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Programming languages....
« on: June 14, 2007, 10:29:00 am »
Ok, I want to learn a programming language for the computer. I know how to program in TI-basic pretty well, but I have absolutely no experience in programming on the computer. (well, I did mess around in visual basic some so I guess thats not completely true...) I was just curious on what language would be good to learn. I would like to be able to make graphical games in 2D without it taking a lifetime.

Any opinions are appreciated! --Mecha :alien:alien2.gif

Offline bfr

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« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2007, 10:49:00 am »
Graphical 2D games without taking a lifetime?  I think GameMaker is good for that (necro can probably elaborate on that for you).  Visual Basic might be good too (although if you plan on using .NET, you should probably use C# over Visual Basic, as it is generally more powerful).  

If you don't mind it taking more work, then maybe you could try Python, Java, or C++ - C++ being the prefered choice for really intenese games, as it is the fastest.  


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« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2007, 10:57:00 am »
Thanks I was looking into C++ but I thought I should get a second opinion first, game maker I have tried but I didn't like it that much.....


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« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2007, 11:00:00 am »
I'd choose something that's cross-platform and not just Windows-only...

Probably Python, Java, or C++.


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« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2007, 12:35:00 pm »
I liked gamemaker, I started using it when I was 10. It's really more for kids though, but it got me started codin'. Best language evar is C 'cause it works with anything on anything, it's powerful, and it's fast. =D It's basically portable easy assembly language. C++ is ownage too. People say it's outdated now though. :(sad.gif noobs. :Ptongue.gif

Java is a good noob language. It's easy to learn anyways and then you could move to C++ really easily after being familiar with java.

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Programming languages....
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2007, 02:01:00 pm »
if you already know could always try blitzbasic 2D. that'd probably be the easiest as you wont have to gain any new types of understanding, just different syntaxes and stuff. if you want the RE or w/e so you can doe in it, i can help you out there. though i do have to say that though this will be the easiest to make a game on since its essentially a game-language and also because its just extension of calc basic, the language sucks for everything else and C++ would probably benefit you more in the long-run.

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« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2007, 02:11:00 pm »
Make sure you learn ANSI C though. I can't tell you how many times when I was I beginner with C that I was reading tutorials that weren't standard tutorials which meant I had trouble compiling and it gave me many headaches, but now that doesn't happen.

Also if you are looking to go professional with it then learn C++. If you are looking for easy fun and a great time then go with C. If you want to be ready for anything then learn both.

I recommend the latter. It is always good to be able to program in anything and then just choose which you would rather program in. It cuts the limitations on you when doing multi-person projects.

As spengo said Java is a n00b language.

Then there is Delphi which I recommended for fast GUI's that can easily integrate with C or C++ unlike VBB.

People say Pascal is a good starting language. Eh I never agreed, but I have also heard Delphi is derived from Pascal so just learn Delhpi.

Python is a good language in my experience. Never found a need for it though instead of writing plugins for Blender3D otherwise I don't know.

Alright now let me put in a nutshell of the languages I would study in order to better myself as a programmer if I was starting from the beginning.

1.(learn)z80 asm
2.(learn)68k asm
3.(mess with)x86 asm

Not let me explain this timeline. I would learn z80 assembly first to better transition into 68k assembly, but if you feel like learning 68k Assembly first then omit z80. Learning one of these Assembly langauges would help you better understand some of the things that C does like pointers, pass by reference, pass by value, memory management, and overall optimization with C. Next I would mess with x86 because it will also help with C and you never know that one day when you know a better way or way to optimize how the C compiler did it then you can write that inline x86 asm. Next I would go with C and definetly not omit this if you are going to learn C++ because although C++ is based off of C there are numerous differences. Delphi and Java are optional.  
There are 10 types of people in this world-- those that can read binary, and those that can't.


