===================== LISTS =====================
THE POST 13427661 I do all mine on paper, so I can more easily take it with me and reference the vars. :P 
THE POST 13427873 Yeah, that is one thing I have to say. Learning, and programming, games in BASIC actually sometimes does help your organization skills. :)  I know programming has helped mines.
THE POST 13434208 Well, as some of you may know who was on IRC last night, PP suffered a RAM clear, without a new back up. (Yes, I was going to back it up once I had completed the latest map)
So after spending some time last night, I believe I have everything back the way it was, except for the 2nd map program. That will take a lil bit of time to get written back in.
THE POST 13434248 Well look on the bright side, programs are always better the second time. Whenever I have to reprogram something due to a ram clear, it always ends up being better the second time around (at least for me).
THE POST 13434308 :(  that's too bad. at least it's just one map program, though i don't know how big it is.
THE POST 13434412 this sucks :(  do u know what could have caused the RAM clear?
THE POST 13434656 Ouch! Maybe this will cheer you up... :flame:  :grr:  :banghead:  :ihatemypc:  :samurai: This post has been edited by Ranman on 23 Sep, 2007, 13:32
THE POST 13435442 QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+23 Sep, 2007, 15:54 -->QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 23 Sep, 2007, 15:54) | this sucks :( do u know what could have caused the RAM clear? |
The only thing I can think of is an unstable OS, I hadn't garbage collected it, it never asked to do so. I am thinking about updating it to 1.19, see if that keeps it from happening again..
THE POST 13435459 which one did u used? So far most stables OS are 1.12, 1.14, 1.18 and 1.19. I hope it's not your calc tho because IIRC you had issues with apps with it
THE POST 13435845 I have had issues with all my calcs when I put apps on them, and I don't have any apps on it now, so I am not sure. But I will be trying out a newer OS, since I do have all the important ones for the 83+ now :) 
THE POST 13436512 this is strange that it happens with all your calcs tho. Either it's your cable that has a problem, either it's your connecting software that is screwed up or you do something wrong
THE POST 13437229  Just showing off the scrolling system some more, with another map. :) http://tifreakware.net/tifreak8x/pokemon/scrollingbackup.gifIn ZGA, change L to 0 to play with more of the maps. ZGA, ZMA, ZRS and RESOURCE need to be unarchived to play around with it.
THE POST 13437517 wow nice! Btw how big is the game so far?
THE POST 13437906 I have no clue, and won't even bother calculating til I get all the mappage done. Then it will become important. :P 
THE POST 13437971 You are banned j/k :P 
THE POST 13438165 * tifreak8x
THE POST 13438187 lol you took the words out of my mouth, I just got it this morning, awesome so far, too bad they reduced amount of players in rumble pits from 8 to 6 tho x.x but soon I am gonna go through all missions from Halo 1 to 3 ^^
THE POST 13438511 * Halifax
THE POST 13438895 QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+25 Sep, 2007, 11:06 -->QUOTE (tifreak8x @ 25 Sep, 2007, 11:06) | *tifreak8x slaps xlibman around abit with tifreak8x's copy of halo3. :P
Also note, halo 3 will most likely keep progress on this slowed down, til I manage to defeat the game. |
PM me a spoiler of the ending. This time around, I don't think i'll be playing the campaign for years.
THE POST 13439149 meh.. I only have a Wii, so no Halo 3 for me. But I do have plenty of friends with 360s so I might be able to try it soon. Look for suicidalnoob/nub/newb or TheStorm730 because they are the names I will most likely play under or I would be a guest of strikevipermkii.
