Author Topic: Turning the page  (Read 3003 times)

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Turning the page
« on: July 11, 2005, 02:27:00 pm »
I just found this on Ti-news:

hmm, look like Hays arent the only one who like to rip off stuff %)rolleyes2.gif

thanks for the support tho for those who signed this tho :)smile.gif but now the site is back up anyway.

However most importantly there might be some changes in my habits in teh TI community: first of all you'll probably notice me posting more on some forums I judge to be more respectful while I might maybe even stop posting completly on others. Also with what happened this morning and afternoon I dont have much motivation to code now, I coded this morning like mad and was ina very good mood until I read the topic you might know on MaxCoderz :?confused.gif but hopefully now that I decided to turn the page I might get motivation back again soon (I might show what I am doing in the project section) .

There will be no changes on the forums though, except that I might update the forums rules again (if you have any suggestions post here), and the sprite art contest brainstorming might be delayed for a few weeks

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Turning the page
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2005, 01:52:00 am »
Wow, Z's reply was a positive one. :)smile.gif So were all the others...

Well greenorange, there always will be people who'll sign up just to flame or bash someone. We just have to not let them ruin our hobby and fun. If we were to get upset at thing people said about our site or us, we probably would have close some time ago. I and B don't allow flamers and people who can only post destructive criticism as there are no place for them in our community. I don't know why Kevin cares so much about some folks who don't like his games and come to flame him. I'd just ignore those people if they canno provide ideas how to improve the games.

As for you Andy, I'm staying out of this. I personally haven't seen Kevin spam here or anything like that but he did overreact and I wish he listens to us.

I didn't know if you saw that post on calcgames. Z seems to really be on your side. And he also seems to notice Andy's problem...
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Turning the page
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2005, 03:07:00 am »
Most people suggested me to ignore the flamers on most forums or AIM. Thats what I will try to do now. However there are people and attitude I cant really stand anymore so I am leaving those places. This includes MaxCoderz, Calcgames, french TI-68k forum, and is next on the list.

 I PMed Z on CG