be more than happy to answer your questions about the TI-84 Plus Silver

The TI-84 Plus Silver Edition has 1.5 MB of available Flash ROM for Apps and 24
KB of available RAM for programs. The calculator comes preloaded with the
following Apps that do take up some of this space.

? Area Formulas App
? Cabri? Jr. App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? Catalog Help App
? CellSheet? App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? Conic Graphing App
? Fundamental Topics in Science App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? Inequality Graphing App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? Language Localization App for the TI-84 Plus Families
? LearningCheck? App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? NoteFolio? App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? Organizer App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? Periodic Table App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? Polynomial Root Finder and Simultaneous Equation Solver Version 2.0
? Probability Simulation App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? Puzzle Pack for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? Science Tools App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? Start-Up Customization App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? StudyCards? App
? Topics in Algebra 1 (Chapters 1- 5) App for TI- 83 Plus & TI-84 Plus Families
? Transformation Graphing App for the TI-83 Plus and TI-84 Plus Families
? Vernier EasyData? App

With all of these Apps installed it takes up space, not counting the different
language localization Apps that may have been installed it takes up about 560 KB
of the available Flash ROM.

Another resource you can use to find answers to your questions, example
calculations and other information is our Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base is
accessible to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I hope that you find this information helpful. If you have further questions or
comments, please feel free to send me an email.

Warmest Regards,

César López
Texas Instruments
Email: [email protected]
General Information: (800) 842-2737
Technical Support: (972) 917-8324
Let me know how I'm doing. Fill out our customer survey at:

Check out our FREE interactive tutorials!

---- Original Message ----
Country: US
Name: Alec Szigeti
Email: [email protected]
Type of Service: CalcOrProcedure
Computer Software Setup/Usage:
Product Group: GrphHH
Product: TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
Purchase Time: 06/2010
Customer Type: NotSelected
Product Serial#:
Computer OS: NotSelected
Comments: Why is my TI-84+SE missing a lot of RAM pages needed for some

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Strange, he doesn't state anything about production costs. I wonder if this is their motive? Also darn it took so long for you to get an answer that is not (the 84+ only has 24 KB total RAM) x.x

Offline shmibs

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flash apps take up rom space. does that help you with your ram questions?

what do they have to gain in avoiding the question other than making themselves look worse?