Author Topic: TI-Cares response to lack of ASM support & limited BASIC programming [MERGED THREADS]  (Read 54667 times)

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using my e-mail address? ??? ??? ???
using someone else's email address is extremely easy.  There is a homebrew program on the ds that will do it for you.

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[quote author=ACagliano link=topic=3786.msg117139#msg117139 date=1296927246]
If I may present a solution to an issue that was presented at the beginning of the topic...

TI caters not only to the programming community, but to the teachers. First off, TI should realize that they get a great deal of business from the programming community, from needing new calculators after bricking our own, to just wanting to try out new hardware. They should take that into account when fighting against us with their downgrade protections and PTT features.

But, that is not my point. My point is this...teachers give TI alot of business as well. Many teachers are repulsed by programming abilities, and even discourage it to a point. My math teachers used to do RAM clears and delete our groups all the time and the only way I got around this was to group everything, then use CalcSys to toggle the inGroup value, which hides all groups and programs. Teachers believe that programming allows students to cheat. My question is, does programming our calculator before hand, on our own merit, count as cheating? In my chemistry class, I often made utilities that made chemistry calculations easier. After being initially skeptical of the calculator's ability, my chem teacher became impressed by the software I was making and began distributing the programs to the class online and allowed them to be utilized on tests.

We need to convince teachers that programming is not detrimental, but it can be a great help to in class-activity. The important thing is that my programs in chemistry explained why the calculator was doing what it was doing, not just giving an answer. If we tailor some software toward constructive use in class, teachers will begin to see the value and may clamor for additional programming functionality themselves.

Maybe there should be more effort into making math/science programs more friendly twords teachers.
School: East Central High School
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Yeah. My 7th grade teacher asked me to distribute quadform (a quadradic solver) to the whole class. My Alg2 teacher is impressed by my programming. She just doesn't want me to miss stuff, or my grades might drop. I have never had my teachers try to clear my RAM. I guess I'm just lucky. But yeah, I think once the teachers realize that you are still doing the math, it wouldn't be so bad.
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Offline ACagliano

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So, we need to dedicate some of our projects to helping classes, and teachers. I am all too ready to launch this effort, if it helps the general community. Who is with me? I will add a teachers section to my own website. I respectfully suggest to the site moderators here that a teacher section be added to the forums and download section, and I will cross-post this to cemetech.

Offline Happybobjr

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Quadratic formulas ftw!!!

but seriously, it is a good thought.
School: East Central High School
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Offline ACagliano

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So, we need to dedicate some of our projects to helping classes, and teachers. I am all too ready to launch this effort, if it helps the general community. Who is with me? I will add a teachers section to my own website. I respectfully suggest to the site moderators here that a teacher section be added to the forums and download section, and I will cross-post this to cemetech.

I can contribute some of my own software to this, if we go with it.

Offline jnesselr

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Some teachers will still say no, simple because of cheating.  The way a teacher told me, it's okay if I know how to do all of this, but just not on tests, because I might not learn anything.  So it's not like your all of a sudden going to change a teacher's mind about anything.  I used to have to use another calculator, until I still aced my tests.  Familiarity with a calculator is nice, having the fear of programming answers into it is not.  I prefer not using programs for stuff like AP Chem.


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What's this talk of a spy?  <.<
* SirCmpwn runs
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 05:47:55 pm by SirCmpwn »

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Sigh, thank god I learnt that the calc teacher at my school really isnt that bad. she no longer is a Ti worshipper. she actually is quite knowledgeable about calcs in regards to asm. I am going to show her how to program in C later.... with ndless of course :P

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Uhm, Ashbad, why did you sent an e-mail to TI using my e-mail address? ??? ??? ???

I just got the response in my inbox now. ??? Anyway it's the same generic one as someone got a few months ago. I have no clue what you initially said, since the reply doesn't include the quoted text from your e-mail. ???

Dear Ashbad,

Thanks for your feedback from the perspective of the C / ASM programming and development community. We appreciate feedback from all of customers.

At this time, we offer only the programming functionalities that are resident on the TI-Nspire handheld. Please remember that the TI-Nspire is an educational tool. It is designed for the instructional needs of math and science teachers and learners.

However, we will keep your input in mind as we develop future products.

Best Regards

Media Relations Manager
Texas Instruments, Education Technology

X.x How does he have access to your email in the first place?
He probably used an e-mail form on their site and instead of putting his own e-mail address there he put my own.

@Acagliano another issue is that some teachers are tired of seeing students playing games on their calc during classes. However, the thing is that students have played games for over a decade and TI still made programmable calcs. The problem there, however, is that TI made the Nspire so incredibly locked down that even rudimentary math programs were impossible or very hard to do at all. X.x

Offline z80man

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I'm sure TI would do whatever teachers ask them to. What if we asked many of our own teachers to ask TI to add better programming utilities to their calculators for "educational purposes". ;)  That might convince them to value programming more. We could even have teachers tell TI they want to teach their students programming skills.

List of stuff I need to do before September:
1. Finish the Emulator of the Casio Prizm (in active development)
2. Finish the the SH3 asm IDE/assembler/linker program (in active development)
3. Create a partial Java virtual machine  for the Prizm (not started)
4. Create Axe for the Prizm with an Axe legacy mode (in planning phase)
5. Develop a large set of C and asm libraries for the Prizm (some progress)
6. Create an emulator of the 83+ for the Prizm (not started)
7. Create a well polished game that showcases the ability of the Casio Prizm (not started)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Lol maybe that could work, unless they feared it would allow more games (especially the getkey function).

Offline ACagliano

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Well, my goal here is to do an experiment. My key argument is that the usage of programs on a test, or in class in general, does not profoundly affect the grade in the class. I would like some students, preferably in high school, but college works too, to take test, some using COMPUTATIONAL software (NOT CHEAT NOTES), and others not using it. I would like to enter the results and see if my theory is correct. If so, it will become the chief argument in a letter I plan to distribute to teachers.

Offline Happybobjr

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Unfortunately only a third of the students in my math class have programmable calcs.

and only 5 kids in my Chem class...
School: East Central High School
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Offline ACagliano

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Unfortunately only a third of the students in my math class have programmable calcs.

and only 5 kids in my Chem class...

Any number is ok. I'll take what I can get. Ask them if they are willing to do this? The only data I need is: Was software used? Grade on exam? How long it took to finish test?

Offline Happybobjr

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ok, next chem test is next month.
School: East Central High School
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TI-Nspire    |||  Lent out, and never returned