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Topic: TI community lack of support (Read 21470 times)
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DJ Omnimaga
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TI community lack of support
May 31, 2006, 03:12:00 am »
I am posting this here because I know some Omnimaga staff or retired staff got victim of this stuff and I cant login on MC anymore so I cannot post here anymore.
I recently saw Falldown Ripoff topic and Reflex Revolution topic on MaxCoderz project section. I am starting to get sick to death of how some ppl act on MC. Atm I dunno how but I'll try to get myself banned or ignore every links pointing to MC forums when someone post them otherwise I'll end up doing something very bad here (if you remember what happened with TICALCS2, but much more worse because I doubt MC has flood control enabled), and I would prefer to not have to because tr1p1ea/DarkAuron are staff on MC and I wouldnt like to do this to their forums. I think ppl should stop coming here tho, just check how they are with basic programmers in kalan's project topic and CDI's, they are always making us sound like we are wasting our time and when we try to defend ourself they tell us to calm down and they claim they are nice with us and then they are sarcastic. Great way to support the community as a whole (including all programmers)
I am ranting because this stuff piss me off and I think they should be more supportive. ok we are at Omnimaga and maybe we should just care about Omni comments maybe but I know some ppl on this forum post on MaxCoderz about their projects and it ticks me off to see my staff and members getting either bashed or feel like they are wasting their time after seeing comments on MC. I doubt there is any easy way to end this but I think there should be some kind of rebellion against troublemakers. I dont mean something like getting 2-30 ppl together to spam MC to death during about 1 hour whenever they have free time during one whole day but I was more thinking about boycotting or something like that. When 10 or 12 ppl will announce they are leaving on MC forums and that they can be found on Tifreakware, Omnimaga, Revsoft, etc, and that MC only get like 10 posts per day or less, members will finally realize what they did wrong and try to be more supportive.
And that apply to other forums as well like revsoft because I saw Spencer comment in Elfprince Pure BASIC sprite routine topic over here as well. Nothing better to say than "learn asm". He was doing a BASIC project, we dont care about ASM learning in BASIC programming topics.
And sorry for DarkAuron/tr1p1ea about my ranting, but that need to be said, because thats the truth
those are the most recent topics btw
-there is nothing wrong that happened here but I am posting it because everyone seems to be ignoring this project and it seems to happen often over here
To those who want to continue posting on MC don't listen to ppl here its not worth it, they are just trying to ruin the community
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TI community lack of support
Reply #1 on:
May 31, 2006, 05:48:00 am »
I agree...since i first joined under the name That_One_Guy, i've noticed a decline in politeness and how they treated other members who werent either staff, admin, or i guess friends. I might just stop posting there...
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TI community lack of support
Reply #2 on:
May 31, 2006, 05:54:00 am »
I have a tremendous amount of 6 posts there... I guess that shows how much I acre about their waof discussion
At least that means that there is room for improvements....
DJ Omnimaga
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Reply #3 on:
May 31, 2006, 06:02:00 am »
Actually I think MC went back to its before the hacking state, from when I joined in mid 2003 to when they got hacked. After that kalan vod joined, as well as spengo, shadow phoenix, etc. I think the days I enjoyed the most at MC were between October 2005 and May 2005. I left on july 2005. The only reason why I came back on january 2006 is because some ppl wanted me to come back so I wanted to make them happy
and I wanted to have 2000 posts
but I havent posted here since march
TI community lack of support
Reply #4 on:
May 31, 2006, 07:19:00 am »
I didn't mind spencer's comment so much since revsoft isn't arrogant about it.
MaxCoderz is beginng to irritate me.
Kevin do you remember what we talked about on IM after the ticalcs2 incident? I think it might be time to start recruiting for that.
DJ Omnimaga
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TI community lack of support
Reply #5 on:
May 31, 2006, 07:28:00 am »
yeah I remember that. Actually I am starting to think it might be a better idea to have that. Only thing tho is that we should still focus on coding. I think one person cannot change something like this. To change attitude somewhere we need to be a lot of ppl who want things to change and we need to hit very hard. Basically show the troublemakers we don't like what they are doing and strike in whatever way we can until they give up. However it will not work if some ppl just leave and others strike. We need to either all leave, or we all strike, I dunno how hard we would need to strike, I know it might end up in some kind of holy war but if we have to strike hard we will need to, providing its not illegal
TI community lack of support
Reply #6 on:
May 31, 2006, 08:04:00 am »
I have some ideal webspace we can use.
further discussion of this should occur via PM, IM or email.
