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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #285 on: July 09, 2009, 02:40:57 pm »
Depends on what kind of data you are looking to store, but for the most part, yes you can. ^^
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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #286 on: July 09, 2009, 06:42:18 pm »
I believe he's using Celtic II to stash program data into appvars. Celtic II (if he has that version) can read and write information from and to appvars in the exact same fashion as it can program variables, with the sole exception of a lead-in byte for the name. While programs can't *run* appvars, Celtic II can retrieve data from appvars for the program.

The stuff you throw into an appvar using Celtic II is the same material you throw into a BASIC program, be it actual code, or data indexed by a line number.

The Celtic III app consolidates most of these functions but if he used that huge app, people are going to start wondering why the game isn't fully graphical, which is something he wants to avoid. Also somewhat related to the fact that Celtic II is just under 1K while Celtic III app is 16K.

EDIT for further clarification.

Celtic I is a line-read only ASM program. It is unavailable to the public, as I've lost the original source for that long ago. Only one or two other people on this planet may have a copy of it lying around.

Celtic II is a line read/write ASM program that can access appvars as well, through its documented system. It has a full error system so one can easily determine why a particular function failed if it did. It can perform said functions, along with (un)archiving program/appvars and maybe one or two other things. This project was discontinued after a failed attempt at a line delete command, due to the source being way too messy.

Celtic III comes in two flavors.
Celtic III ASM program is a fully recompileable program that you can use to include only the functions you want. Simply edit the ones and zeroes (fully documented) for the features you want and then compile the mess. If you want only the line-read commands, just specify that and compile away. It extends the idea of Celtic II greatly, as you can edit data on a byte-by-byte basis instead of just a line-by-line basis. Among other things. This has been discontinued in favor of the next item.

Celtic III APP is a Flash Application that has grown in popularity as the ever famous xLIB has been (to some extent) emulated within. It features everything the other Celtic programs can do, and far more. It can run programs that rely on xLIB without modification. It can also run programs that rely (only) on Omnicalc sprite() command, as well. It has image archival tools and a whole host of other useful utilities. This app is still a work in progress, but it has been put on hold in favor of other projects.

All available versions of the Celtic program are open-source, so you can make your changes as you deem fit. Just... don't try to view Celtic II's source, as it has caused experienced ASM coders to suffer aneurysms. Okay, it's not THAT bad, but it has come close to it.

EDIT2: Yes, I wrote the Celtic programs. No, I can't help you use it. I'd feel terrible having to read the ReadME file for a program I wrote myself. Oh, and everything *is* in the readme file. It's just ... poorly organized. If you do read the readme files, please, please PLEASE read the warnings. This will save you many headaches. No, really. Yes, the helmet *is* required.

EDIT3: If you can't figure out how to recompile the program, PM me with what features you want enabled, and I'll do the recompiling for you. Since files cannot be attached to PMs, look for the result somewhere in the Randomness thread when you're done. I've done this for two people already, and I'm good for the offer as long as I have everything together.

EDIT4: If you want me to clarify something in the readme, let me know. I'm not afraid to admit to any mistakes.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2009, 07:04:59 pm by Iambian »
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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #287 on: July 09, 2009, 09:15:12 pm »

you know, I still keep thinking I need to write a tutorial showing the uses of Celtic2. Considering I think I have used pretty much EVERY line and combo one could use with 2, I should be able to make an easy to follow guide for it. XD

And yes, his reasons for my not using C3 is right on, too much asm for what I want to do. This program will never, ever deviate from using minimalistic ASM to finish this far, I have held true to that, as 99% of the memory used in this game is BASIC.

That has to say something. Or at least, I would hope so.
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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #288 on: July 22, 2009, 07:34:26 pm »
Yeah Illusiat 13 was gonna use as less ASM as possible in code format. It had like 180 bytes of ASM code, if I remember.

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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #289 on: July 24, 2009, 11:16:26 am »
That is definitely pretty good if that is all you used. =p

I think I am using somewhere around 1200 bytes, but I am not 100% sure on that.

Also, more work has been done, just getting programs to appvars and fixing the programs so they look at them as appvars instead of programs.