THE POST 13440394 ssbb>h3
THE POST 13440421 QuoteBegin-TheStorm+25 Sep, 2007, 21:37 -->QUOTE (TheStorm @ 25 Sep, 2007, 21:37) | meh.. I only have a Wii, so no Halo 3 for me. But I do have plenty of friends with 360s so I might be able to try it soon. Look for suicidalnoob/nub/newb or TheStorm730 because they are the names I will most likely play under or I would be a guest of strikevipermkii. |
it's more like I don't have any nextgen consoles and I probably won't be getting one anytime soon :(  googling/searching youtube gets you a lot of spoilers ^^
THE POST 13440534 QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+26 Sep, 2007, 17:13 -->QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 26 Sep, 2007, 17:13) | ssbb>h3 |
altough I like Halo 3 I agree with this, I hope it will get released soon
THE POST 13440645 QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+26 Sep, 2007, 16:13 -->QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 26 Sep, 2007, 16:13) | ssbb>h3 |
*If* I get any next-gen console, it's the Wii. SSBB (With online play--!) + Metroid Prime 3 > Halo 3. Actually, SSBB or MP3 > Halo 3. Plus the Wii is cheaper :)  . And Zelda: TP would be cooler on the Wii :D  . This post has been edited by Harrierfalcon on 26 Sep, 2007, 18:40
THE POST 13440683 Except that Metroid Prime 3 has no multiplayer mode. After you beaten it 2 or 3 times and found all secrets this means you get bored :(  this is fun with the controller tho :D 
THE POST 13440862 Well, anyways, moving along, I am setting it up so you can go inside houses right now. Not sure when I will get this going, should be soon though.
THE POST 13440898 Unreal Tournament 3>Metroid Prime 3>Halo 3>Gears of War
THE POST 13440912 Please try to stay on topic, tifreak is making one of the greatest games in the history of TI-Basic and if that can't hold your interest please talk about other games in a different topic :P  . Thanks! And tifreak, keep pwning!
THE POST 13444913 I finally have it set up so you can enter houses. Well, at the moment, just one house, but as more maps are created, and put in the calc, this will increase. :)  Anyways, the screenie:  If someone would like to help me out, I could really use a good map editor. It would have to ask how many rows and columns, and have all letters, numbers, and everything from http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/384/38404.html If you would be willing to do that, that would be of tremendous help. And heck, you could even throw it on ticalc as the "official" RPGSK2 map editor. :P  Anyways, I might try for NPC interactions, and signs as a next step. Just thought I would throw this up here. :) 
THE POST 13445012 Wow o.o  Very nice.. keep of the great work!
THE POST 13445557 That owns tifreak! God job!
THE POST 13445730 wow awesome, I assume you're using a char program or dual layer ASCII, right?
THE POST 13445756 What do you mean exactly?
THE POST 13445798 DJ_Omnimaga, those are all symbols available in ASCII.
THE POST 13445835 ah ok, so I assume we need OS 1.16 and higher? I'll keep this in mind when trying the demos in emulators (altough I will try the full version on calc of course), because the weird char you are using atm cannot be used on lower versions (it change to random junk)
THE POST 13445947 Yes, for some of them you need more recent OS versions.
THE POST 13446341 Well, I am building on OS 1.16, to ensure compatibility at least back that far. I am working on integrating the new walking engine into the other parts of the game. Let me tell you, it is a pain in the shorts...
THE POST 13446623 x.x I understand, this must be lot of work
THE POST 13446649 Does it work for all the TI84+ ?
THE POST 13446652 It will, probably, if the game doesn't get bigger than 480 KB
THE POST 13446849 I think the biggest problem will be the amount of RAM, which is still limited to around 24kb
THE POST 13446885 yeah, he need to make sure it fits and wont error on memory
THE POST 13447376 Well, he is using flash gordon or such so that would not be an issue :P 
THE POST 13447396 unless he had 1000 sub routines, since each takes between 8 and 15 bytes of RAM even when archived, depending of the name, he would only have 8-15 KB of RAM free with nothing else in the RAM then o.o 
THE POST 13447402 True, maybe he will use celtic instead..Btw I think it is resource that he currently uses.
