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Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« on: April 20, 2012, 07:26:22 pm »
So, I'm making this thread for two reasons. 1) Everyone likes to tell their story. But 2), this topic can give people some insight into just what they can do to prevent data loss.

The general idea here is to give:

   What you lost.

   The mistake you made that caused you to lose your data.

   What you did to prevent this from happening again.

Now, if you didn't actually create a solution for your loss, then you can't post what you lost ;D. So, if this happens to be the case for you, and you really want to share your story, then you'll just have to figure out a solution so that you can't delete your stuff again.

I think one of the great changes that this thread can create is when someone goes, "Crap, that could totally happen to me," and then they see a solution that can prevent it.

So mine:

    I lost the entire source to my Impossible Game.

    I was testing out a new batch (.bat) file to assemble my assembly sources. In this test file, I accidentally moved the source code rather than copying it. Since the recycle bin doesn't catch stuff deleted in batch files, the source was gone forever.

    I added an extra folder on my C drive (C:\backups) and whenever I assemble an assembly program, I have my batch file add a copy of it to the backups folder. This won't protect against a hard drive failure, but it does protect against accidentally deleting a file or folder.
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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2012, 08:07:19 pm »

   The Game


   Slap him with a large trout on IRC.

Just kidding, here's mine, although I had posted this a few years ago before:

    I lost the entire Illusiat 2002: La QuĂȘte Ultime project, except the title screen.

   I was making the game show up in MirageOS, but for some reasons, to work under MirageOS (1.0 I think), I was forced to make all the 80 sub-programs the game included so they show up as well in the shell, otherwise the game would quit like if the program is undefined. As a result, the Now Sorting, Please Wait thing on MirageOS startup stayed there forever and would never end, because back then MirageOS sorting feature was horribly slow. I did the big mistake of disabling the sorting feature, but this completely messed up the program list, then my archive got corrupted. I had to reset the entire memory and thus, I lost the game as a whole. I had a backup of the entire game on my bro's calc at the time, but he requested a mem clear due to needing his calc again to play games and stuff so 2 weeks before the big crash, I was forced to delete the backup (although I forgot to remove Pic1, which contained the title screen).

1: I got a second calculator for backup purposes, then as soon as I could afford it 2 years later, I got a computer as well.
2: Use deep thought's tutorial to uncorrupt your archive. Sadly, however, his tutorial did not exist until 8 years after my data loss...
3: Do not bother making BASIC games show up in MirageOS.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 08:07:57 pm by DJ_O »

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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2012, 09:09:04 pm »
I was testing out a new batch (.bat) file to assemble my assembly sources. In this test file, I accidentally moved the source code rather than copying it. Since the recycle bin doesn't catch stuff deleted in batch files, the source was gone forever.
This is also very true on Linux... rm something means that it's gone. Forever.
However... there *might* have been a solution for both you and me (assuming I deleted a file in Linux) - using TestDisk to recover the file. It's too late though since by now all the cumulative disk writes probably deleted it forever.

Anyway, here's my story:

A PRIZM toolchain building shell script that worked really, really well. (Linux)

Using the nano text editor, I didn't realize that when I was saving, I didn't change the file name to something else, since I did some heavy modifications/deletions to make the script serve another, almost completely different function. I tried recovery via TestDisk... unfortunately, this is one of those cases where you can't recover the data. It's gone - forever.

NEVER do nano important_shell_script.
Do cp important_shell_script some_script; nano some_script.

(In English: don't edit the file directly, especially if you are planning to save it to a different filename. Instead, COPY it to the filename you want, and edit that.)

Also, BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP. I usually would stick important stuff in my Dropbox* folder, but this was my server, and I didn't want Dropbox syncing there (especially with personal info). I'm planning on setting up a rsync backup functionality on my server... but in the meantime, LOCAL backups are very effective as well.

Lesson Learned:
(new heading I decided to put in, although you don't have to!)
Even if you think you've backed up, BACKUP again and AGAIN. (I thought the script was saved somewhere, and that nano would make a backup copy if I saved over. Both, unfortunately, are totally WRONG.)
It just might save you.

* Dropbox = amazing file hosting service that is so dead simple - copy the files you want backed up into a special Dropbox folder, and it will sync automatically! It also has (limited) file revisions, which is great if you messed up on something. This plus regular source code versioning (SVN, Mercurial, Git, etc.) is a pretty awesome backup solution! :D
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 09:17:07 pm by alberthrocks »
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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2012, 09:40:43 pm »
Note: In Illusiat 2002 case, we had no TI-PC link cable, because in Quebec they do not sell them individually. You had to buy a TI-83 Plus Silver Edition to get one. I also had no computer at home to copy the code and images by hand. My bro absolutely needed his calc memory. As a result, backing up was totally impossible for me.

