Huh... Alright, well, I fixed the "mystery" byte thing (by doing j += 2 and changing the array to 74 instead of 73), and I checked the array and everything matches up perfectly, it seems. Visual Studio makes integers into byte arrays by making them 4 long, so in my getDataLength method, I do that, reverse the order (originally it would be something like {0, 0, 10, 12}), then cut off the two zeroes at the end. I'll change the version to $01 and see what happens. As for the "mystery" value, I had something like "header[j] = Prgm.IsArchived ? (byte)0x0D : (byte)0x0B; j++;" but I thought that might've been the problem, so I removed it temporarily. And yeah, I have the checksum part (and data section part) all done, I just needed to work on the header.
As for the spoilers, it doesn't make any difference to me lol.
EDIT: Ok, so, I fixed it and it still doesn't work. Granted, it may not be the header. I checked my ASCII parsing, and everything works, except for Ans, which registers as 'A', 'n', '?' so I need to work on that, but that *shouldn't* be the problem. It seems to be the checksum, but would that throw an error in Wabbit?