THE POST 13447406 yeah, but celtic is huge (1 KB of RAM atm and will take more) he may run out of RAM if he does
THE POST 13448864  Well, I thought I would present you all with an updated screenie, of everything slowly coming together. I got the new walking engine uploaded to the project calc, and getting things tied in. Next few things to do: 1. convert all the menu boxes to the new dynamic system (didn't I already do this?! :/  ) 2. pray that Iambian can come up with a way for his list to string converter to read decimal values in the list elements, otherwise, a rewrite/rethink of the interior maps is in order 3. optimize 4. more optimizing :P  After that, I will spend lots of time getting some maps done, probably through pewter. At least the exterior. The problem is going to arise from the fact that for the interiors, I need to play as I build. So for the rest of the interiors, I am going to have to set this up so you can battle and catch pokemon. So the next release is going to be really fun. ^_^ I am using Celtic II for the saving feature, I have no plans, at this time, to upgrade to C3, since that would most likely require me to rewrite things again, and I SO do not look forward to that. >.<
THE POST 13448872 Darn Holy crap tifreak!!! This just rule! It's so true to pok
THE POST 13448891 That looks *VERY* nice, but in my bfrowser it appeares to be slower than previous screen shots. Still... I have to say it looks GREAT :king:  man. *EDIT* LOL congrats on 10000 posts DJ Omnimaga that's pretty wild! :king: 
THE POST 13448904 QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+2 Oct, 2007, 0:08 -->QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 2 Oct, 2007, 0:08) | Darn Holy crap tifreak!!! This just rule! It's so true to pok
THE POST 13448910 Yea, it's IE, I just ment the char movment around the map seems slower than previous shots, not that the screenie itself is slow.
THE POST 13448911 i see, but I mean is it around 40x40 or if it's more like 200x200?
THE POST 13448917 Ah, I see. It is, slightly.
DJ: They will hopefully stay smaller than 40x40. If they get too big, the lag very badly at the end of the string.
THE POST 13449095 oooh I forgot about this x.x I had this problem when I did RL1,2 and mana force 2
THE POST 13450590 wow, that screen looks awesome tifreak8x!
btw, congrats Kevin!
THE POST 13456542 Well, spent some time working on a map maker of sorts, and so far, no luck. I get it to display and scroll. I have been unable to get it to add to the string, yet. (It was midnight when I was working on it, so I will try later today :P  ) Just thought I would update y'all on this... Angel from tifw has made one, but he loaded it on Cemetech's archive system, and it is not letting me download the file... <.< oh well, hopefully that is remedied soon.
THE POST 13456950 YES! Progress! but why did angel loaded it here? o.o  Does every members have access to file archive system or is it an exploit? I am dissapointed with Cemetech though, because you posted like 4 updates in a row in a few weeks period and nobody replied, then you posted that you're not posting pokemon progress here anymore and even the admin doesn't even bother replying trying to convince you to stay. It seems to me they don't care at all or don't want Basic games anymore x.x plus they are the same ones who whined to me that Omnimaga lack project updates and that it was the reason they ddin't posted
THE POST 13457076 What is it you're trying to do with the strings anyway? Making an addition to a string is simple, what kind of trouble are you having?
THE POST 13457087 I figured it out, it was a problem with the adding to the first part of the string. Splitting that off was the solution to that. The only problem now is that it is not recognizing the right border and stopping, hopefully something that is remedied tonight
THE POST 13457091 There's definitely irony in that. I haven't commented on this in a while, but I'm still watching over this project in awe. The last screenshot you posted looks a LOT better than the last time I saw the prog. Good work! O_O  The only thing I'm still worried about is the AI. I want a challenge ;) This post has been edited by Radical Pi on 5 Oct, 2007, 18:57
THE POST 13457104 QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | I figured it out, it was a problem with the adding to the first part of the string. Splitting that off was the solution to that |
Yep, that would do it. Good luck with finding the bug :) 
THE POST 13457111 I just put my (unfinished) map editor in the PP topic on UTI here. I've been distracted with school and hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow, but since you're having trouble tonight it could help a little (it still works but you can't load previous maps [except manually] and the cursor is just an elipsis [I know that's not spelled right], but the finished will be like vurrobin's with the last character used as the cursor)
THE POST 13459850  Two things to note: I already know about the border not completely clearing for the option box in the in game menu, didnt remember it until the screenshot was made. I noticed that Ash's mom looks wierd... I think I missed the hands, because of the way the sprite is on the chair when you talk to her... I will have this fixed later. Things added: NPC interactions (obviously) Made it so the character shows change of direction, without actually having to move. Fixed some of the borders to the new border system. Now that this is done, time to work on that mapmaker, and get it to work, hopefully. I *have* to have it to get anywhere else in this game at this point.
