Hello guys, it's been some time

I'm no longer doing much with calculators, but I'm still programming quite a lot. Currently I'm building a telescope with some class mates and I'm writing the software for its control. We use a Pi B+ to manage everything but since it doesn't have its own clock I figured I'd buy an RTC module. The project is almost due though so getting the Adafruit one for the Pi would have taken too long so I bought one at a local store, a DS1302 (
http://www.okaphone.com/artikel.asp?id=472987, sorry for the dutch). It's originally for the Arduino I believe, but I followed this guide to use it with my Pi:
http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/12310/would-it-be-possible-to-use-the-ds1302-made-for-arduinoIt now works in the sense that I can set the time and read from it, but I've encountered a major problem: the clock doesn't seem to "tick" when unplugged from the Pi. It remembers the time it had before disconnecting though, so I don't believe the battery is dead. In the datasheet I found
http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS1302.pdf I found something about a clock halt flag, but I'm not sure if that's it or how to fix it.
Is anyone familiar with this (type of) clock and could help me fix it? It would greatly ease the user experience