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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1005 on: November 09, 2012, 04:24:00 pm »
Yay! When I noticed you were around a lot again I began to wonder how long it would take before you posted an update on something :P

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1006 on: November 09, 2012, 06:36:48 pm »
Yay, nice to see this again! I thought it might have been dead due to you moving to Leap Motion (and you don't work on large projects when busy). I'M glad it is alive again.  I hope though that the game kinda remains the same as it was before it stalled, as in no complete rewrite or total graphical change (just saying because I noticed that seems to be the trend with projects since the past few years, eg Graviter), because it looked kinda nice as it was :D
« Last Edit: November 09, 2012, 06:37:34 pm by DJ_O »

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1007 on: November 09, 2012, 09:15:36 pm »
Wait, this is an actual update, not someone asking for updates? NO WAY :D
This used to contain a signature.

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1008 on: November 10, 2012, 07:38:56 am »
Hey, an update! :D \o/

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1009 on: November 14, 2012, 12:15:09 am »
Alright, I decided it would be nice to post a little list of all the things that have to be completed before the game is released, as well as how far allong each of these tasks are from being completed.

1) Transfer all built-in levels and speech text into an external appvar.  The main hurdle here is making the program to build the appvar, since it needs to be modular to allow changes to the text and whatnot, but still allow all the pointers to work such that the Portal App can access everything.  Originally I was going to hardcode all of the levels into this builder, but then I realized that was a bit silly, seeing as how I already have a level editor that will do everything I need in terms of ordering levels and making sure pointers are correct.  So the builder merely assimilates an appvar produced by the level editor, and adds in a seperate pointer table for all of the text strings. The builder is all finished now, all that needs to be done now is to build the actual levels to put in the pack.

2) Code the middle and ending min-cut-scenes.  These are super small and pretty much are just a small amount of animation with some text.  I already have the word wrapping routine written, so that is finished, and now I just need to code the animation.  Once I have a proper appvar to work with, getting output text should be relatively simple as well.  This includes the ending credits as well, I'm just considering that as a part of the ending cutscene.  I'm still thinking if I shouldn't add some sort of reward once you beat the game like the super-portal-gun in the original.

3) Finalize the levels that are going to be in the game, as well as what order they are going to be in.  Leafy is helping me out on the level creation front to bring in some new ideas, but most of the levels will remain the same from the closed-alpha a while back.  However, since all the level data is going to be in an external appvar, I can have much more than just 30 levels, so that should be lots of fun!  I also have a few more graphical effects I need to code, but that is just ascetics and shouldn't take long at all.

4) Allow creation and renaming of level packs for the editor.  Currently the level editor can only edit level packs, and not create them, and this is mostly due to the fact that I have been putting off writing a text input routine.  If anybody knows of a good text input routine that I could borrow, that would be great! All finished!  The level editor is 100% workable!

That's it!  Everything else is finished!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2012, 03:36:28 am by Builderboy »

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1010 on: November 14, 2012, 12:15:42 am »
Almost done :o
Good luck till the end!
Sig wipe!

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1011 on: November 14, 2012, 01:48:03 am »
Alright, I decided it would be nice to post a little list of all the things that have to be completed before the game is released, as well as how far allong each of these tasks are from being completed.

1) Transfer all built-in levels and speech text into an external appvar.  The main hurdle here is making the program to build the appvar, since it needs to be modular to allow changes to the text and whatnot, but still allow all the pointers to work such that the Portal App can access everything.  Originally I was going to hardcode all of the levels into this builder, but then I realized that was a bit silly, seeing as how I already have a level editor that will do everything I need in terms of ordering levels and making sure pointers are correct.  So the builder merely assimilates an appvar produced by the level editor, and adds in a seperate pointer table for all of the text strings.

