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I already noticed to noelthebest that he used the wrong word : librairy = "bibliothèque" =! "librairie". Rules allow you to use Axioms (like advanced graphics ), don't forget you have to include axiom.8xv in your zip.
Runer and I have found a really bad bug on AXE: When we overwrites a Variable (app var, Os var, or idk) with GetCalc when using an another Variable already used (like a appvar who could use like save, or something else), The os get incrusted in the processus, and mess ups the two external variables. OFr one of the two ext Var, use a ]Var to stock the adress.I decided to post this beacause Runer helped me into resolving this bug, and to clear the cheating sensations. I want this contest give us some great programs, not a fiercy battle where tricks and cheats are used. THis is an Axe failure, not my program coding.This bug were present before the contest, I was doing for myself a tile editor, and I got the same bug, Runer saw why there is in, and is trying to fix it. We must wait for him to fix, and before, use this "patch".If I risk my disqualification, It's only to give a chance to everyone to win this contest.
I have no idea where to start I hadn't ever played TRON myself until two days ago.
The Tron AI is actually easy to make and I've finished it 30 minutes after I read the email O.o