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>gcnclient.exe -n WebHub-l (don’t know what to put here)-s (no idea) -p 4295-d direct (not sure if this works yet)
fnInt(LOL,0)Lbl LOL Disp "LOL"Return
FnInt(LBL,FREQ) Turns the subroutine into an interrupt and then turns interrupts on. The frequency can be (fastest) 0, 2, 4, or 6 (slowest). L2 is used for interrupt data so do not use L2 for storage when using interrupts.
.timer0->A0->BfnInt(INT,0)Repeat GetKey(15)EndlnReglbl INTA+1->AReturn!If A=512B+1->BDisp B0->AReturn
512→IfnInt(I,0).Main program goes hereLbl I DS<(I,512) .1Hz interrupt code goes here EndReturn
fnInt(I,6→I).Main program goes hereLbl I DS<(I,{Full+1+Data(108,118)}) .1Hz interrupt code goes here EndReturn
Can anyone answer my gCn client question?
If you're on Windows, you'll also need to install the filter driver. Get libusb-win32 at http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/files/libusb-win32-releases/, extract the .zip file, and run bin\x86\install-filter-win.exe
... <local_name> can be anything, but is often based on user name (I use "CalcHub", for example. The main idea is that you provide something unique.) You can ignore the -s and -p options almost always; they default to what's necessary to connect to the server Kerm's set up.