2) Code the middle and ending min-cut-scenes.  These are super small and pretty much are just a small amount of animation with some text.  I already have the word wrapping routine written, so that is finished, and now I just need to code the animation.  Once I have a proper appvar to work with, getting output text should be relatively simple as well.  This includes the ending credits as well, I'm just considering that as a part of the ending cutscene.  I'm still thinking if I shouldn't add some sort of reward once you beat the game like the super-portal-gun in the original.

3) Finalize the levels that are going to be in the game, as well as what order they are going to be in.  Leafy is helping me out on the level creation front to bring in some new ideas, but most of the levels will remain the same from the closed-alpha a while back.  However, since all the level data is going to be in an external appvar, I can have much more than just 30 levels, so that should be lots of fun!  I also have a few more graphical effects I need to code, but that is just ascetics and shouldn't take long at all.

4) Allow creation and renaming of level packs for the editor.  Currently the level editor can only edit level packs, and not create them, and this is mostly due to the fact that I have been putting off writing a text input routine.  If anybody knows of a good text input routine that I could borrow, that would be great!

That's it!  Everything else is finished!

That's great news :D. That will definitively be a big hit when this is done. Often I had people asking me where they can download that Portal game in the Axe vid and I had to tell them it was still being worked on. :P Make sure to put it in Omni archives and so that it can be easily found. :D

I lost

EDIT: Deleted other post (ended up in wrong topic)
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 02:16:18 am by DJ_O »

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1012 on: November 14, 2012, 10:44:30 am »
* shmibs knows of a good text input routine =D
it's tucked away, a bit obtusely, in the source for tileIt!, but i'll go grab it and try to organise things legibly.
EDIT: hopefully this will make sense (and i didn't mess anything up during copy-pasta). it sticks a string in L1. the concept for doing it this way is originally from z.

Code: [Select]
<input loop begin>
:!If D-55
<trigger loop quit here>
:!If D-48
:If B
:If U
:!If D-54
<trigger loop completion here>
:If U>0
:!If D-56
:If U-<max length>
:If D>10 and (D<48) and (D≠33)
:If {D-11+GDB1}→T
<input loop end>

« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 11:08:30 am by shmibs »

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1013 on: November 14, 2012, 09:33:41 pm »
Thanks shmibs, but I actually remembered I had one from Firefall that also did lowercase and numbers, so I'm gonna grab that one.  Also, as a small update, I finished the build program to generate the Portal data-appvar, and modified Portal itself so that it reads from the appvar instead of internal data.  Moving the data out of the app freed up around 3000 bytes, so I'm super excited!  One more thing to check off the list!

EDIT: I actually went ahead and modified the list I made earlier with an update as well
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 09:35:05 pm by Builderboy »

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1014 on: November 14, 2012, 09:40:51 pm »
* shmibs would be curious to see how that one works. i could use something that works with numbers.
also, hooray for updates!

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1015 on: November 14, 2012, 09:51:54 pm »
Here it is, taken directly from FireFall.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 09:52:20 pm by Builderboy »

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1016 on: November 15, 2012, 04:13:14 am »
Woot, so this night while I was busy building some new puzzles I decided that it was finally time to do something I have been thinking of since the very early stages of portal.  Haha nothing big actually, but doors for buttons can now be sideways :D It's done automatically just like all the other map features, and was pretty easy to get working, but I thought I might show it off a little anyway :] This should make for some nice puzzles where you can press a button to open a trapdoor underneath a cube and drop it into a portal or something.

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1017 on: November 15, 2012, 06:57:12 am »
That's awesome, keep up the good work  :D
« Last Edit: November 15, 2012, 06:57:42 am by Hot_Dog »

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1018 on: November 15, 2012, 07:46:24 am »
I don't know if this is added already, but can you stack boxes? (and then, climb on them?)
I'm not a nerd but I pretend:

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Re: Portal Prelude
« Reply #1019 on: November 15, 2012, 12:55:21 pm »
No, box physics was never planned in that way.  It just causes too many problems due to the fact that boxes can go through portals.  Not only would I have to build something like Zedd, but it would also have to work through portals :P