Author Topic: Undocumented LCD feature - Flip screen  (Read 25981 times)

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Re: Undocumented LCD feature - Flip screen
« Reply #60 on: July 21, 2010, 05:49:30 pm »
I don't think the battery pull itself is what does it though. You'll notice that when you pull a battery, when the screen turns back on, it was displaying the same thing it did before it turned off. This would mean the the lcd ram didn't get cleared. It would probably also mean that it's settings didn't get cleared either. That is probably the job of the OS to clear.

I couldn't find the spot in the OS where it happens, but I found it in the boot code. The boot code sends: 40h, 05h, 01h, 03h, 17h, 0Bh, and 0EFh. This makes me think that these aren't defaults. (13h-17h are undefined, but 13h-16h raise my contrast)

Also, not many people realize this because no one does it, but if you pull out the little battery as well as the AAA's. When you turn the calculator back on, the screen displays a bunch of garbage. Which makes me think that this is the only time that the lcd ram loses power. Maybe it will reset the screen flip settings too.

I remember actually reading in Asm in 28 days that when removing the 4 tr1p1eas from the calc, the calc isn't turning OFF really. To really turn it OFF, you need to remove all 5 batteries. Even then, I wonder if it really turns OFF right away? Maybe it takes a minute or so?

Offline Mighty Moose

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Re: Undocumented LCD feature - Flip screen
« Reply #61 on: July 22, 2010, 11:22:03 am »
Add one more person with this interesting quirk to the list.  My old 84+ doesn't do this, but I just tested it on my new 84+se, and it works on there (no omnicalc ram restore, tho :'().
Serial: S-0306F (84+), P-0909M (84+se - a mysterious P factory calc!)
I beta test, so...yeah.  PM me if you want me to test anything :D.

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Re: Undocumented LCD feature - Flip screen
« Reply #62 on: July 22, 2010, 11:28:05 am »
Add one more person with this interesting quirk to the list.  My old 84+ doesn't do this, but I just tested it on my new 84+se, and it works on there (no omnicalc ram restore, tho :'().
Serial: S-0306F (84+), P-0909M (84+se - a mysterious P factory calc!)

P's are normal, they just always have bad ram. Old table. K's are the weird ones.
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Offline Mighty Moose

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Re: Undocumented LCD feature - Flip screen
« Reply #63 on: July 22, 2010, 11:34:46 am »
My bad.  So confuzzling...
I beta test, so...yeah.  PM me if you want me to test anything :D.

Almost only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades.

Cogito ergo sum.

TI-84+, OS 2.43, Boot Code 1.02, 128k RAM
TI-84+SE VSC, OS 2.43, Boot Code 1.00, 128k RAM  (I'm spoiled :P)
TI-81, OS 1.6K (only borrowed)
Casio fx-CG10 (Prizm), OS 01.04.0200
TI-Nspire Clickpad, OS 1.4
TI-Nspire Clickpad, OS
TI-Nspire CAS Clickpad, OS 1.6.10110 (!?) now OS