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Messages - {AP}

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 65
Other Calculators / Re: Awesome Omnimaga rickrolling program.
« on: July 19, 2010, 06:48:40 pm »
Woah, nice. I wish I would've thought of abusing the function of Disp like that earlier. I had just thought about how to use it then I saw your post.

Awesome work.

Other Calculators / Re: Awesome Omnimaga rickrolling program.
« on: July 19, 2010, 06:23:52 pm »
The fastest I've managed is below.
I made a much smaller and more complicated one, but it was slower by a lot.
Also, because I'm cheating the bottom row isn't used. =P

Oh, and I don't have the calc cable so you gotta hand type it. (Also, I'm not sure how to easily make most of the original characters, so I just didn't. I'd have to grab the str that has all the special chars but the lack of a cable messed that up too.)
Code: [Select]
:While getKey≠105
:If A=1
:If A=2
:" mπ
:If A=3
:"  πi
:If A=4
:"   im
:If A=5
:"    ma
:If A=6
:"     ag
:If A=7
:"      ga
:Disp Ans
:If A=1 or A=7

Here's the smaller version:
Code: [Select]
:While getKey≠105
:If A>1
:" "+Ans
:Disp Ans
:If A=1 or A=7

TI Z80 / Re: Edge
« on: July 19, 2010, 05:48:27 pm »
I wanna make some comments on the story so far. Specifically, this:
Quote from: Edge
Hmm... You are a pawn, [name].  You and me both.
Until next time.  We'll be in touch.  Until then, get used to Edge.  It's a nice place.  Heh heh...

I see where you're going... but it just doesn't make much sense. You start with explain that "we're all pawns in something bigger" then then just suddenly cut off with a farewell. Seems like you'd either have to explain it more or take out the whole pawn part for now to be introduced when it can be explained. As it stands, it just looks so condensed.

Also, "Until next time.  We'll be in touch.  Until then..." seems repetitive. You could take out "Until next time" easily and it'll actually sound better. In fact, doing that may make the 'pawn' part not sound as bad cut off like it is.

To continue with the repetitiveness, we have "...get used to Edge.  It's a nice place." when we started off with "This world, Edge, is a fantastic place." Just seems like we heard it before, and we have. The entire 'farewell' could be changed to fit much better but how to change it would depend on the direction the story is going.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Really, I'm just wanting screenshots but thought I could help out a bit here since it just sounded so off to me but seemed like something that could be really great.

Now that I think about it, I'll have some time this weekend and I already know how to make the image uploader, so I'll do that this weekend and have something functional then. It probably won't look pretty, but it really doesn't have to as long as it works.

The userbar thing will not get done then though.

News / Re: Omnimaga reaches 5 millions requests. {AP} retires.
« on: July 19, 2010, 04:49:52 pm »
Thanks for the kind words everyone, but don't worry. I plan on sticking around. Omnimaga was the first place where I was able to share my projects and the first place to accept them even back in the crappy 'text adventure' days of my coding. I'll continue to share my projects here until the site is down for good even if they probably won't be calc projects anymore. (Although I do plan on doing at least one big project before I retire from calcs for good.)

Though I don't know how active I'll be while I'm still in college. It'll be random for sure. Maybe one full day or maybe a whole month at a time. Who knows. No matter what, I'll still be watching everyone's projects and maybe helping where time allows. You'll see me logged in a lot but I most likely won't be posting. If you need anything, feel free to IM me though. I can make some quick replies and such more easily that way.

For now, I'll try to keep posting for the rest of today.

If I get some time, I may set-up something like imageshack for Omnimaga on my server. (I wouldn't recommend sharing it with friend and such because I'm not sure how big of a load my server can handle and I don't want millions of random pictures sitting around on the server either, but if it's just for Omnimaga members then it should be fine.