THE POST 13459867 so it goes to another screen to show dialog? cool, It works a lot better than trying to put it on the homescreen, but then again, it's not possible anyways.
awesome screenie btw!
THE POST 13459915 nice work tifreak8x! Posted both as news now
THE POST 13460415 Yeah, I thought about using the split screen option, then realized it would look alot better if I simply went with all graphscreen on that. Besides, there are lots of sprites there, and would add to the game itself if they were in there. :P 
THE POST 13466232 Little bit of an update, I managed to get Gary's house programmed in, though I still need to add in his sister's text. That shouldn't be overly hard, though I need to see and make sure I cover all bases on it, since as of now, she says 3 different things, depending on what events have transpired.
THE POST 13466241 YAY, let's murder Gary! J/k do you have any idea of how many NPCs there is in the game?
THE POST 13466339 no... ._. I am guessing around a couple hundred, though that might be a little high... or might not be... :/ 
THE POST 13467180 QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+11 Oct, 2007, 14:51 -->QUOTE (tifreak8x @ 11 Oct, 2007, 14:51) | no... ._. I am guessing around a couple hundred, though that might be a little high... or might not be... :/ |
I'm guessing about six or seven in Pallet alone, and that's the smallest town. times about 11 towns = 77. times two for trainers on routes, and I'm guessing you have somewhere around 151 total NPCs :D 
THE POST 13467197 I dunno, all I know is that there are ALOT. From trainers to people that just talk to you to merchants to legendary pokemon( I guess you would count them because they trigger a battle when you "talk" to them.) So yea, alot. IIRC there's probably about 40 rocket members in the (silph co?, cant remember exactly, it's the building with 11 or so floors...) building with all the warp panels.
THE POST 13467510 darn this will be a lot to code o.o  dont give up tho ^^
THE POST 13467617 NEVAR give up, NEVAR surrender! ^_^
THE POST 13467620 NEVAAAARRRR!!!!!!!
THE POST 13469769 Mic from TI-Bank was kind enough to get me the names of the pokemon in french... ^_^ Something else I can add to the game :) 
THE POST 13469799 QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+13 Oct, 2007, 7:19 -->QUOTE (tifreak8x @ 13 Oct, 2007, 7:19) | Mic from TI-Bank was kind enough to get me the names of the pokemon in french... ^_^ Something else I can add to the game :) |
Pokemon in French... that would be cool. Would all of the NPC dialogs be in French too! :???: 
THE POST 13469818 this would be cool if there wasa french version but I am fine with english version really :) 
THE POST 13470075 if you could somehow store your strings in a string var, you could just have 2 separate string vars, 1 for english, 1 for french. Then it doesn't take any extra space, cuz you only need the language you use.
THE POST 13470327 All the text is stored in programs, there are hundreds of NPCs, with lots of text. It will just be a main matter of changing the programs with the text... Edit: I was able to find a French ROM, yay me... :P 
THE POST 13470426 If there is a french version, it will probably be more downloaded by French people ^^
Actually, I don't know if the students are interested in Pokemon...
THE POST 13470483 Yeah, it is what I am hoping. And it would be better suited to be put on TI-Bank, instead of an english version. :P  The readme will be tricky though... Will burn that bridge when I cross it :P 
THE POST 13470495 well i would put both english and french version in one zip file. At least the one on omni will have both together, since it's a french-english site
THE POST 13470532 yeah, ok, that wouldn't be a big problem for here, but it will be seperate for ticalc, to make sure that the single download does not kill dialup users like me (and since I would still have to upload it there... *shudder*)
THE POST 13470587 i think zip file compress calc programs quite nicely sometimes. I don't think it will end up too big near the end
THE POST 13471037 I can help you for the french mistakes :)  and for all french things ^^
THE POST 13471275 awesome. ^_^  Yeah, something is wrong with the border placement for the new start... <.< Will be fixed soon, I promise.
THE POST 13471389 Yay the first TI-83+SE RPG that is bigger than 30 KB to be in french! :D  Well, IIRC I saw a screenshot of FFTOM2 in french once, but I think it was never finished nor released :( 
THE POST 13476756 Well, got the names of the pokemon put up, and the good people of TI-Bank *coughtamacough* was kind enough to post the errors. They are fixed on calc, but not yet in the zip. Should get that reposted tonight.
