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Topic: TI community lack of support (Read 22197 times)
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TI community lack of support
Reply #15 on:
June 01, 2006, 03:34:00 pm »
Compwiz: please see my comment regarding the "BASIC should only be used for this and this" comment you made. In fact, i'll copy and paste it here.
" So then what you're saying is that BASIC is only suited for text RPGs, and some graphical ones? Its close-mindedness like that that holds back the true potential of any language. Dont say something cant be done in any language, instead, let someone try it, and if they fail dont say "I told you so", say "nice effort". You know what, Kalan? Program to your heart's content. Dont listen to narrow-minded comments like BASIC is only good for text games. And again, im not trying to be rude or anything, but if your gonna say one language is betetr than another and you should only stick to things the language is good at, then i dont wanna hear it...keep it to yourself. But thats just my opinion."
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TI community lack of support
Reply #16 on:
June 01, 2006, 05:42:00 pm »
Compuwiz did apologize -- and relatively quickly I might add. It takes a good person to step forward and do such a thing.
So when a person apologizes, you should forgive that person without holding a grudge.
I hope everyone at Omnimaga will be able to forgive and forget.
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Reply #17 on:
June 01, 2006, 06:54:00 pm »
You're right...Compwiz, I'm sorry for going off on you like that...hate is one thing we really dont need in the community. So I say again, Im sorry.
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DJ Omnimaga
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TI community lack of support
Reply #18 on:
June 02, 2006, 11:45:00 am »
(this was sent to compwiz via email)
The reason why you got suspended is because I saw your posts in Fall down Ripoff thread on MaxCoderz as well as those regarding that basic shouldnt be used for some stuff. Earlier I saw you signed up on Omnimaga, but since Omnimaga is a TI-BASIC and xLIB forum and no comments against BASIC (even the ones you made on MC) are allowed on Omnimaga forums I was afraid taht you would do the same thing on omni than on MC and since I dont want that to happen at all I took pre emptive steps and suspended your account.
Today though I saw your apology in the topic on Omnimaga to kalan_vod, so the ban is gonna be removed. I'll delete the new account you created (this will not delete the post anyway), and unban your previous account.
I am sorry it was a misunderstanding, I was afraid you were trying to make kalan_vod feel like he's wasting his time. I though so because I have been active on MaxCoderz for about 2.5 years (from September 2003 to July 2005 and from January 2006 to March 2006) and I see lot of people do that on the Maxcoderz forums during my time here. I was even victim of this as well (ppl telling me that no one will be interested in my games because they are in basic and people keeping harrasing me telling me to learn ASM every topics or so), and this is one of the reason why I left the forums. I don't like the lack of support towards BASIC programmers on MC, ppl wont let them any chances and arent constructive to them. And this is why I created Omnimaga forums, because I felt we lacked a community place where both asm-lib enhanced BASIC programmers and pure BASIC programmers wouldnt be flamed or harrassed. If those posts were posted on omnimaga forums you would have seen them edited or deleted because we don't want this here. There have been too many people leaving because of the lack of respect in the community towards basic programmers especially.
You are always welcome on Omnimaga forums btw, providing you promise me to not say anything bad about basic programming, people don't like them, and since there have been so much anti-basic flames in the past years in the community people get defensive very fast against basic comments now.
Sorry again for the misunderstandting, thanks for clarifying the meaning of your post on MC. I will never come back on MaxCoderz though, maybe someday I'll post again on UnitedTI but I've seen enough crap happening on MC over the past years, and I know this will continue happening because moderators are not tolerant enough toward flaming and arguments that ends nowhere, so from now on I'll be found on Omnimaga forums
This topic will remains open though, as it isnt necessarly directed toward the fall down ripoff thread
DJ Omnimaga
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TI community lack of support
Reply #19 on:
June 02, 2006, 01:53:00 pm »
Sorry for the double post, but I would like to clarify that in this post and any IRC convo about this matter when I am talking about "MaxCoderz" I am not necessarly talking about the forums as a whole including all members and/or staff, even when I said this always happens at MC I mean that the new comers tends to follow the example of old members and since there is a few members here causing trouble toward basic programmers some new comers will think its right so they will do the same thing later, but thats not all MC members or staff, I even have respect for 3 of the staff at least. Sorry if there was any misunderstood. Also I apologise for the "maxcoderz" changing to other words on forums or the ban put on all guests on IRC posting this word, the joke didn't really had its place at all here
TI community lack of support
Reply #20 on:
June 04, 2006, 07:16:00 pm »
The fact that Spencer said learn ASM should be taken as a very high compliment. Obviously he saw some potential in elfprince. He didn't say basic was bad.