Also, I planned on adding a log-in to the userbar site that will let you edit your userbars there and make them normal "userbar.png" links. The link never changes after you made it and you'll have to log in to change anything about the userbar, but it'll make it to where you don't have to change the link on every site you use the userbar for anymore. Of course, I'll keep the old system up so you can use the userbars without signing up and logging in if you want, but it'll be easier for you and Omnimaga to load. This is much harder to do right now since I just don't have the time and I don't quite have all the information on how to code in a log-in system yet but I'll have it implemented EVENTUALLY.

Other / Re: OMG -Today's XKCD!
« on: July 19, 2010, 03:34:54 pm »
Actually, I suddenly had a thought about having a position with the permissions of regular members that's called "Retired Coder of Tomorrow" or something similar. Just because I think if someone made the position then had to retire they should still be recognized more easily. (This goes for people other than me and even staff from the old sites too.) This wouldn't apply to members that were kicked out or banned, of course.

Anyway, just a thought while we were already derailed.

Other / Re: Another duplicate thread...
« on: July 19, 2010, 03:04:21 pm »
Goes to show that Omnimaga is still really active. I only checked the 'recent posts' thing at the top of the index and didn't see anything.

However, I have no idea if I'll have time again until I graduate at this rate. Maybe the periods between semesters... but that's about it.
Sorry everyone. Also, if you read this <insert admin here>, feel free to demote me. I don't really deserve the position anymore.

Other / Re: Another duplicate thread...
« on: July 19, 2010, 03:00:10 pm »
Ah, crap. That's what I get for not checking. x.x

On that note, I'll thread hijack this to let everyone know that college sucks and my activity is only going to get even WORSE.
I'm still keeping up with everyone's projects... but that's all I have time for. =(

Other / Another duplicate thread...
« on: July 19, 2010, 02:57:12 pm »
[Thread merged with the one above]

Humour and Jokes / Re: the answer to life the universe...
« on: July 14, 2010, 08:03:59 pm »
Type in any one of these phrases and hit 'I'm Feeling Lucky'.
Spoiler For Spoiler:
  • find Chuck Norris
  • google linux
  • google bsd
  • google klingon
  • google piglatin
  • google l33t
  • google gothic
  • google pirate
  • google bork
  • ewmew fudd

Also the calculator knows some more things than just '42'.
Try googling these:
Spoiler For Spoiler:
  • once in a blue moon
  • one over once in a blue moon
  • the loneliest number
  • number of horns on a unicorn
  • eight days per week
  • 399999999999999-399999999999998
  • how many feet in a smoot
  • how many seconds in a decade
  • What's the answer to life, the universe and everything multiplied by the speed of light divided by three teaspoons?
  • What is 30 gigabytes divided by 192kbps?

All I found. =P
(Loved the 'recursion' thing though.)

Miscellaneous / Re: Ambiguously Named Companies
« on: July 07, 2010, 12:43:01 pm »
Still better than PenIsland.

That's classic. xP
Sad thing is the site exists...

Humour and Jokes / Re: Good Idea!
« on: July 07, 2010, 12:27:42 pm »
Wow, I posted the first Randomness topic ever? Awesome~

What I get from the joke still is just how hilarious it is that someone tried to submit a crappy drawing as payment, had the banker email the picture back, told her that she must have emailed the wrong picture back, resubmitted a 'corrected' drawing in hopes of it being worth the amount he owed, and still got it back in the end. The whole situation is just hilarious to me.

The time travel reference was nothing but an automated response that he set up. (When you know you won't be able to respond to emails [like while on vacation], some systems let you set up an email that will automatically be sent to anyone who emails you.) No real time travel occurred and there's nothing special about the date of the last post.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: Anti-RPG RPG
« on: June 24, 2010, 06:15:01 pm »
Woah... completely forgot about this project. o.o
I'd like to see it done though. If you don't, I might just take your idea, twist it a bit, and use it myself. =P

General Discussion / Most Epic Kid Ever
« on: June 23, 2010, 10:04:01 pm »
In the first video, this girl is only 10 years old. Listen through it all. Seriously.
Every single part is recreated from scratch and played there. Even the drums.

In this one, she's 11.

Just... wow. x.x

This girl is only 13 now too so she has a long road of epic ahead of her.
* {AP} ish seriously jealous...

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