I have also been working on the attacks. The list is alphabatized in French, and my old list is alphabatized in English. Since I don't want to have to reprogram that part of the game when it comes to crunch time, I am going through this massive list, and weeding out the ones that were for the originals, then putting them in the appropriate spot. 165 attacks...
On the plus side. It seems going to French is actually an optimization! If things stay constant, the longest French attack is 12 letters. The longest for the English version is 13. So, taking this into account:
French: 1980 byte string English: 2145 byte string
I find that too funny... lol
THE POST 13476805 weird I would have expected French to be bigger. all Reign of Legends games are in both french and english and if we compare their english version with their french version they're all at least 2-3 KB smaller Nice to see this progressing so fast btw. I still need to post a news about AOCII and the french Pok
THE POST 13476979 Wait til I get the French Pokedex screenie up please. :)  At this moment, only 41 more attack names to get put down... They are still all under 12 chars long. :) 
THE POST 13477100 Ok I will wait. ^^
THE POST 13477718
THE POST 13477781 eeew the french pok
THE POST 13477815 LOL, Sorry, but that was the way the game was. :P 
THE POST 13477823 Yeah I am sending a lawsuit to Ninendo right now
THE POST 13479458 QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+17 Oct, 2007, 22:19 -->QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 17 Oct, 2007, 22:19) | eeew the french pok
THE POST 13480990 As would I, but if they are translated in the others, I am not gonna deviate from that. :P  All the attack names were translated and inserted. Now I am going to work on Oaks lab...
THE POST 13483449 QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | and the good people of TI-Bank *coughtamacough* was kind enough to post the errors. They are fixed on calc, but not yet in the zip. Should get that reposted tonight.
:D This post has been edited by tama on 21 Oct, 2007, 6:51
THE POST 13484557 A bit of an update:
Oak's lab is now completed, with NPCs and their associated text.
I have managed to get it so you can examine bookcases (although every single one says the same thing in the game)
Next I need to see about setting some more of the characters as "un-walkable", and then see about workin on being able to check the rest of the stuff that is in Pallet town.
Once that is complete (maybe an hour or two worth of work) I have to see about setting up an event system. I have decided to move the code that examines things to another program, to shrink the primary program back down, and see about optimizing a bit, to make it as small as possible, because it will have to also detect certain events that happen.
THE POST 13484636 nice ^^
THE POST 13485718 very nice. Im glad to see this moving along :) 
THE POST 13495488 Decided to move the misc npcs into a seperate program, to keep the main engine size down. I still have a few things more I want to add, like the Town map, and things like that. Hopefully, I can find that pic that either Weregoose or leofox made. Should be on UTI somewhere...
THE POST 13495516 Deciding on where to put things can be tough sometimes. Keep up the good work! :thumbup: 
THE POST 13495701 lol, yeah. :P  Found the images, Leofox's images were the latest ones, that looked the best. http://www.unitedti.org/index.php?showtopi...=0entry115068If you has an account, add to the poll. If you don't, sign up! :P  Or just put on here which image you like the best.
THE POST 13495793 i like darkerline's it seems like a combination of the two.
THE POST 13495991 yeah, but it looks bad on calc.
THE POST 13496005 nice pics :) 
THE POST 13496048 Here is the screenshot of the maps on calc:  1. Poll item #2 2. Darkerline's image 3. Poll item #1
THE POST 13496163 i agree, i vote for the third one now. (non bordered roads)
THE POST 13496269 um... I kinda like the first one...
THE POST 13496337 #1 or #3 in the screen shot. I liked the first one the most but it was a little cluttered.
THE POST 13496907 1
THE POST 13496925 8
i meen 1.
THE POST 13497965 the first one
THE POST 13498722 Ok, so Iwill be going with  I will, of course, need to clean it up a slight bit, but it should be implemented tommorrow sometime, along with the remaining items in Oak's lab.
