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Lua Nspire Round finishing on sunday, the asm one on monday. TI-Basic z80 results (round 1) will be published on the 8th or 9th of april. The second round starts on the 1st !TI-Basic 68k results (round 1) will be published on the 11th or 12th of april. The second round starts on the 4th !
Good luck anyway Yesterday I finished to look at the 18 Mastermind programs that we got. The best score is 97, the worst score is 35, the average score is 77.5, and the median score (do we say like that ?) is 82. But anyway, this doesn't include Neo's scores (he hasn't finished yet) and also some will lose several points because they were late.
TI-Basic z80 results (round 1) will be published on the 8th or 9th of april.
EDIT : http://www.ti-concours.com/ln/classement.php EDIT 2 : http://www.ti-concours.com/tz/classement.php (congrats to Nick Lola and so )