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« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2007, 04:27:00 pm »
asm would be hard to start with. :/confused.gif x64 asm is what's probably most useful these days instead of x86 'cause 32-bit cpus are gettin' kinda outdated. :)smile.gif

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« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2007, 04:47:00 pm »
C/C++ for computers, you can use Java also. No Python experience, but I hear it is easy and good. If you want to get into heavy website, go PHP.

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« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2007, 06:44:00 pm »
Spengo that may be true but it really doesn't matter which one you mess with since they are virtually the same. I just have found that there are more programming tutorials for x86 than x64 so I would recommended that of now. x64 just changes registers like eax, ecx, edx, etc. to rax, rcx, rdx and r8d, r9d, r10d, etc. to r8, r9, r10. So I don't see much difference in the registers except their naming conventions. Also it seems from what I am looking at in these tutorials is that values are passed via registers instead of stack now.(A move I agree with.)

Oh well I would stick with x86 assembly right now as I am sure there are still more people with 32 bit CPUs than with 64 bit. Oh well it is really up to you.
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Offline bfr

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« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2007, 05:04:00 am »
Uh, MechaTech84 probably wouldn't want to learn assembly.  As he said, he has no experience programming a computer, and "[He] would like to be able to make graphical games in 2D without it taking a lifetime."  Oh, and Halifax, just to make sure we're on the same track, Spengo said "Java is a good noob language. It's easy to learn anyways and then you could move to C++ really easily after being familiar with java," which makes Java look like a good option, but you said "As spengo said Java is a n00b language."  Java isn't really a "n00b language," it is more of a good language for n00bs (and although I hate to say it, .NET is probably even better for beginners - .NET is generally slow and not cross-platform, though, so if MechaTech84 thinks he'll be able to handle something else, then maybe he should try something else).

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« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2007, 05:11:00 am »
Java is nice purely because it's cross platform which is a great advantage.  Also, since he hasn't done much computer programming and said he wanted to make 2D games, Java may actually be a nice choice ;)wink.gif.


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« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2007, 05:31:00 am »
Wow, I never expected this many replies! This is wonderful. I was trying to learn z80 asm a while back, but it takes so long just to find everything that you need to get STARTED! I finally found it all and called it quits for that day, and then I think I deleted it on accident..... figures.....

I was hoping that learning a computer language would help me with UIL stuff, but I don't plan to go into a career with it. My dad does tons of stuff with computers and he suggests that I stay out of computer programming as a career.

I appreciate all the replies, I think I will start with either Java or C or C++, I am going to do some research of my own to determine which one. Java seems like a good choice, mostly because it is one of the main focuses of the Computer Science UIL.

Thanks! --Mecha

P.S. please just call me Mecha, MechaTech84 sounds to long to me, It is just always available on every site! :Ptongue.gif


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« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2007, 07:50:00 am »
QuoteBegin-Halifax+15 Jun, 2007, 5:44-->
QUOTE (Halifax @ 15 Jun, 2007, 5:44)
Spengo that may be true but it really doesn't matter which one you mess with since they are virtually the same. I just have found that there are more programming tutorials for x86 than x64 so I would recommended that of now. x64 just changes registers like eax, ecx, edx, etc. to rax, rcx, rdx and r8d, r9d, r10d, etc. to r8, r9, r10. So I don't see much difference in the registers except their naming conventions. Also it seems from what I am looking at in these tutorials is that values are passed via registers instead of stack now.(A move I agree with.)

Oh well I would stick with x86 assembly right now as I am sure there are still more people with 32 bit CPUs than with 64 bit. Oh well it is really up to you.  

 Lol okay, well I haven't really messed with either. XDsmiley.gif I poked x86 once, but didn't do much anything with it.

... and what's wrong with computer programming as a career, eh? ;)wink.gif

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« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2007, 12:25:00 pm »
Yeah bfr sorry I meant to qoute spengo not call it a n00b language. My bad. And yeah what is wrong with programming as a career.

And what's all this talk about Java being easier. If I last recall Java looked a lot like C just with a bunch of class extensions.(Considering it was derived from C).
There are 10 types of people in this world-- those that can read binary, and those that can't.