THE POST 13498727 This look so true to the gameboy version :) 
THE POST 13498750 Is it too late for me to vote? They are all good, but I like the first one the best. ;) 
THE POST 13498753 seems so ._. sry man :( 
THE POST 13499201 At this point, sadly, that first one would not be able to catch up. 7-13 vote. :/  not counting the fact that like 5 others here voted for #2, so that would put it at 7-18. :/ 
THE POST 13499984 lol, the halloween joke!!!
ya, i think an upset in the polls won't happen.
THE POST 13500270 I managed to get the map integrated in, only viewable through Gary's house rigt now, with a blinking cursor. Once you are able to get a copy of the map from Gary's sister, I already have the current maps set up to blink when viewed. I fixed the saving problem where it would not rearchive the save program, and I made it so it would actually quit the game.
THE POST 13500284 Cool, keep it under progress! And don't forget to backup often <_< 
THE POST 13501084 Ok so far there's a little problem with text in option menu. When changing text speed it erase the last row of pixels for "TEXT SPEED". For battle style if u change it to "SET" it doesnt erase the first row of pixels for the S and the T in "SHIFT". Also when saving the game in the menu, after completed does it reload Ash sprite again? I would skip ash sprite loading part if I was you since it's alerady drawn before saving process, would speed it up more. If it's not what make the game load after saving it's ok though, I suspect save data to be huge :P  And how do u exit "STATS/ASH"? o.o  I am stuck here now X_X it just keep reloading Ash face every 5 seconds *kills the game using ON and reloads saved data* Ok now I hope this isn't a crash because there's plenty of numbers on homescreen and an inverted equal sign like on the Y= menu sometimes O_O  Now restarting, is it me or the game walking is much faster than in the screenshots? That's cool ^^ Now the lil thing in the middle of the room, it says ash is playing a game: you should move the text higher because it is displayed on top of menu borders x.x Oh the TV in the first room doesn't work it seems, it shows it, show menu border then quickly exits Also the menu border choice isn't saved when restarting the game, even if you saved I'm glad you used my ASCII character suggestion for main character (the one from ROL4ever) so now you have 4 directional char ^^ I like char sprites, even thought they take a while to load x.x And maps are fast loading Ok now I see where the number junk comes from, when u exit the menu a bunch of digits fills the entire home screen (see screenshot at bottom of post) Now I am stuck, what do u do at the beginning. Professor Oak seems busy x.x Anyway the game is @###@*&@#*&@#*&@?@??& @\/\/3$()/\/\3! It will be the best and most complete Pok
THE POST 13501174 O_O_O_O_O @ screenshot
Umm, I have *never* had that happen before... It should not be possible, since I am not displaying data to those parts of the screen... I will try to reproduce this if I can. What emu are you running, with what ROM?
And I have not got the event system started yet. That is what I am going to start on tonight.
Thanks for the bug reports, I will check in to all of it. x.x
THE POST 13501190 83+SE 1.19 Wabbitemu
THE POST 13501518 i thought 1.19 was slightly messed up or something?
edit: it was the new one w/ not much update wasn't it?
This post has been edited by Liazon on 1 Nov, 2007, 17:41
THE POST 13501737 Problem *has* to be from Celtic, when it rearchives the save file, because I did not have that problem before I added that in. :/  Well, to get rid of the problem, I added a ClrHome after it saved, making it flash the screen. Nothing that can really be done about that, unless I can find the exact cause of the problem. I know it is nothing I am doing, it has to be asm, because mine displayed the ; char, which is not readily available on the 83+. Iambian was nice enough to test as well, giving many errors, most of which is fixed. Also, you looked at the back of the TV, DJ. I will add that as one of the "Oops, wrong side" bit. :P 
THE POST 13502236 I thought you used resource o.o  ?
THE POST 13502941 Well, the save file has to be transferred from ROM to RAM to save the data to it, then back to ROM to keep it safe. Resource is only used on the programs that need to be in RAM to be executed. I have fixed a great deal of the errors that were posted. Still one or two more that I need to try to confirm, like your error with exiting the Stats/Ash part. I cannot replicate that. >.<
THE POST 13503150 could it the emulator doing something?
THE POST 13503433 No, because I was able to reproduce the problem on calc.
