note: Feedback is fuel for every programmer's motivation... :lol:
Title: xLib intro
Post by: Radical Pi on May 08, 2006, 10:49:00 am
Just wait another minute while I download/unzip/send. :)
(Edit): whoa, w00t, I wasn't expecting that! Two suggestions: don't overuse your underlining privaledges, and use For( before the real( ;)
But awesome scrolling madness!
Title: xLib intro
Post by: JFISH on May 08, 2006, 11:12:00 am
nice animation spellie AHA very sic indeed (pimpin)... B) (yeh addin fuel to ur motivation tank... heh supafly....ya hurd?) im out...
Title: xLib intro
Post by: Zeromus on May 08, 2006, 12:12:00 pm
NICE! I like it (better than mine too :P I wondered when someone would make another xLIBint) now, if you can make it GS?
Title: xLib intro
Post by: g28401 on May 08, 2006, 03:05:00 pm
I'll check it out, as soon as I see my laptop again.
Title: xLib intro
Post by: Spellshaper on May 09, 2006, 05:41:00 am
QuoteBegin-Radical Pi+-->
QUOTE (Radical Pi)
Two suggestions: don't overuse your underlining privaledges, and use For( before the real(
okay :)
nice animation spellie AHA very sic indeed (pimpin)... B) (yeh addin fuel to ur motivation tank... heh supafly....ya hurd?) im out...
NICE! I like it (better than mine too :P I wondered when someone would make another xLIBint) now, if you can make it GS?
1. thx :) 2. o.o GS? m00... gotta read Kevin's GS tut again for that :rolleyes:
Title: xLib intro
Post by: Radical Pi on May 09, 2006, 09:52:00 am
This intro is looking good, but why stop at 'good' when it can be 'better' :P More constructive criticism then: the ending could use something to draw the eyes back to the "Powered By." Something like inversing the pxl's of the letters, including the underline. Then it reverses that process without reviving the underline. This way it looks like it sparkles :lol:
I'm not sure what this grudge against underline is that I have. It could be because its obsolete in html 4.0...
Title: xLib intro
Post by: lolje on May 12, 2006, 03:12:00 am
:o wow great idea - because I had the same;
Title: xLib intro
Post by: Radical Pi on May 12, 2006, 12:36:00 pm
That might need a seizure warning on it, but I like how you used so many xlib features. :)
Title: xLib intro
Post by: Radical Pi on May 27, 2006, 11:59:00 am