QuoteBegin-"Radical Pi"+-->
("Radical Pi")
I decided to not get active there because of the lack of basic discussion
At revsoft we have many of the same basic posts as MC (like kalan's and elfprince's) except the threads on revsoft contain support and compliments. Just because all of the staff members are ASM programmers, does not mean we do not appreciate basic. I make basic programs all the time. The only reason I don't release them is that my basic programs are no good
TI community lack of support
Reply #21 on:
June 05, 2006, 12:19:00 am »
QuoteBegin-threefingeredguy+Jun 5 2006, 01:16 AM-->
(threefingeredguy @ Jun 5 2006, 01:16 AM)
The fact that Spencer said learn ASM should be taken as a very high compliment. Obviously he saw some potential in elfprince. He didn't say basic was bad.
QuoteBegin-"Radical Pi"+-->
("Radical Pi")
I decided to not get active there because of the lack of basic discussion
At revsoft we have many of the same basic posts as MC (like kalan's and elfprince's) except the threads on revsoft contain support and compliments. Just because all of the staff members are ASM programmers, does not mean we do not appreciate basic. I make basic programs all the time. The only reason I don't release them is that my basic programs are no good
I have always appreciated the revsoft staff for being supportive of my projects. and as tr1p1ea pointed out in the last post of the falldown ripoff thread, for the most part maxcoderz is made up of good guys who dont understand why their forum is disliked. It really only takes a few bad apples to ruin a website's reputation.
TI community lack of support
Reply #22 on:
June 05, 2006, 09:17:00 am »
QuoteBegin-threefingeredguy+Jun 5 2006, 01:16 AM-->
(threefingeredguy @ Jun 5 2006, 01:16 AM)
The fact that Spencer said learn ASM should be taken as a very high compliment. Obviously he saw some potential in elfprince. He didn't say basic was bad.
I have to say though, elfprince13 certainly has made substansial progress in the past couple weeks on ASM. Probably faster than me, eh 3FG?
DJ Omnimaga
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TI community lack of support
Reply #23 on:
June 05, 2006, 09:42:00 am »
Imo I think Revsoft is more supportive than MC towards projects, basic or asm. On mc it takes a lot to make them impressed but according to this post
I dont think kv83 would like if MC supported basic more
Actually if I was to come back on a forum tomorrow besides Omnimaga and its affiliates it would be UTI, as it is the most supportive forum toward ti basic (even though they dislike asm tools), next would be revsoft. I will not ever come back on MaxCoderz
EDIT: I saw tr1p1ea last post now, I dunno why but if I had to pm a mod to report a post I think I would PM him because he's quite active on the forums and he seems to be one of the few who understand how ppl feel more than other members. Thats not all mc members who are "elitist tenagers" or whatever you call them, only a bunch. There is lot of cool people over their forums (altough a few of them are at Omnimaga too now)
TI community lack of support
Reply #24 on:
June 06, 2006, 03:05:00 am »
They're all teenagers? wow
i wish they could help me become 1337. at least you guys have done a lot for me and I'm grateful.
DJ Omnimaga
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TI community lack of support
Reply #25 on:
July 11, 2006, 03:15:00 am »
*Disregards anything mentioning if there was a forum I would come back beside omni it would be UTI*
It seems like UTI is slowly becoming like some of the maxcoderz regulars
this is stuff like this that make me angry, especially post like this
And this alerady happened on Cemetech and MC forums. I wish we had more experienced asm programmers over here and nice ones, that way asm newbies and even n00bs would not have to go to those place to get help and risk of getting bashed pretty hard. You never know if a new member may be sensitive or not, plus imo de-n00bing someone by bashing him isnt the best solution, instead help him nicely to help himself to figure out problems easier in his programs
TI community lack of support
Reply #26 on:
July 11, 2006, 03:40:00 pm »
Kenny Hammond is one of the most patient people I know. if he gets angry or impatient, there is a reason for it....being nice to noobs is one thing. babying people who refuse advice that they ask for is another...
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TI community lack of support
Reply #27 on:
July 11, 2006, 06:21:00 pm »
He must have been having a bad day, as he is a great patient guy. Every time he helps someone it is another question that has been answered, at which I am sure he is quite tired of repeats. I believe he was just tired and upset possibly.
DJ Omnimaga
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TI community lack of support
Reply #28 on:
July 12, 2006, 12:54:00 am »
who is Kenny Hammond?
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TI community lack of support
Reply #29 on:
July 12, 2006, 05:42:00 am »
QuoteBegin-xlibman+Jul 12 2006, 06:54 AM-->
(xlibman @ Jul 12 2006, 06:54 AM)
who is Kenny Hammond?
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