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Messages - inoooob

Pages: [1]
News / Re: Transform your CX into a CX-C and install the dictionnary!
« on: October 24, 2013, 06:34:55 pm »
Do you have to reinstall anything related to Ndless after you make the CX into a CX-C?
Such as emulators, nClock, anything?

No, you don't.
cx2cxc just modifies some flag in RAM, which makes the OS behave differently.

You don't even have to reboot to install the dictionnary.
Hi how did you even install cx2cxc file? Caz I did not even know how to put it in my calculator.

News / Re: Transform your CX into a CX-C and install the dictionnary!
« on: October 24, 2013, 06:32:51 pm »
I've used the patch, but where do I find the dictionary to install?

What happened:
The box said that it mimics a CX-C yada yada yada
I go to the home screen and a gray line appears but no "D" for dictionary.
When I change my language to Chinese, the D appears, but it says that you must ask a teacher to install the dictionary.

Where do I find it?
Hi how did you even install cx2cxc file? Caz I did not even know how to put it in my calculator.

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