Been a busy past few weeks, not really had much energy to do anything else with this tho.
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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #290 on: July 24, 2009, 06:00:28 pm »
Yeah the only asm used for me is Resource-Like stuff. Iambian wrote the most limited program possible that does everything my game need involving program copying from archive so it's as small as possible.

Glad to see some progress still

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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #291 on: September 07, 2009, 10:22:45 am »
Well, thought I would post that I haven't given up. been too tired of an evening to work on anything, tho I have coded little spurts of code for AOD2 73. Not that anyone will be overly interested in that one, will they?

Anyways, making progress today with the Celtic 2 helper program to create programs and appvars, and to transfer data between the two. I also need to implement error checking, as I was running into a problem with the attack data program not transferring much of anything to the appvar, so hopefully this version works correctly with what I want to do. If everything checks out.. Would there be any interest in this program for anyone else? I will have to create a slightly different version of the program if Iambian decides to fix the latest version of Celtic2, as there are issues with.. transferring to an appvar all together if memory serves, but I can't remember. ><;

So this is what I am doing today.
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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #292 on: September 07, 2009, 04:27:24 pm »
I actually got a TI-73, maybe I could give it a try when it's done.

I'm glad these projects aren,t dead, tho. I was getting a bit worried since you've been active less and less often in the community and judging by how long you coded for calcs, I thought you were moving on to new interests or something.

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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #293 on: September 29, 2009, 09:49:31 am »
Well, expect more progress on this now that I have an easy way of converting programs to appvars and back again. I probably will complete the celtic2 helper program at a later date.

Thanks to Kerm for making this program as quickly as he did. Hope it invigorates him into making some progress on DCS7 soon. ^^

So, next bit of work for me to do for the project is to convert the data programs to appvars and making the game engine recognize the data as such. From there, I have to figure out if the event system is still working. <<

Actually, I need to go through and see if the game itself still works, since that has not been tested since I did the massive bit of code clean up a while back. Let you know how that goes.
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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #294 on: September 29, 2009, 02:16:49 pm »
Nice to hear :)

I hope you don't run into way too many bugs. In Illusiat 13, I ran into 4 when playing through it again (using modified level stats), even thought I alerady fixed one of them and didn't ran into one of these bugs the first time I tested the game.

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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #295 on: September 29, 2009, 02:21:47 pm »
I don't expect so. I just have to go through the code I have written down (thank god for that) and see what program will need to be modified for each program that was changed to appvar. Shouldn't take too long, then I can get back to work. =]
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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #296 on: October 05, 2009, 09:44:20 am »
Quote from: tifreak8x
And something for the masses:

Currently, only the scrolling and page by page turning is working. I still need to add:

X -the ability to move an item
X -the ability to toss an item
X -the ability to use an item

Using an item won't happen until I get it to where you can have a pokemon to use one on. That will be somewhat difficult, as each item does different things. I will also need to devise a dynamic routine for all the TMs and HMs, since they will all essentially do the same, and make it easier, but if the pokemon knows 4 moves already, it will have to replace the selected move with the TM/HM.

Oh what fun.. I think I will work on moving an item and tossing an item to at least get those out of the way. =]

Just bringing this back to the front again. The files themselves were lost, but I found a backup of them on my desktop for when I did the screenshot. So that is back, I just have to get the program data over into the correct program instead of prgmAC.

Umm.. converted all the data programs to appvars, and the code fixed in the game so that it sees all that correctly.

So once I get some of this back up, I need to run through and see where I stand with the events system, since it is the reason I went through all that code and changed things in the first place. ^_^

We shall see how things go from here ^^
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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #297 on: October 05, 2009, 12:24:45 pm »
looks nice ^^

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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #298 on: October 07, 2009, 01:18:47 pm »
I can't be bothered to read through 20 pages.. So, how is this coming along? Looks awesome !

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Re: Pokemon Purple
« Reply #299 on: October 08, 2009, 08:22:20 pm »
right now, I am going through the intro program and fixing errors that are there after the massive code update. Once I manage that, I need to see if my events system still works. After that, just a matter of picking and choosing something to work on. XD
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