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News / Re: TI community updates
« on: December 12, 2008, 07:59:41 pm »
Not quite "missing"... just hibernating.
I was bored at one time and started a sidescrolling game.
Just to see if I could do it... and now that I have the engine... I'll be going back to Nyaar!

Don't worry, mates.
Progress will happen... just slowly.

Also, nice to hear some of these other games are still being worked on and updated.
(Mainly the LoZ game.)

Miscellaneous / Re: And so Begins the Rest of my Life
« on: December 06, 2008, 07:54:16 pm »
I don't plan on it. I'll just be on hiatus.

You're looking at a z80 programmer for life.
Even when it's considered obsolete, I'll continue trying to dish out new stuff.
Maybe even in ASM later. Who knows.
I'm not dropping my TI 84+ SE ever though. I love that machine.

Just so you know, I plan on joining an actual console video game making company down the line.
I'll keep everyone here updated when that happens too. (if Omnimaga is still going)

My point is... I'll be here at omnimaga, programming on my calculator forever.
It'll just be as often as life allows it is all.

Miscellaneous / And so Begins the Rest of my Life
« on: December 06, 2008, 07:23:14 pm »
In case some of you are interested in what's going on with my life and why my programming has temporarily halted.

Well, I've officially tolerated where I live long enough.
Next September I become 18 finally.
The summer before that (this next one coming up), I plan on moving out of my house and living with my (long distance) girlfriend.

(Note: No worries, I've met her in real life last summer and we've been dating for over 2 years. Three by the time I'm 18. We're both more than convinced that we're going to be together forever, so none of this is an issue. Even her mom is in full support of our relationship... and her dad isn't as much... but he doesn't live with her and is quite insane. Everyone wants him dead. Not important though.)

Now... this doesn't seem like anything bad at all. In fact, it's a refreshing breath of air from my childhood.
Seems like a dream come true.

There is ONE issue... I'll have to plan on getting a job while attending (and hopefully passing) my senior year of high school (assuming I pass this year...).
I'll be living with her and her mom for a few years at least... but they're not exactly rolling in money.
So, I'll have to be helping a lot. Not to mention, I'll have to help with bills and food expenses while saving for college so I can get a better job and eventually a house of our own.

I'll have start-up money from friends to get there and live a month or two.
I don't know if I have my parents support yet since I don't want to worry them until I've gotten everything planned.
But, they can't stop me from going since I'll be 18.

I've decided that no matter what... I'm following through with my plan though.
It's going to be hard... there will be bad times...
But if I stay here... I'll go insane. I know it.
I'm safer leaving.

TI Z80 / Re: Game Info & Progress
« on: December 06, 2008, 05:42:27 pm »
I like the look, Necro.
I'll probably go for it until I finish the rest of the game.

Also, I'm sorry guys. I won't be programming again for a bit.
My whole life is about to get really... different.
I'll explain later. Anyway, I'm not abandoning Nyaar.
It's just delayed for awhile.

TI Z80 / Re: Pokemon Stadium - Battle Simulator in the works
« on: December 04, 2008, 07:55:21 am »
Looks better, indeed.
I'm just wondering... is it really that slow or is that just the screenshot that's slow?

Other Calculators / Re: Test Project
« on: November 30, 2008, 09:01:35 pm »
Cool. =D

I'd work on WoW... but that'd require ASM knowledge... and frankly... I don't have time to learn. (or the patience)

Anyway, yeah... Nyaar. I'll begin working on it again.
I decided that animations (and BG) will be done last.
I should get the dungeon system out of the way first.

(EDIT: If you have any questions on what to put for the download information, just ask.)

Other Calculators / Re: Test Project
« on: November 30, 2008, 08:50:31 pm »
I never knew how limited BASIC was when it came to being able to have multiple moving objects.
It makes a lot of game types seem impossible.

I'm glad I was able to do something decent with it.
It's actually kinda fun playing with.
Was more fun programming though.

I thought I'd have a longer break from Nyaar... but it looks like since this is done, I'll be going back to it.
Unless, I have a different idea for a game... but it's doubtful.

Other Calculators / Re: Test Project
« on: November 30, 2008, 08:14:10 pm »
I normally hate to double post.
But, I'd like to say that this project is finished in my eyes.
(unless I get some more suggestions)
Just look below.

I made all balls come from the top.
Three difficulty levels which limit the area you can move around in and, in effect, makes the balls slightly faster.
Highscore system that manages all 3 difficulty scores individually.
New scoring system. Now, the closer you are to the top, the more points you get per dodge.
Fixed my old problem of running straight through the balls.

Download below. Enjoy. =D

(EDIT: I forgot the Pic... >_< Updated the attachment.
Also, you can easily have both Nyaar and Dodgeball on your calc at the same time.
Just make sure that the Pic1 from dodgeball is the one on your calc.)

TI Z80 / Re: Illusiat on a TI-81
« on: November 30, 2008, 06:19:06 pm »
Nice work.
Nothing I could tolerate doing on an 81.
Those are hellish machines... >_<

Other Calculators / Re: Test Project
« on: November 30, 2008, 05:46:16 pm »
xLIB/Celtic III getkey (real(8))

If anyone wants to look at the code or try the game out... by all means go ahead.
It's attached to this post.

Any suggestions that anyone has are welcome.
I'm just proud to have gone this far in about 3-4 hours total (of actually programming and testing) on my own.

(EDIT: Game requires Celtic III, which is included in the ZIP.)

Other Calculators / Re: Test Project
« on: November 30, 2008, 05:38:30 pm »
Though, I fixed it so it does whether or not.
It was a missing End... >_<

Anyway... everything's cool now.
Still, wish I could make the keypresses more responsive.
No luck on optimizing that yet.

Other Calculators / Re: Test Project
« on: November 30, 2008, 05:25:46 pm »
Actually, I have a variable based system.
The others seem like they'd take away a lot of extra space and probably speed too.
Though, I'm not positive.

Well, here's progress so far.

Which brings me to my next weird problem.
As you can see in the second play through, after "Not a highscore" was displayed... it said 'Done' and finished which is weird because it's set up like this.
Code: [Select]
If (you didn't get a highscore)
(Processes highscore changing)
Goto (starting menu)
Lbl Q    //Lbl for the 'quit' option from the menu
As you can see... getting a highscore is cool.
But if you don't... it just Stops the program for some reason.

(EDIT: Found the problem... missing End.)

Other Calculators / Re: Test Project
« on: November 30, 2008, 03:27:35 am »
Well, how I draw them is by XORing them in (updating LCD) then XORing them out immediately after (don't update LCD).
It's how I did all of my menus. That way it looks like it's still there and is still there according to it's location, but I don't have to do any checks or anything to get things working.

Unexpected test result. It turns out that if you run at a ball straight on... you'll dodge it.
It has to do with the fact that the code checks if you and the ball occupy the same spot.
Example (ball = O; player = X):







Those are the exact locations after each run through of the game loop.
So they never actually occupy the same spot.
Though it still looks like you should have been hit.

I can't honestly think of a way to fix this either...

Other Calculators / Re: Test Project
« on: November 30, 2008, 03:05:04 am »
No problem, the balls are XOR'd and the character is OR then XORd.
The reason the character is done that way is so it only erases during a keypress (getting rid of him flashing repeatedly).
Now that I think of it though, I'll try handling the balls the same way as the character... might be better.

Other Calculators / Re: Test Project
« on: November 29, 2008, 11:39:54 pm »
Each time the Repeat goes through, it moves all the balls in the direction they need.

(EDIT: I have 4 going now. One from each side of the screen. Only issue now is the slow response on key presses.)

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