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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2012, 09:57:34 pm »
Hard drive crashes. It happens without any reason. That's all. Be sure to have all your important files at alternate places.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 09:58:33 pm by Juju »

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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2012, 11:09:10 pm »
Hard drive crashes. It happens without any reason. That's all. Be sure to have all your important files at alternate places.
Places as in not only different storage mediums, but also different cities/buildings, such as a server online somewhere in the world.

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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2012, 11:10:24 pm »
Hard drive crashes. It happens without any reason. That's all. Be sure to have all your important files at alternate places.
Places as in not only different storage mediums, but also different cities/buildings, such as a server online somewhere in the world.

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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2012, 02:12:33 pm »
for example throw your stuff on omnimaga even when it's not finished (calc projects)
Also always post source codes! I lost bounce due to a full memory clear and did not have a source backup D:
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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2012, 09:23:58 am »
   The Game
   Slap him with a large trout on IRC.

I would never do something like that!

I never really had a bad disaster, since I always keep copies.
I think all calculator games/programs should be open soource, so they can never die.
My programs all are, and because of that I share pre-release code with my friends (Adriweb, Levak, Critor, etc) making them a backup medium too ;D
And github is a good help too :)

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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2012, 09:25:40 am »
I think all calculator games/programs should be open soource, so they can never die.
This, and so people can still play them even if unfinished or even continue coding them. In the past and even today I saw too many great calc projects disappear completely because the author left without releasing the source code, not giving the chance to anyone to finish it or enjoy what has been done so far. :(

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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2012, 09:34:25 am »
   The Game
   Slap him with a large trout on IRC.

I would never do something like that!

I never really had a bad disaster, since I always keep copies.
I think all calculator games/programs should be open source, so they can never die.
My programs all are, and because of that I share pre-release code with my friends (Adriweb, Levak, Critor, etc) making them a backup medium too ;D
And github is a good help too :)
The problem with open source is that I already saw people adding their name and/or remove names in the credits (not people from the community, just guys thinking they were smart in my school).

A bit of progress

I don't know. It may be zStart or not. I just remember that I unarchived the source to group it, then I rearchived it and everything I tried with the source threw "ERR:Memory", except archiving/unarchiving it again. Then, sending the group to the computer didn't work either (invalid format or some other stupid reason).
I keep having bugs like this. Once I tried to send the source to another calc and the beginning of the program was missing ???. Some other time, I used Rcl on an archived prog and it copied hieroglyphs among my code but compiling worked well ??? ???

Backup a lot. I have a lot of copies of my source on two computers (more of them on my sister's computer because of the touchpad drag and drop thing :P)
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 09:41:07 am by Hayleia »
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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2012, 09:37:25 am »
Well, there are open source licenses that force you to give credit.
But I'm sure there will always be guys taking credit for stuff you made, and sadly there isn't much you can do about it :/

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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2012, 09:44:28 am »
Yeah this is why, if I remember, KermMartian decided at one point to no longer release the source of his programs, unless someone on calc forums that has a decent amount of activity and can somewhat be trusted asks for it privately. He often was victim of program theft in the past. The worst case of all gotta be Contra 83, though: Every few month I saw it appear in someone else's author profile on with a different author name in the readme, and this lasted about 3 years.

Btw NEVER release the source of one of your program before you have announced it or released the executable of it on a popular calculator forum!!!!!  In the past I saw people releasing source anonymously somewhere or on a forum they were not very active on and then someone released the program, compiled as his own work, then it became hard for to figure out who to trust as the real author, as the theft released his copy before the original author.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 09:46:49 am by DJ_O »

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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2012, 10:57:45 am »
Yeah this is why, if I remember, KermMartian decided at one point to no longer release the source of his programs, unless someone on calc forums that has a decent amount of activity and can somewhat be trusted asks for it privately.
Same for me. Zero44 asked me the source code of Pokemon by email. I asked which part of it was interesting for him and in fact he only needed the structure of the savegame to make his linking program (which was successfully done).

Btw NEVER release the source of one of your program before you have announced it or released the executable of it on a popular calculator forum!!!!!  In the past I saw people releasing source anonymously somewhere or on a forum they were not very active on and then someone released the program, compiled as his own work, then it became hard for to figure out who to trust as the real author, as the theft released his copy before the original author.
Yeah, it would be bad to be the coder and be seen as the theft x.x
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 11:40:48 am by Hayleia »
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: Worst Data Loss + What you've done to stop it
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2012, 11:18:58 am »
I've released code to several people in the community (such as Adriweb) before release. I know I can trust them, so I'm not worrying.