Author Topic: What calculator will let me do multi (word wrap) line math expression editing?  (Read 7246 times)

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Offline Nanamar

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Ever since I went from the HP 48GX to the TI-89 I was really disturbed by the TI-89:s inability to let me edit a really long calculation (34+53-343/34...) on multiple lines (word wrapping)!

The HP 48GX lets you full screen multi line edit a '3242+34324+324+23+4...' object with leftshift->edit.

So on my (then) new TI-89 I had that big screen, but the calculator only let me edit the expression on one row. This I find is a really BIG mistake on the TI-89:s user interface.

Well, as time passed on I learned to use Apps->Text Editor instead. Just make a quick Copy and then 2ND |<-|->| to move between Home and Text Editor, using Copy and Paste. Not ideal, but it works.

I also own a Casio ClassPad 330. I don't know this calculator as good as the TI-89; I mainly bought it because it can do fourier and laplace transformations. But, it seems to have the same problem as the TI-89. With the 330's even bigger screen, I still can't make multi line editing. Yes, as with the TI-89 I can copy the expression to the Program Edit. But since "app switching" isn't as easy and quick as with the TI-89, this is really tiresome.

So fast forward to January 2014. I'm looking to buy a new calculator. Main contenders are the HP Prime and TI-Nspire CX CAS.

I've tried out both calculators emulators on my PC. But again, I can't seem to find ANY way or editor on those that let me do multi line editing?

Every editor or "viewing mode" I try out does NOT wrap the lines. Not even in programming editor, notes, etc... Just that freaking one line and scroll arrows!!!

For me, as a student using the calculator mainly for "calculating", preparing and doing exams, this is totally disturbing! How can the calculator makers miss such a obvious thing that is at the core of what a calculator is intended to be used for?

****Since my calculator has to be "clean and cleared" for exams, I can't use any extra software on the calculator, such as an extra editor etc.****

Am I wrong? Am I missing something on any of the calculators?

What do you think?

Since I own the original TI-89 I'm thinking of buying a TI-89 Titanium, is this my only option?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 05:13:42 am by Nanamar »

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I'm not completely sure what you want. Do you want to be able to edit them in a text format on multiple lines (meaning that "1/2" appears as 1/2), or do you want to edit them in multiple lines in a mathprint-like mode (meaning that "1/2" appears as )? If you want the former, many calculators will be able to do that, but I don't really know much model names. The 83+/34+ series do that, though, and iirc the 83/83+ calculators don't have an other input mode. Your TI-89 may be capable of this as well.
If you want multiple lines in a mathprint-like mode, then I don't know a single calculator that lets you do that, but someone else might know one.
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If you were happy with the HP48, you should try the HP50 maybe.

Offline Nanamar

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I'm not completely sure what you want. Do you want to be able to edit them in a text format on multiple lines (meaning that "1/2" appears as 1/2), or do you want to edit them in multiple lines in a mathprint-like mode (meaning that "1/2" appears as )? If you want the former, many calculators will be able to do that, but I don't really know much model names. The 83+/34+ series do that, though, and iirc the 83/83+ calculators don't have an other input mode. Your TI-89 may be capable of this as well.
If you want multiple lines in a mathprint-like mode, then I don't know a single calculator that lets you do that, but someone else might know one.

Hi ben_g!

Thank you for your answer!

I just want to use more rows! Disregarding if it is in infix notation or mathematical display (TI-lingo: math print).

The TI-89 won't let you edit anything in "mathprint". And, it won't let you edit in more than one row, unless you use the Text Editor.

So, I played around with the CX CAS emulator a little bit more. And I think I've figured it out!

menu->insert->math box

Now you've got an area that does word wrap math expressions! YES!!

And it even has Math Print.

So it ticks even that box!

Multi line, word wrapping editing in Math Print. Nice! This is what I wanted!

I still would like to know how to force the CX CAS to convert Math Print into Infix Notation, for example editing matrixes would sometimes be easier this way.

Any ideas how to do this?

Two more questions:

So the only manuals TI has released for the CX CAS is the TI-NspireCAS_ReferenceGuide_EN and TI-Nspire_CX-HH_GettingStarted_EN? I really miss something between a quick start and reference!

And, how about the HP Prime, any ideas there for multi line editing of math expressions?
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 09:17:33 am by Nanamar »

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The HP Prime single-line edits by default, but you can scroll with your finger and tap on an area. (I find myself trying to do that on my CX now; it's really useful.) You can also insert a formula into a Notes page, but it doesn't wrap there either. You should be fine, however, with the finger scrolling.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 09:35:30 am by bb010g »
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If you mean word-wrapping, the TI-82/83/83+/84+ series can do it, but on the 84+ you need to disable MATHPRINT in order to do it, and none of those calculators got a CAS.