THE POST 13503565 yeah i didnt got able to reproduce the error either, I hate that kind of bugs x.x
THE POST 13503642 Ah, i see. So any idea how to fix it?
THE POST 13508778 A temp fix was to ClrHome it. Anywho, all errors that were reported have been fixed, plus one that hadn't been reported. Now you have to be standing next to an object when pressing 2nd, so it will do anything. :P 
THE POST 13508803 Glad you fixed them :) 
THE POST 13509426 Yeah, me too. :P  I am gonna see about getting the map data from the program so I can use the map editor and add in the NPCs sometime today. Then I can see about making all the interior shots (should be fun with this editor, instead of tedious without) :)  If things go well, a battleless beta is expected by the 17th. I am still shooting to have battles in the beta by christmas.
THE POST 13509436 tifreeeeak! sup man! still kickin it with PP! das sic! (btw how ya been?)
THE POST 13509438 BETA!
THE POST 13509440 ^_^ I am fine. And of course, I will never let pokemon die. :D  How are you? You really should get on IRC http://tifreakware.net/irc :P  You have been missed ^^
THE POST 13509686 I,m glad you're back JFISH :)  And don't forget the two other channels too ^^ * DJ Omnimaga
THE POST 13509770 JFISH take a page outa tifreak's book, dont let fate die!
THE POST 13510255 welcome back JFISH!!!
THE POST 13510807 JFISH! I've been wondering where you've been! Is Fate still alive?
THE POST 13511494 * DJ Omnimaga
THE POST 13512694 Last night, I managed to get the sign data put in for route 1, and edited the map of viridian and added in the npcs. Now comes the fun task of figuring out the values of each of the npcs, which as this moment, I realized I screwed up, because I forgot to add in the extra 3 rows at the top that is just white space... gah...
THE POST 13512745 owned j/k but nice work anyway :P 
THE POST 13512848 Well, see, I had started by doing the signs. I had the values written down, but again, forgot that 3 rows of white space. Simple matter of adding 45*3 to each value. :P 
THE POST 13520652 Well, the last few days have been annoying. I have been trying to get the yes/no menu box integrated into the text display. So far, it works perfectly when you let it display normally. If you press a key to make it display line by line, the menu does not work, and I cannot come up with a reason why that is. One way or another, I will come up with a solution...
THE POST 13520705 Oh well... it's nice to know you're determined though :)  .
THE POST 13520750 Yay, I hope you find the solution. :/ 
THE POST 13521179 QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+13 Nov, 2007, 14:44 -->QUOTE (tifreak8x @ 13 Nov, 2007, 14:44) | Well, the last few days have been annoying. I have been trying to get the yes/no menu box integrated into the text display. So far, it works perfectly when you let it display normally. If you press a key to make it display line by line, the menu does not work, and I cannot come up with a reason why that is. One way or another, I will come up with a solution... |
Hang in there... I know you will figure it out. ;) 
THE POST 13521569 I'm sorry to hear :(  I hoep you can fix it
THE POST 13521633 hmm, maybe a variable got changed? I would be willing to help debug the code if you want :) 
THE POST 13522251 probally just missing an "END" statement or something silly like that :P  .
THE POST 13548826 Well... A little bit of an update.
The bug still persists, and I am ignoring it as of now. I am working on getting Viridian to where you can enter all the buildings, and possibly set up where you get your pokemon, where you can activate a couple events, and that is probably it for the next beta release. right now, i am mulling over what chars to use for a couple of these here sprites...
THE POST 13548908 Is the bug that bad? Maybe you could find a work around to make ppl avoid it even if it's still here or soemthing? Again, you should post some of the source if possible so we can help more. I am glad you're still working on this though
THE POST 13548939 It is tifreak and 1337h4k0r in the ring, who will reign victorious?! Place your bets now! Tifreak: 2:1 1337h4k0r: 500:1
erm.... This looks great right now! I can't wait to be playing pokemon on my calc. Also, try posting the source to the bug, we can probabally help you.
THE POST 13565080 Still haven't looked into the bug any further, something to do later, I suppose.
I have added a lil more to maps, and am catching up some on the text of NPCs and items.
