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Messages - GoZippy

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Ok - this was my original thought too.. so as I said above - I attempted to install the version... it got stuck on the loading screen after trying to  install the os... basically I got through the steps to delete the OS then copy the new os over..

It froze up... I had to delete again and then install the newer version to get it alive again..

I will try again but I think there may be a trick or a step I am missing to be able to go back to the lower 3.1 os...

I followed the instructions and read up well.. but perhaps missed something...

I used nLaunch to install CAS on my CX.

1) followed instructions to point of OS selection - I chose to DL the posted TI-NspireCXCAS_3.2.3.1233.tcc
2) I then used TNOC and copied the output to phoenix.tns
3) used TI link to transfer to documents/nlaunch
4) I reset.. diag mode then deleted OS
5) I then transferred over the nlaunch.tnc
6) reset - and Yippie! It installed the CAS OS on my CX!
7) tried to use the previously installed mViewer... not working..
8) ndless appears to not work now... went to ndless website - it says 3.2.3 not supported... ???

Am I missing something?

I then tried to downgrade back to the versions using the same above instructions, but it hung up on the installing OS... so I went back to the version and it works again - but no ndless or mviewer

Any ideas on what I can do now?

I would like to be able to open my pdf files - but more important is the ability to view my saved png and jpg graph screenshots and other images...


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