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TI community lack of support
Reply #7 on:
May 31, 2006, 11:26:00 am »
KV and Compwiz are the only ones who are upsetting my atm, and I am sick to death of Compwiz now....
DJ Omnimaga
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TI community lack of support
Reply #8 on:
May 31, 2006, 11:28:00 am »
compwiz seems to have joined the dark side, the side of ppl who keep telling others to learn asm since basic sucks, lot of ppl at mc did that too because they followed the trend
At cemetech it isnt much better but only 2 people arent really nice here actually and since its mostly hardware oriented not much ppl post about their new games over here compared to MC
Radical Pi
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TI community lack of support
Reply #9 on:
May 31, 2006, 12:42:00 pm »
I think I joined MC and posted once; a positive comment to one of CDI's 1337 pixel creations. That might have been revsoft, but either way I decided to not get active there because of the lack of basic discussion.
One of these days I'll get a sig I'm really proud of.
TI community lack of support
Reply #10 on:
May 31, 2006, 01:12:00 pm »
JPez and kllrnohj are harsh to noobs, and rather outspoken, but neither of them are jerks or anything (usually).
And I can't see you saying Cemetech is mostly about hardware. Its more a general discussion forum for people involved with Kerm's projects, and other people who just need programming help.
And I guarantee at Cemetech you will never get flamed for using Basic since its home of the B31337.
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
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TI community lack of support
Reply #11 on:
June 01, 2006, 02:40:00 am »
well I meant that MC and Omnimaga are more game programming than Cemetech, Cemetech and UTI are more BASIC programming in general and of course have lot of good pure basic members. Some ppl here hate asm libs tho, which is why I dont like going here really. Well thats just my opinion. JPez was banned from Omnimaga for a while anyway
but to come back on MC there is something that need to be done, otherwise we will lose lot of great new comers willing to learn BASIC programming or xLIB programming with their comments against BASIC. Some people will tell me that the guy who posted in Kalan's falldown ripoff game topic try to apologise but like usual (yes I know its that because I have been active on MC for about 2 years) it is only to try to make the victim become somewhat happy again and think that person isn't that bad so that person will be able to cause trouble again in the future. That's what troublemakers does, they claim they are sorry while in fact they are just laughing their *** off. We could always ignore them, but they are ruining the community, and I think the community is inactive enough like it is now, we dont need bunch of nice member to vanish again because of troublemakers, there is something that needs to be done about this now. Either boycott them (leave) or fight back
TI community lack of support
Reply #12 on:
June 01, 2006, 07:12:00 am »
has anybody from The-website-where-troublemakers-gathers seen this topic yet?
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Reply #13 on:
June 01, 2006, 07:18:00 am »
I dont think so, only DA and tr1p really come here from MC.
TI community lack of support
Reply #14 on:
June 01, 2006, 12:10:00 pm »
Yes, I noticed this from the link. Just so everyone here is informed, the question that started this topic off was by me. Here it is:
I'm curious as to why you're making this. Is it better than the real falldown? Does it have any features that differentiate it?
I don't know why kalan found it insulting, but apparently he did when it was not meant to be insulting at all. It was just something I was curious about. My question that stated that I was curious as to why kalan was making the game was just that: idle curiosity. Usually, if I'm going to work on a project that will take up a good amount of time, I have a reason. It could be that the game hasn't been made before, or that I want to add in some features that weren't present in another version of the game. Or maybe I just feel like practicing my Basic making another pong clone or something. When I saw that he took it the wrong way, I apologised and clarified the tone of my initial comment, along with commenting favorably on his work. After many posts of kalan expressing how offended he was, and me apologizing and explaining that he took it the wrong way, he finally answered:
the features are more definable level design (size of bars and speed)
exactly what I was asking about in the first place.
I also did not say QuoteBegin-xlibman+
compwiz seems to have joined the dark side, the side of ppl who keep telling others to learn asm since basic sucks, lot of ppl at mc did that too because they followed the trend
In fact, I said that "there are places that basic is very well suited for, and that kalan is pushing the boundaries of basic to encompass things that were once only done in asm". I don't see why this has to come to this after just an innocent, misunderstood question. Other people at Max
Coderz agree, as you can read in the aforementioned topic.
My real account was also just suspended on this website, with no explanation, and no reason. I haven't even posted on this website for months, and I have not broken any rules. This seems like an abuse of power, IMHO.
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