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Messages - 123outerme

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zStart does that already (on monochrome z80 calcs), among a lot of other things.
Oh, thanks :P

By the way, TI-Thrash was inspired by one of my previous projects, a menu-based fighting game. SSB Open somewhat gave me the idea to make it real-time, though :P

TI Z80 / Re: [TI-Basic] "Wrench" Utility Pack-(8x series)
« on: September 04, 2014, 04:33:59 pm »
I happen to be doing the same thing on a 68k calculator, just worse and more math-like. I don't think it deserves a thread so there isn't going to be one.
Nah, give it a thread. I want to see what it looks like :)

General Discussion / Re: best video game music
« on: September 03, 2014, 06:25:57 pm »

(only first ~20 seconds)

TI Z80 / Re: [BASIC] TI-Thrash (8x Calcs)
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:31:38 pm »
This doesn't happen to be the troll game in your sig, right? :trollface:
No, that one I may not even do :P

This kinda reminds me my Mortal Kombat game for the 83+SE from early 2002 actually. I only had like 2 moves, though (kicking and throwing a laz0r). TO do 2 player link mode you'll probably need an ASM utility, because in BASIC it's only possible to send stuff to another calc when the other calc is in pause or outside a program.

Thanks for the info, DJ Omnimaga! I'll update the poll and stuff.

TI Z80 / Re: [BASIC] TI-Thrash (8x Calcs)
« on: September 02, 2014, 06:31:48 pm »
Definitely seems like a good way to past some short time in class, but it seems very difficult to tell what's happening.
Keep up the work!
Thanks! I'll hopefully work that out in time, but for right now, I'm chipping away large pieces of the engine.

TI Z80 / [BASIC] TI-Thrash (Color) (8x Calcs)
« on: September 02, 2014, 05:14:22 pm »
TI-Thrash (Color) is a homescreen arcade-style fighting game. It includes multiple characters, who beat up on a CPU. (By the way, it is possible to block counterattacks)
P.S.: Thanks to Imgur for glitching out and deleting all my beta screenshots! I hate you Imgur.

Here's my screenshot (V1.1):

And in color (2.0B):

The "jump" at the end was the Super Thrash attack. Also, if you see me use strange moves, that's because I implemented combos, and the two are called Uppercut and Jab.
There's a secret character ;) See if you can find it!

Spoiler For Changelog V1.1:
*Now, the 0 has a different Super Thrash attack
*Fixed/improved a few things

Spoiler For Changelog V2.1 (Color version):
*Optimized size/speed
*Fixed issue with blocking a counterattack timing

TI Z80 / [TI-Basic] "Wrench" Utility Pack-(8x series)
« on: September 01, 2014, 07:31:04 pm »
I have started work on a utility pack for oncalc programmers such as myself. It can run on any 8x series calculator, including the CSE (as usual, with me). Those of you on #omnimaga around the time of this post have seen the GIF of the Token Search utility. If you have any suggestions, feel free to post them!

Spoiler For Info:
-Token Search has you type in the token you wish to copy, and it searches for a command in it's database. These commands include ones only found in the Catalog (sub(, length(, etc) and some commands that require a lot of menuing (or, xor, list symbol, etc)

-Routine Search (called "Routines") lets you look through a list of routines (movement, list to string, etc) and copy them to Str2.

-getKey Codes waits until you press a key, and returns its getKey value. You can then use it again or quit. (Thanks to princetonlion for this idea!)

-Text Centerer has you input the number of letters (characters, really) and if the calc you're working with is a CSE or monochrome (for figuring out compatibility). It outputs the X value that your Output( command should be set to.

Spoiler For Images:

Spoiler For To Do:
*Add more utilities

Could someone make a program that allows you to go to any Lbl command in any given program? That would be really cool  ;D

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: September 01, 2014, 12:20:38 pm »
7014: When your class supplies list for math says "TI-84+ calculator" you think "that's not nice to the 83+ and CSE owners!'
7015: When you see "AAA batteries" under "TI-84+ calculator", you think "Got that covered. I have a CSE."

TI Z80 / Re: Engine - A BASIC Todo List: Drive Your Goals
« on: August 31, 2014, 10:13:35 pm »
Released 1.2.5, which does this:

Spoiler For Changelog 1.2.5:
Changelog 1.2.5:
*Actually fixed bug that quits when adding a list item
*Fixed bug that doesn't allow items to be checked off
*Small tweaks

Uploaded to the OP.

TI Z80 / Re: Engine - A BASIC Todo List: Drive Your Goals
« on: August 30, 2014, 01:29:39 pm »
Uploaded 1.2.4 to the OP.

Spoiler For Changelog 1.2.4:
Changelog 1.2.4:
*Fixed minor issue with adding a list item

TI Z80 / Re: Engine - A BASIC Todo List: Drive Your Goals
« on: August 28, 2014, 05:11:38 pm »
Uploaded a small fix as 1.2.2.

Spoiler For Changelog 1.2.2:
Changelog 1.2.2:
*Fixed a small bug with the minigames list

And another fix as 1.2.3:

Spoiler For Changelog 1.2.3:
Changelog 1.2.3:
*Added "Saving" message
*Fixed small issues

TI Z80 / Re: Engine - A BASIC Todo List: Drive Your Goals
« on: August 27, 2014, 05:32:56 pm »
Spoiler For Changelog 1.2:
*Fixed most actions messing text up
*Fixed a few minor bugs having to do with starting up Engine without LENSAV
*Locked editing capabilities
*Small optimizations
Uploaded to the OP.

Spoiler For Changelog 1.2.1:
Changelog 1.2.1:
*Fixed a few bugs

TI Z80 / Re: Engine - A BASIC Todo List: Drive Your Goals
« on: August 26, 2014, 11:29:02 pm »
Added Version 1.1.

Spoiler For Changelog 1.1:
Changelog 1.1:
*Added "Again" option (you can repeat minigames)
*Added "Won Sparks" message wheb you win Sparks in minigames
*Fixed Options

TI Z80 / Re: Engine - A BASIC Todo List: Drive Your Goals
« on: August 26, 2014, 04:38:24 pm »
It is only allowed if it are big updates, but then also not 7 times in one single day, that is just way too much. Next time just edit your post, except if it is a really major update. Or like, just post a update every 12h for a rule-of-thumb? IDK

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