THE POST 13565104 ;.; those bugs are annoying x.x especially those which are hard to reproduce glad there is still progress though :) 
THE POST 13578730 Hi tifreak8x,
I'm also working on a Pokemon game for the TI-83+ (TI-84+). But I'm not trying to produce the whole game. Just a small Pokemon game (Pokemon TI Version) featuring about 80 pokemon, 6 towns an the Elite Four at the end. I found your topic on the sprites for the Pokedex, and I was wondering if I could use those sprites in my game too. I would be very happy, cause its loads of stupid work to tune those sprites for the 'BattleScene'. I was also wondering; in your Battle Scene, do you see your own pokemon bigger and from behind, and the enemy just the same pictures as in the Pokedex?
THE POST 13581366 Sure, go ahead. I got them from another site, and ported them myself. :P  As to the battles... I plan on just using the same sprites. Not gonna bog down memory if I don't need to with useless stuff.
THE POST 13581581 I suggest you google for pokemon firered/leafgreen sprites or sapphire/ruby/emerald sprites and look for the menu screen sprites (the really tiny sprites that show up next to your pokemon's name when you go to select from the menu)
those are 24x24 or 32x32 on a limited pallete iirc, so they are pretty easy to convert to a managable size for calc in b/w or 4 lvl gs.
THE POST 13584474 Well, some success. I managed to rewrite the original part of the text displayer, that did char by char. The next plan is to set it up so that the line by line works properly. When a user selects *fast* it will automatically go to the line by line mode. :) 
THE POST 13584544 QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+30 Dec, 2007, 14:19 -->QUOTE (tifreak8x @ 30 Dec, 2007, 14:19) | Well, some success. I managed to rewrite the original part of the text displayer, that did char by char. The next plan is to set it up so that the line by line works properly. When a user selects *fast* it will automatically go to the line by line mode. :) |
Hurray for progress! :thumbup:  Does that mean PP is back on track?
THE POST 13584563 Nice to hear, does it measn teh bug you had was fixed?
THE POST 13584758 progress ftw! Keep up the great work.
THE POST 13584844 no, that bug is still there, since I actually gave up on it, and am hammering it at a different angle, by rewriting the entire text display stuff. :P  Should know something else soon...
THE POST 13584902 well if the bug wont cause trouble and is hard to trigger it shouldnt be a big pb
all my games (except maybe XXR since it's so simple) had glitches, like:
-SUper Mario Smash Dance: When selecting song sometimes text appeared, disappeared then reappeared again when pressing arrows a lot -RL3: last column of pixel not getting displayed properly during ultimate magic animation, and char tile last pixel row not being erased when he walked over the last row of pixels -Metroid II: Last chozo: Flickering enemies/HUD/Lava when shooting them and destroyed blocks reappearing when getting an item, the samus shooting glitch after kraid dies -Illusiat 9: The glitchy evil wall battle and if you run into a battle at the same time you walk on an event when fight finishes the map won't reload until the event ended
there are more, but I can't think of anymore atm
THE POST 13584945 well, this bug will be encountered when you try to talk to certain npcs. It has to be fixed.
THE POST 13584950 *snuggles*
THE POST 13585267 QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+30 Dec, 2007, 22:24 -->QUOTE (tifreak8x @ 30 Dec, 2007, 22:24) | no, that bug is still there, since I actually gave up on it, and am hammering it at a different angle, by rewriting the entire text display stuff. :P Should know something else soon... |
THE POST 13585835 yeah, this particular one is still kicking my butt... <.< I have another idea to try though...
THE POST 13585853 QuoteBegin-tifreak8x+31 Dec, 2007, 22:32 -->QUOTE (tifreak8x @ 31 Dec, 2007, 22:32) | yeah, this particular one is still kicking my butt... <.< I have another idea to try though... |
THE POST 13585905 perhaps we should put our heads together if nothing else has worked so far.
THE POST 13585930 QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+1 Jan, 2008, 0:28 -->QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 1 Jan, 2008, 0:28) | perhaps we should put our heads together if nothing else has worked so far. |
thats what everyone has asked him about 10 times for several months x.x
I think he doesn't want anyone to help him with the code and fix it himself